Should we allow sexual lessons in school or not? Or is it degenerate?

should we allow sexual lessons in school or not? Or is it degenerate?

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stupid thot poster


nah just let em fuck without understanding, that will solve everything

whats a babby

whats a bortion

whats a ids

Idc I just wanna suck on those Milkers till they deflate

No its ultra degenerate, but god damn those milkies

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fpbp as usual

Are Russians even humans, how can one be so weird looking and speaking?

It's degenerate but a nice fantasy. When I was in high school I used to fantasize about being required to fuck the hottest girls in the class to 'practice' safe sex with condoms.

Of course in my fantasy all of the classmates were women. I also fantasized about being the class example for male anatomy and all of the girls in the class would be encouraged to come up and stroke my cock to "see what men are like".

Kind of a weird fantasy but it's what I thought of back then, you are basically suggesting we do the same in real life, which would be degenerate outside of a high schoolers fantasy and wet dreams

What are they supposed to (((understand)))?

Penis goes into vagina, 9 months later baby comes out. Anything more than that is (((sex ed))) and subversive.

Nice. Now i know what roastie means in russian.

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If we keep importing niggers the least we can do is teach them what an STD is and how to have safe sex so we don't end up with a billion AIDSniglets

kids aren't retarded. They know what's up. Basics of this shit are on biology 1. Moral aspect should be filled in by parents. The state should have nothing to do with it.

less retarded than my fantasy of Mayor Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie falling on top of me from the upper part of bunk bed.

Based pole


fat russian whore

As long as they use lube it should be OK, simple rule though, if it don't fit don't force it.


Time for some funny shit.

My wife came from a super conservative country and was raised by ultra conservative grandparents. She was in her late 20's when she found out babies came out of the vagina and assumed women shat them out until told otherwise. She was absolutely clueless in regards to sexual matters in general. It was a long road explaining basic stuff to her. Literally a khv when I met her because she was a shut in terrified of people. She still doesn't leave the house for anything other than grocery shopping, but she at least talks to guests when they come over now instead of hiding in another room and shaking with fear.

What's the point of this video, I mean officially?

It's some sort of educational video on female sex organs, yet it's 18+. Which 18+ year old doesn't know about vagane and bobs?

Yes or we end like nigger staates of amerniggers!

Knowledge before superstition!

That's funny, Rabbi. Better stuff (((sex ed))) into every child then.

>What's the point of this video, I mean officially?
To get kids into sex at a young age.

You see that is what i mean!

FFS we cant become a third world shit hole like america.

And where did you find her or what did you pay the grandparents for the child?

Like WTF is that even real what you write?

to prevent sex and explain what heppens if the put the pee pee in bagoo you fuck tard.

"Sexual education" insofar as where exactly babies come from, sure.

But they don't need to get down to the nitty gritty of making the baby. Porn will do that sooner or later.

Fuck off kike

That probably is the purpose, but it can't be the reason they put forward, because they explicitly state to not watch the video if you're not an adult.


There, done. Let them figure out the rest.

This is retarded.
I was never educated by anyone about my sexual organs, yet I have full understanding of them, because they are MINE. One has to be a stupid fuck to not know how his peepee orjayjay works.

Got her from Vietnam. Yup, all true.

Trying to have a kid. Hope it's a boy, I want to name him Charlie, amazingly enough she doesn't get the joke because she knows fuck all about the Vietnam American war.

Crazy thing is, she is incredibly smart when it comes to programming, math, figuring out new concepts, etc. She is just scared of people and incredibly ignorant about romance, sex, and social interactions.

Ignorance, luckily, can be fixed.

>showing pussy on tv prevents sex

Yeah, no.

>don't watch this!
>makes people more curious to watch this

It's called reverse psychology. Similar to asking people not to push this button, but many people push the button to see what happens.

absolutely degenerate.

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No, just teach them the biology. Especially the fact that anal sex spreads STDs like wildfire.

do what Ontario did. make them experts, and hire a pedo to design the curriculum

You do undertsand that its a lesson so there is also talking the like that second covert bagina is doing.

Holly fuck your the reason sex education must be mandatory and forced by law.

>of fuck no i saw a penis on tv I will be gay now

T.fucking you

Jow Forums here, we need some meme magic from you guys.

A couple of us have realized that currently, mining a cryptocurrency on a shitty laptop earns more than a full time job does in Venezuela. If this can be spread to the Venezuelan people, we can launch an ANCAP decentralized currency revolution there, to fuck over their corrupt commie government and save some lives in the process.

