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They were asking for it

...what? This might be the worst non sequitur ever.

He didn't even mention his nephew who was at Sandy Hook

It was his wife's son and don't you ever talk to them again

But our PM defended Trump

Should have taken them on as hand luggage.

Look here.

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typical dumb australian dick head.
he doesn't know jack shit about the political climate of the world at the moment, or the events surrounding MH17.
a collected effort between the UK, ukraine and other countries including australia killed his children, not muh putin.

Just a gossip

Russian-backed rebels shot down MH17 you fucking idiot


>picked the cheapest, shittiest airline out there
>the dumbasses actually flew over a warzone
I guess I'd be angry too if my relatives died but this could be entirely preventable if the people on that airplane weren't cheapskates.

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I'm Australian and I love Trump.
Why wasn't I consulted?

>father who left the safety of his 3 children to another man or men


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Was actually going to make a joke but this pic got me right in the feels

>retards fly over war zone
>doesn't blame Malaysia airlines

idgaf fuck strayins bitch dumb cunts shouldnt have been allowed to leave their prison colony in the first place. stupid kids. id mail the dad a stingray

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>everyone in the world should die in a nuclear war because this guy’s children died as collateral damage in another war
fuck off, I’m not sacrificing any of my people for your destructive vengeance fantasy

Stupid drumpf not going to war with Russia so there can be more dead children!!

Wish they shot down a few dozen rioting airliners instead. Could have gotten rid of a few mudslimes and their supporters and had a real happening.

>so you have nothing
but trump still has his kids

>some random hohols shoot down a plane
>drumpf did this

Why has the father not picked up a rifle and gone off to see vengeance himself? Because he seems to want others to send their children to die in a war just to make him feel better. It’s tragic that his children died but fuck off we’re not adding more senseless deaths to the pile

why did the stupid kids and their dumb grandfather cross the warzone?
to get to the other side.


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>Let's go to war with Russia killing millions (if not billions) of people because my THREE children died

Trump is literally the Dark Knight, happy to be hated by everyone in his quest for world peace.

What a wholesome man, involving his kids in this whole bullshit by taking them out to the shitty part of the city and having them pose in front of a graffiti wall. I thought leftists didn't breed.


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jesus christ

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>muh dead kids
just find a fresh pussy and make some more. You literally have BILLIONS of potential kids swimming around in your ballsack. Faggot.

That's funny...
There were some 250 Dutchies on that plane and our prime minister has been wriggling and squirming to not step on Putin's toe ever since....

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but still...there was no colusion
deal with it

i was on the way to malaysia on the same route 1 month bevor that happend. scary!
its just the straingt way towards malaysia over the ukraine and not around. very stupid indeed.

>So you don't need to look it up, irrefutable means impossible to deny or disprove.
>I don't feel anger just pity at Drumpff

But shouldn't you want him to look it up? You know, so he really feels the impact of what he has done? I mean you "pity" him for having no empathy for his fellow man, should we be damning him to never even attempt to understand what he has done beyond your diatribe? WIll that help prevent this behavior in the future?

Also, you are a manipulative fucking cunt, using your child to promote your political activism and tassetly advocating for global nuclear war.....

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Because he knows who is actually responsible.
This grieving father only knows what the media agenda tells him.

Trump wasn't flying the plane, that Aussie is just pissed that he bought 3 times as much vegemite and now has to eat it all by himself. He lives on a continent that was literally used to dump of fucked brit bongs, and that spawned him. Literally moving to a place made him lose his fancy accent and now " 'e tawlks lyke a fawkin retawrd". Get fucked cunt, you should be pissed at yourself because you didn't buy a ticket for yourself so you could be fish food. Fuck, I hate Australians

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hue hue hue

why the fuck would you complain about fucking some retard who calls you a slut during sex? If you are dumb enough to fuck someone you dont even know - dont know their personality, humor etc - then what the fuck do you expect?

thats what he said when he raped her dumb fuk

Wow fuck you CNN

yeah sure, "raped", prove he actually he raped her. source?

