Breed of peace strikes again

>A 23yo girl had her arm ripped off her body by her own pet pitbull. Her mother was also slightly wounded. This is the third case in just a few days in the Palermo area. Two other kids were also mauled.

Link is in Italian:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pitbulls = Niggers of dogs

People will compare owning a pitbull to owning a gun, as a matter of freedom, but a gun is incapable of acting under its own accord and causing harm. Pits really are a scourge and should all be euthanized.

ITT: pussies that are afraid of dogs...

If you've ever visited a pound at least in California or spic/nigger infested zones you'll notice pitbulls make up the vast majority or dogs.


fuck you. he could've become a smart rescue dog, but instead turned into a bad boi due to poor living conditions and upbringing.

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Memeflaggots are niggers of Jow Forums

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Arm ripped off ?

Lmao what the fuck that is awful

Cazzo, Madonna, mama mia!

Toll paid

Cat lovers* thread. Pussies in other words.

*Hi Styx

Fucking libtard pitbulls taking away peoples god given right to bear arms.

No picture of dog.

Pitbull was used to get headlines most likely.

lol, doggo was not taking any bullshit off some stupid roastie

Ripped her fucking limb off to send a clear message: there is a zero-tolerance policy for Rose T. stupidity

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t. pit bull (name derives from baiting bulls (blood sport)) apologist

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Niggers of the dog world

>most likely

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T rural and suburban retard shitbull owner

>tfw i live in a place infested with cholos and all of them have those nigger dogs
>tfw i saw tree of them rip an old eomen cat appart
>tfw i decided ti avenge the little fella
>tfw i made some cookies with anti freeze, rat poison and some other good stuff i hide them all over my area
>tfw 18 Pit Shits have died since
>tfw nobody suspects from me cause i'm a nice guy to everybody on the neiborghood


Please let this be true.

I don't get it, how the hell can an adult human lose a fight with a dog? It's 1/3 your size and weight lmao

Happened in my city around last december to friend a a friend. Pitbull grabbed her arm and torn all the muscles off and shit.

Go fight one then

> he could've become a smart rescue dog

You mass-murdered a bunch of dogs? lol

I'm not mad or anything, it's just that a "canine serial killer" is funny to think about

>proof of pizzagate

>God speaks to Jow Forums

Satanist BTFO
Molechians on Suicide watch>What are Memes???
To the normie, memes are comedy and nothing else
To others... Memes are a means of communication.
>A way to speak without words
And right now most of you are aware that YOU ARE PSYCHIC...
>The very thing the enemy fears
YOU are literally 21st Century Spirit Monks waging memetic warfare against the enemy...

THEY will Never be able to understand or read the memes like you do.
>they will never Become like us...

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Gentle reminder there’s no thing as a shitty breed, just shitty owners

they got big teeth bro

he was going to church bout to get his life on track

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Not surprised. My brother's friend had one of these dogs and when it went nuts, it completely destroyed his leg. This guy wasn't a weed either, he went to gym and the only way the thing could be stopped was by snapping it's neck. Psycho mutts.

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I have, I beat a german shepard that some maori thug released on me at the park a year back. Cut my arm up a bit but I fucked it up.

You mentioned 4 specific things that should be obliterated from the face of the earth

Factually wrong


Pit bull covers north American pit bull terrier, staffordshire terroer, dogo argentina, cane corso, and pretty much every short haired blocky headed dog.

I never understood how Jow Forums can call out media jewing shit so hard but fall for such a tactic when it comes to pit bulls.

Big dogs are tough. You can see pits on YouTube getting hit with bats when attacking someone and it doesn’t faze them

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I remember a story about this dog, it kept biting the actors and one of them got sick of the dog's shit and poisoned it.

Why would anyone even get a shitbull in the first place? They don't look nice, they're not particularly intelligent and they cause more fatalities than any other dogs.

Do these niggers have ANY positive characteristics?

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Honestly people telling me a pitbull is dangerous as a pet is like someone telling me a kelpie is dangerous to have around kids without proper training which is 100% true.

Simple fact is some people should not own dogs like a pitbull, german shepherd, a mastiff, a rottweiler or any other kind of working dogs.
Look at the horrible attitude most small dogs have, the owner taught that dog to act like that now imagine that person does the same thing to a German shepherd.
I wonder what could go wrong....

They are bred to do a job not bred to be pets, if you want a pet and can't be arsed training it get a little ankle biter and let it be king dick of your house like the ignorant fool you are but don't go around trying to ban a breed you can't handle.

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Dig into the owners. Every time there’s a mauling, the owner is always a try hard shit head who thinks he’s a tough lad

Little dick syndrome and woman's 'but he LOOOVES me and I can control him' pit mommy syndrome.