NIMIQ is a shitcoin, but works perfectly for this; it's designed to be incredibly normie friendly and takes about 3 minutes to get in to, and can only be mined on normal CPU's due to the Argon2 protocol on which it's built. This means that any Venezuelan grandma can set up her old ThinkPad and mine enough to survive.

We already have a twitter and discord up and running, facebook page coming soon. But we need help getting the message to start spreading. Really, this is so straight forward that all it needs is to get noticed.

Can you guys harness your energies and get the ball rolling?


Based bulgar

Fuck off we are full

Hans, you haven't seen our progressive (((sex ed))) in Netherlands, haven't you? Look for ''spuiten en slikken'' (squirt and swallow). Funded by dutch tax dollars to (((educate))) our kids.

I'm a father with two kids. A daughter age 11 and a son age 6.
My wife has told our daughter about periods as she's going through that now. I've discussed sexual matters with my son in a way that he understands - that's a dad job.
Sex education should be given by the parents. The government has no place in this.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Aww, baby that was fantastic. Love you

Best answer on the internet.


Fuck off Eurofag.

>Sex education should be given by the parents.
Key word: should. You largely overestimate the capabilities of people, common sense is rare nowadays.

I'll come over and fuck her if you will name the kid after me.

Nice story, Jew.

No I didnt because i live in a real country swamp german.

I was first educated by book about sex by a teacher in sperated classes for males only.

Then we had a scientific video of how sex is practiced and so on where all watched it.
Cold emotion less, the act without any faggtry.

I do not speak or understand swamp and there is no translation of it.

sex ed is nothing more than scare tactics designed to discourage breeding among the educated, native populations.

if sex ed actually explained how reproduction occurs that would be one thing. All these fucking idiots in their late 30's realizing it's maybe its too late to have kids have sex ed to thank for their general ignorance on how not to survive as a race.

>i live in a real country
I've bad news for you, Hans.

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My penis is stiff, but this is absolutely degenerate.

pretty boobies

nigga very few people in south america have thinkpads or thinkpad-tier laptops. people would rather buy a motorcycle instead.

sex ed is useless becouse kids at this age already watch porn regulary

No sex ed. Maybe the basics would be good, but you open that door a crack and the leftists are going to shill for trannies and full degeneracy.

Besides, until we solve the porn problem, there's not much the schools are going to add anyway.

I'm surprised not more people commented on the video from the OP

>syphilis pox
Hard pass.

how so?

hes not elected and Political dead.

Soon for real.

Dont you have anything better lesser swamp German?

Your troops did put up more resistance on our 1940 stroll thou the park then you do now!

Merkel, please.

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She reminds me of my wife when we first met.

>She will age well, as long as she stays off the heavy makeup and calories.

>things that never happened

Europeans confirmed as the worst shit posters

>What are Memes???
To the normie, memes are comedy and nothing else
To others... Memes are a means of communication.
>A way to speak without words
And right now most of you are aware that YOU ARE PSYCHIC...
>The very thing the enemy fears
YOU are literally 21st Century Spirit Monks waging memetic warfare against the enemy...

THEY will Never be able to understand or read the memes like you do.
>they will never Become like us

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You need grown men with guns to burn down the school and rape the girl children.
Maybe let the boys live, maybe not.

No, it happened.

Don't assume it is me promoting the jew education on sex, but it is an example of how you can't exactly trust people to teach their kids about sex.

death to normys!

wow so traditional

agreed. only reason the state ever got a foot in the door here is because of the high parental neglect throughout society.

You just walked into Vietnam and headed to nearest Shut In Waifus office or what?

Poor teacher that has to teach that subject with a bunch of horny 16 year old girls

Not sure but I know I want to be a teacher giving lessons to your OP pic girl if there are such lessons

>my god

Ah the good ol' African model

Yes. An ideal plan would be like this. Teach the ones in grade one about the different private parts. Teach the ones in grade two about the different genders. Help them choose their gender.

Fat girl wants to preserve a picture of herself being the ideal 'world traveling beauty' she sees herself as. "Take a picture of me over this quaint European street". "I'm going to look thoughtful and noble, so I can remember my youth this way when I become a wise old world-weary woman."

"I went to Europe during summer break, slept with 6 dark european men. It's just like the novels, tee hee. Quick, get my tits in the shot before they start sagging."

no you fucking memeflag kike fuck this slide thread

>No, it happened.
now that changes everything

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