At least Trump's kids are still alive.

Yep and american backed rebels ride round the desert with isis flags. Pointless argument.

“”””””””””””raped her”””””””””””””

The downing of the plane by rebels was an accident due to their own incompetence.
Putin had pretty much nothing to do with it, it's not like he ordered the deliberate shooting down of a civilian airliner.

Did someone say rape?

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i have some pics of what's left of some kids from that crash. should i send them? would that be in poor taste or not?

oh shit, that is fucking cold

They're not his kids, they belong to the jews and we all know it.


>kids die on aircraft
>father wasnt on aircraft
shit parent desu


>Russian-backed rebels shot down MH17 you fucking idiot
And Western backed rebels in Ukraine burned a nearly 50 anti-maiden demonstrators to death while they were trapped in a building. Just some of the many civilian casualties on both sides of the conflict. What's your point?

The downing of the passenger plane seems to have been a horrible accident during wartime. One of many, sadly. Do I need to list all the civilian apartment blocks and homes in Eastern Ukraine that have been accidentally or not so accidentally hit by government bombs?

The conflict itself is between both NATO and Russia. Both deserve about 50% each of the blame for the war.

The conflict needs to be drawn to a close (as does the one in Syria). This means coming to some agreement with Putin, regardless of what one thinks of him.

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baron is a non kike, he will find an Ayran wife.

James Gordon Jr.: Why's everyone hate him dad?
Lt. James Gordon: Because we have to hate him.
James Gordon Jr.: He didn't do anything wrong.
Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hate him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight.

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>letting kids fly on planes

he deserved it tbqh

how many families were destroyed by Obama's drone strikes?

girl would have probably turned into a coal burner anyway thus, nothing of value was lost.

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He's been passed around by the elder kikes, that's why he looks like an autist.

Because anyone cares

Nothing lost, womp womp

Did this cunt call for the socceroos to boycott the world cup? Yeah na of course not, dumb cunt.

They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let 'em crash.

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>plot flight over warzone to save fuel costs
>plane gets shot down cause its flying through a warzone

Tragic loss of life, but this was just pure shekelsnorting.

They flight plan wasn't originally meant to go over the war zone. They went through that airspace because there was a storm in the way of the original flight plan, so they re routed through the war zone. Evdn during war, the Ukrainian tower control and Russian tower control were still in contact and passing flights in and out off to each other.

As for who shot the plan down, I believe it was the ukies trying to false flag Russia in order to draw more support for them selves

Begging the question

> an irrefutable fact
something tells me this person deserves to lose a lot more than he already did

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Next time fly Qantas you cunt.

>banderas killed some commies
>no one cries
what's the problem?

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Finland and Poland need to get together with Trump and redpill him on Russia.

how exactly is trump kissing putins ass? will this leftist meme just die already? does australia and the rest of the world only watch MSNBC? does real news not make its way there?

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>50 anti-maiden demonstrators
You meant Putin shills?

trump is the one who just publicly outed NATO faggots like germany for taking american defense funds but spending 6 billion dollars on a pipeline of oil from russia

who is really sucking putins dick here? you stupid faggots need to educate yourselves before talking shit about Trump

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>one guy is pissed

>does australia and the rest of the world only watch MSNBC? does real news not make its way there?
our media is thoroughly owned, maybe more pozzed than burger mainstream even
most of our pop gets news by word of mouth or from ABC, which is outright socjus/commie propaganda 99.999% of the time and "corrects" itself sharpish the other 0.001%
the same distrust of media and swing to the right we are seeing in US is happening here, just slower, esp in our bigger cities

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So why doesnt Australia go to war with Russia? Why does it have to be the US

people are waking up?

Lol. Nuclear confrontation over 3 children.

The point is that lots of civilians have died. Not just westerners in an airplane. It's incorrect to argue only one side of the conflict has civilian-blood on it's hands.

Call me a pessimist, but I think we're fucked.

