Why do women love these meaningless rings and why are they expensive...

Why do women love these meaningless rings and why are they expensive ? pretty clever idea to make something useless expensive.

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It's not useless. It entitles her to divorce your ass and get most all of your shit. Maybe alimony too.

>Why do women love these meaningless rings
Your answer, is money.

Artificial diamond is cheap now. You could get that ring under 130eur.

Good marketing by debeers.

Diamonds aren't even a precious stone and have fuck all resell value. The gold is okay, but usually ridiculously over inflated.

Most women think that I'd the man sacrifices enough for a ring it shows he is committed to the relationship enough to sacrifice for it.

It is dumb logic really. I would rather buy a new car for them. It costs about the same, but is actually worth a damn.

I made a group of Asian girls cry on the weekend when I showed them you can get a 4.8 carat Russian diamond for $100, they have $100,000’s worth of diamonds


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greatest marketing and creation of a monopoly in the history of humanity

Quadrillion tons of diamonds in Earth. Not exactly rare.

the emotions that surround it

Yeah but that's lab grown mate

Is there any way to meme diamonds to be synonymous with slavery? Something like "a nigger died for every diamond" basically the blood diamond angle

so the artificial one is not as hard as the natural one, I presume?

Maybe it's a (((merchant))) thing. How important is it to buy a diamond in Europe versus America?

Women like them because they're an expensive item that there is no reason to buy except that women like them. It signals your willingness to spend a lot of money for no other reason than to please her. It means she has successfully disabled your brain.

>Why do women love these meaningless rings and why are they expensive ?
I thought I would never said it non-ironically but... jewish conspiracy. Seriously, you can find some articles about it.
pic unrelated

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Here is your answer youtu.be/DOXp1iUvYvE


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Actually they're identical structurally & chemically. Evaluators have a hard time telling the difference, but the fact thats it's lab grown does drive down the price

Putting a ring on her finger is important to indicate she is taken, but don't spend a fortune on the worthless rocks called diamonds.

no, it's harder. only way to tell natural grown diamonds from lab grown diamonds is the imperfections and inclusions in natural ones. chemically it's just a cubic carbon crystal either way. natural diamonds aren't even that rare, the price is hugely inflated by a monopoly keeping back supply and stimulating demand with marketing.

That's an engagement ring, dipshit, not a wedding band.

Lab grown are actually more pure if i recall.

Reminder that there is literally a national park in Arkansas where you can just pick the fuckers up off the ground and large stones have been found as recently as 2015.

Or have less imperfection or something like that.

Diamond prices are artificially inflated by DeBeers. Get your wife that alternative even more sparkly rock.

Women are moneysexual.

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With the massive costs of breeding with modern women, it will eventually be more cost effective to reproduce with artificial wombs, and have sex with sexbots.

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I bought a cubic zirconia stone for my wife, with a silver ring (her preference, she doesn't actually like gold) and I spent a grand total of $150. We spent $10 for my ring. We're both perfectly happy and have no plans on "upgrading". You anons just have to find a girl who doesn't give a shit about that kind of stuff.

Yes. Lab grown diamonds are essentially perfect, and gemologists will know that it's lab grown because if it weren't, a structurally perfect, colorless diamond would be on the order of $50-100k/ct.

It represent the male fiancée's monthly salary. Show everyone how much you earn by buying the most expensive ring you can afford. It's traditional.

It's a status thing. It doesn't matter that it's an impractical waste of money, a large diamond makes her friends envious and that's all that's important

they're pretty :3 t:gurl

I agree that for the most part diamonds are overpriced and pretty stupid, but for my wife's ring I reset a really nice old world diamond from my great grandfather's ring that my dad had worn his whole life. The sentiment is much more valuable to me than the actual diamond and it means a lot to imagine the history of the stone that the woman who is raising my children wears every day.

it's recent thing ~100years, when humans moved to anonymous cities from smaller settlements one huge problem aroused: young ladies playing the game as their mothers used to(boy meets the girl, some intimacy->wedding->kids..) resulted in terrbile tragedies becuase ladies were tricked by psychopatic chads into unprotected sex (no real birth control then)
hence the solution - ring in the amount of 1/10th of boy yearly salary = way more expensive than prostitute so the game was changed:boy meets the girl, boy gives up 1/10 of his salary, some intimacy -> wedding->kids..
nowadays obsolete because of birth control, but it's a good business so it continues.

> doesnt know what the ring is meant to represent
> still has opinions and shit
its a fucking dowry faggot.
it represents the mans commitment to marry her and provides a safety net if shit goes sideways, like say, he runs off with a waitress half his age, dies or goes to prison.
thats why if she breaks off the engagement, she has to give the ring back, if he breaks it off, she gets to keep the ring.
its little more than a proffer of a couple goats and 50 guineas in gold. we just pretend its different because dowries are considered too rustic, yet the tradition remains strong.

One of the few times where a CH vieo is usefull.

This really.
Back when artificially made diamonds were new they had more imperfections and the marketting was that the ‘real’ ones were more pure.
Now the artificially made ones are much purer so the ‘real’ diamonds now have character.

Basically this. Men are valued on what they can provide, when men compete against each other, it's often status tied to how much money they earn, and subsequently show off.

Women aren't valued on what they can provide, but rather for their youth and beauty, so females compete with one another by flaunting what class of man they're capable of getting into a relationship with. And expensive rings and jewelry are indicators of the wealth and therefore value of that man.

It's a fundamental disconnect between men and women, men earn value and women spend it. If you look at female earnings and tax contributions it's lower than mens, but their spending into the economy is actually way higher than mens, it's something like 85% of all goods purchased is by women.

I think pure gold rings look better anyway, so why support an monopoly creating artificial scarity

Don't fall for the diamond jew.

Only women who are stupid and easily brainwashed.

There's a reason you can't sell a diamond on the secondary market. Never pay retail. They are worthless.