What is this pitbull mixed with anons?
>inb4 a mutt asking about his mutt

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American Bullies count as pitbulls?

Based and redpilled.

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Agreed. Any mutt dog will automatically be called a pitbull if shit goes down.

you’ve done a man’s job sir

Doing Gods work user.

>dog that can go crazy at any moment without being provoked and tear through people
>somehow not banned

Pitbull mix had it's own column on that graph, though.

Hold on.

Are we making a big deal out of 22 deaths over a year?

More people die from lightning strikes for Christ's sake.

I have an Blue American Bully, and even if its not a pure Pitbull it does have a very aggressive/lovely playtime. The bipolarism other owners claim

doing god's work user, nigbulls gotta be shot in the head along with their owners

He should have used a Maori Haka spell on you. It would work faster in killing you than the dog

Ban assault lightning

Can we also nix those little nervous dogs that bark all the time? Crazy old ladies (and faggots) adopt them as child substitutes.

they were mocking fate with those facebook posts and fate's a spiteful bitch

>short haired blocky headed dogs
Yeah, pitbulls. They're a big problem.

>her own pet pitbull
Toll paid.

>people die more by lightning therefore it's not an issue

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People who own pitbulls should be skewered on the stake while a black metal band plays that ridiculous parody of music they like to make and everybody has a party with high grade meth and vodka. Then we can have a fuck fest but since everybody has a stim dick it will turn into mud wrestling.

German Shepherds may not maul as strong or be aggressive toward humans, but military has them because you can train them. Even train them to go for human necks. Those are milling machines if you want to.

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>Pit bull covers north American pit bull terrier, staffordshire terroer, dogo argentina, cane corso, and pretty much every short haired blocky headed dog.
Just like in humans, judging by phenotype works pretty well. It diesn't matter if you split out the breeds, they are all top of the list of per capita attacks.

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Nice work, sideways Austria.

to be honest its a shitty graph and i shouldn't have posted it . none of the axes are labelled properly and it doesn't even have a title.

Even a fair sized yellow lab can kick an adult human's ass. Dogs have faster reflexes and thicker skin and teeth.

As o

meant for

>Lets ban all non toy dog breeds
Quintessentially british

It's not the dog it's the owners fault.
These dogs are sweet angelic dogs and dont do nuffin wrong.
It's always the owner.

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another day another pibble thread

I have a pitbull named sweetie and i snuggle with him every night till we both fall asleep. He's 6 years old, he's always friendly whenever we encounter people or other dogs on our walks together. Pitbulls are harder to instill discipline into, that's why you can't be a fucking s0yg0y, many of the people on this board aren't real men. Stick to your little poodles and shitzus


>dogo canario
man that sure is a fluffy sounding name for a killer

have you never seen a dogs teeth and what they can do to an animal?
everyone seems to forget dogs come from a line of apex predators that were once above humans on the food chain until we invented weapons to kill them.

This shit real? I've seen pitbull owners like this. I met one guy who owns a pitbull that roams free in his neighborhood. He'll run up on neighbor's lawns and parents will let their kids run up and pet him.

Whenever you get to hear a response from the owner of a pitbull that attacks someone, it seems they always say something along the lines of "I don't know what happened, he was always such a sweet dog and would never hurt anyone."

They're banned in some countries
don't fuck with the dogo

Yeah but you have to constantly Remind then you are the pack leader. To the point it's exhausting. My Labrador won't give a shit about that issue.

those Rotties probably belong to shitty owners

When it is 22 people out of over 3 million dogs per year, the dog breed is notorious for having shit owners who mistreat them, and other factors, it is actually pretty amazing the breed doesn't have a much higher kill rate.

Bees kill more, deer and horses kill more, cows kill more, it is a non issue that is being made into something bigger than it is.

I didn't say that, retard.

You say rural/suburban like its a bad thing. If you live in the city, and you aren’t in some multimillion dollar high rise penthouse, then you are a nigger. I dont care what nationality you are, you are a nigger.
If you arent ultra rich, you can afford a reliable car, and you have an IQ above room temperature, you move out of the city.

>protip: if you find yourself saying “but i do meet all those qualifications!” and you still live in the city, you have a sub 70 IQ and are too stupid to realize it. Sorry you had to find out like this.

The right to bear doggos shall not be infringed.

If your coming for my doggo, you have to get past my AR15 first. Even if you do manage, sir doggo will be sure to eviscerate you.

On Finnish new today:

>Pitbull killed a dog and wounded it's owner in Espoo

Lots of dogs have shitty owners, so why is it always pitbulls that rip children to pieces?