We've seen time and time again that the Republicans will stand by Trump no matter what and defend him. Now we're seeing blatant, traitorous attacks against the U.S. and it's all perfectly timed.

Russia pushed the election to Trump, they've invested money and manpower into taking over America and succeeded. They'll do anything to keep that power, including stealing the midterms. The ONLY way we get out of this is by getting Dem control again, which won't happen because not only is Russia going to steal the midterms, but they'll do it blatantly without any disregard for consequences because there are none. Trump is actively, VOCALLY helping them because he knows as soon as the Dems get the House and Senate he's gone.

We can't win the midterms because our votes will be fraudulated and hacked by the Russians with the help of our own government. People keep saying "JUST VOTE!" but that's not enough. Voting means jack shit if every voting machine is hacked and people aren't able to get to the polls because the Republicans are doing everything they can to suppress votes.

There's nothing we can do. They won. We're fucked. If we try to engage in a civil war we will lose because it's a bunch of liberals against the U.S. government and a million rednecks with hundreds of thousands of guns.

I wish there was a way out but there isn't and it scares the absolute shit out of me.

This is pasta. Fuck off shill.

Kill yourself trumptard

I agree that ppl in Odessa where murdered. Though they were adult activists involved directly in the Ukrainian power struggles. Not an innocent passersby, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
That's the difference.

Based haji.

Nah I'm fine thanks.

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yeah, it's slow but the fact the chinks and apes aren't integrating like the viets and wogs did is waking a lotta people up
the university system is well beyond sustainable and they're pushing outright indoctrination courses as mandatory units
the job market is fucked on all levels
housing and real estate is approaching Vancouver levels of chinkbloat, completely unsalvageable until PRC collapses imo
the narrative's dying from a thousand tiny cuts but things are still just good enough for most people that it's confined to grumbling behind closed doors
also all our rightwing activist groups are infiltrated six ways to sunday while the lefties operate on a much looser leash, so there's no genuine outlet for peaceful political change

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what a fuck does trump has to do with Malaysia airlines?

>Not an innocent passersby, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
>That's the difference.
Plenty of innocent passers by have been killed in the conflict though. That's my point. It's illogical to just focus on one specific group of civilians and ignore others. Although I don't blame a grief-stricken father for thinking only about his loss.

The conflict in Ukraine could have (and should have) been avoided if, in the years prior to 2014, the leadership of NATO and Russia had sat down and come to some sort of agreement about each other's boundaries - how far NATO would expand, how far Russia would expand, the alignment of Ukraine etc... That didn't happen.

It's the absence of such an agreement that lead to the conflict. Now that a US president (finally, nearly 3 decades after the end of the USSR) says it would be a good idea to come to some agreement with Russia, rather than trying to drag every single state along their Western border into NATO (which was always going to lead to a conflict like the one in Ukraine), they call him a "traitor".

The job of good statesmen should be to look forward and prevent potential unnecessary conflicts before they happen. It's fair enough to blame Putin for not doing that prior to 2014, but similar blame also needs to fall on Obama, Bush and Clinton for the same failure. If it's fair enough to blame the Russian government for arming one side of the conflict - which then accidentally kills civilians, it's also fair to blame NATO for arming the other - with the same result.

I don't really see that either side has any moral high-ground in that regard.

Who was the president when this happened?

It was the flight that was shot down over ukraine by Russian advisors to the rebels.

>Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was a scheduled passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that was shot down on 17 July 2014 while flying over eastern Ukraine, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew on board.
It's clearly Trump's fault, since he is a time lord.


straya I still dont like you or the leaf or the fukken finns...worst shitposter on my board of peace.


No, putine did it him self. With an ayy arrr fibty abs salt riyfull. I saw it happen live on cnn.

okay, person who doesn't even live in the United States

>all that projection
Are all roofags this emotionally unhinged?

>the missile was Russian therefore the Russians did it
My pet dog got killed when our Samsung TV dropped on it. South Korea literally killed my dog. Why doesn't Trump side with Real Korea to kill all kimchi chinks ?