Why is Russia bad again?

Why is Russia bad again?

Not shilling for them, just confused as to why the media is always making them out to be our worst enemy.

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Unfinished Jew business

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because liberals are a bunch of faggots who can't accept defeat so they are reaching for whatever straw they can.

It's a shithole ruled by a retarded manlet oligarch who bullies other countries

Print this and post it up in your neighbourhood so the goyim will know how bad russia is

Attached: 1531877288931.jpg (768x1024, 173K)

Because it was her turn but the people didn't go for it.

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Because they kicked out the kike oligarchs/commies, put the clamps down on fags trying to "teach" kids about their perversion, and are pro Christianity.

It's like hitler rose from the grave

The Jew fears the Slav.

Basically this, and they also illegally invade and annex parts of countries as they want. They are rabid expansionist authoritarian state, very dangerous and aggressive. They must be destroyed at all costs.

This is a low IQ effort

To be fair its not really that they're bad its that they compete for natural resources with us world wide.

Just think of it as oil companies using nations to stage little political fist fights and you'll get it.

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I think it's because they don't like faggots.

They dont have to be destroyed and nobody ever proposed going to war with them unless they attack NATO. The manlet should be shunned and ignored sanctioned into oblivion and cut off from the global financial system and have them rot in their shithole for as long as they like or until they decide to get rid of the retarded manlet

The drug ravaged minds of boomers think the cold war was fought between two land masses and not a war of ideologies.

Russia has lots of rickety nuclear tipped ICBMs just laying around that could go off or fall into the wrong hands.

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Pic related is that (you)

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That's literally my dad


>Why is Russia bad again?
The state and its many branches needs a boogeyman to justify its existence and now that the American people are getting tired of the same on Muslim terror group it is back to claiming Russia is the great enemy.


omit the ad hom and the same statement has been true of the US since WW2

They're always the enemy goy. STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!

Because Stalin didn't let the Jews take over their country. They've been pissed ever since.

Because the globalist were flat out trying to isolate the Russian federation and reduce it's influence in eastern Europe by destabilizing the Ukraine> The globalist intel agencies were instrumental in the 2014 uprising, not just the US, the US were the ones caught though.
The Russians however had been pushed a little too far with the threat to their only warm water port being thretened with the loss of Crimea which was at that point in Ukrainian territory so they countered the uprising.

Because it's not Ok to be white

Attached: ok to be white.jpg (790x444, 16K)

Very clever. I admire your subversion, user.


The normies need someone to direct their 2 minutes hate towards every day

because Russia hates the Jew and the faggots that rule you

Because they are imperialistic scum who wish to control all of Eurasia.

They've always been bad. They've just made a lot of progress lately appealing to Western social conservatives.

He's made out to be a stupid-ass drunk in this scene. Do better

Russia is bad because some assholes in DC want fight a nuclear war for fun and profit. Detente + sanctions doesn’t make the MIC as much money as a new Cold War arms race & regional proxy fights in Syria or Iran or Yemen or NK.

>their only warm water port
technically speaking Murmansk, Novorossiysk, and Vladivostok are warm water ports

There is no reason to hate the Russians, they are a brilliant part of Eastern Europe, and they have created such wonderful artistic works as those by Dostoyevsky, and Tarkovsky.

are you implying that russia isnt full of stupid ass drunks

This is a genuinely marxist understanding of politics...wow

It's not Marxist, it's just realist.

Shlomo decreed it!

>Assuming you are not a slide and I will see more than one post by this id...
Why is it Russia, easy enough, for context I am a burger living about an hour away from Russia and interact with them semi regularly.

>Cold war history
It is easy because even though peace was made and Russia is nothing like what it was, most people only know about the Russia that was and not what Russia is now.
>Unknown Enemy
People really do not know much about Russia and Russian culture, it is easy to make stuff up and imply things when your people know nothing about the "enemy."
The propaganda already exists. Just look at decades of Hollywood movies depicting Russia as evil. Most people minds are filled with pictures of 60's era Russian communist buildings in Siberia. Just don't go on google street view and look around Moscow now.
>They are angry and evil looking
Again, from a lack of understanding about Russian culture and the fact that they consider a non-sincere smile to be rude. Get drunk with some Russians and you will see how happy and joking they are, and they are not like drunk Russians in the movies.

Russia is not a bad place, people are nice enough, corruption is an issue there, but it is just as bad in the US. People are only taught about the bad aspects of Russia, and the good aspects of the US.

To make it simple. They're our competition. Always have, always will. The only problem is the left are full of a bunch of lazy un-competitive faggots.


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God Bless Mother Russia

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Because they need evil boogeyman to blame their failures and success of their opponents on. And since Russia vs West is a strong sentiment still in some circles and the country DOES have certain imperial aspirations still (even if not indulged the way people like to portray them) Russia makes an ideal scapegoat.

No it is seriously, core part of marxism is the base/superstrcture dichotomy. where the base ultimately controls what happens in society. If you constantly see anti-russian shit in the superstructure there is a cause in the base of society. A huge part of US national interests is in oil, Russia has tons of it and competes along similar axes. This isn't the full story but its a decent start.

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they exposed the luciferian left as the pedo cannibals they are

and Iran
nuke that fake ass state israel off the face off the map already

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