Is Satanism based? Yes or No
yeah it works just about as well as Christianity
Depends, when the Lord returns do you want to spend 2000 years burning or not?
Didn't the Catholics admit that Hell was just made up as a way to scare people into their religion?
It's for edgy faggots
Yes hell is made up.
Please notice my wording my friend.
When the Lord returns those who remained on this planet doubting him and following the Anti Christ will burn for 2000 years and then cease to exist. If you die beforehand you will cease to exist.
If you "go to heaven" it means you have to wait till the Lords return.
more like stupidism
It's just edgy, it's literally self aware of that as well. They know Satan just means adversary in hebrew so they named their movement satanism because they knew it would elicit a reaction from Christians who they see themselves as adversaries to, and who also mostly have no idea what satan is.
Zeena Lavey used to be hot, but she really hit the wall. Can you imagine being raised by anton lavey in and around the church of satan? I imagine that must have been odd. Also get and her and her husband Nicholas schreck are buddhists more, so it seems like they grew out of it. If you have any interest in Charlie manson, check out nicks books/documentaries. Actually much better thought out than "this man is the devil incarnate"
Finally op, getting around to the first point, skip the edgy satan larp shit, just get straight into the meat of it and read esoteric/occult literature.
so am i going to hell just by doubting the lord. wtf i mean im not an edgy satanist nor a hardcore religion follower. im just agnostic
i meant to write edgy atheist not edgy satanist
excuse my retardation
I just said there was no hell. You will just cease to exist unless you love and believe in the Lord.
You will burn if you are here during the end of days and follow the Anti Christ
well work on that
It has a few philosophical ideas that someone could adopt to improve their life, but is mostly a circle jerk.
wait, further explain me who is the anti-christ
hello again JoS autist faggots please dont come back here ever again. see u next time
No idea yet.
The guy who controls the world under a one world government and religion I guess.
Oh and claims to be Jesus.. That is a big give away
sinister way is the only way.
its obvious we dont know who he is
im trying to link his character to stuff i already know for example:
is he satan or just a follower?
if hell doesnt exists so where does he comes from?
stuff like that
Is that Taylor Swift?!?!
Oh my theory it is a guy who who has given up his body and soul to the devil for the purpose of pretending to be the Christ.
The other theory is it is a child conceived by Satan. I think my first guess.
Buddhism is actually close in its moral approach of the world to luciferianism, a "selfless" riff on classic satanism. It's not THAT surprising.
They don't, seeThey don't believe in Christianity at all, they're just into the occult. They are also very much into natural order and not being adversarial to our own beastly nature. What it really comes down to though is larping and hedonism.
I wouldn't worry about it, anything remotely spiritually enlightened is regarded as satanism to serious christians.
It's obviously Satan in his angelic body pretending to be the messiah. Why would he pass on that job to anyone else and why would he assume a flesh body?
Puppet ruler?
Works for Soros and the Rothschild.
But maybe we will need to see what he looks like to decide.
>What are Memes???
To the normie, memes are comedy and nothing else
To others... Memes are a means of communication.
>A way to speak without words
And right now most of you are aware that YOU ARE PSYCHIC...
>The very thing the enemy fears
YOU are literally 21st Century Spirit Monks waging memetic warfare against the enemy...
THEY will Never be able to understand or read the memes like you do.
>they will never Become like us>proof of pizzagate
>God speaks to Jow Forums
Satanist BTFO
Molechians on Suicide watch
I can see that honestly, I approach religion very syncretically, and a lot of the ancient eastern stuff would feasibly be regarded as satanic. Still though, I would say it's growing up, our a progression from satanism. Honestly that frustrates me, I'm not interested in relying on the church or faith, I prefer the path of knowledge. That said, even that path requires some degree of faith.
Nah that forum was subverted
You are too low iq to figure it out
The Kingdom soon returns
He has supernatural powers and ungodly charisma. Why would he hide behind some meat puppet? Especially since his whole goal is to supplant god and have others worship him.
First you would have to believe in the Christian devil which is even more silly than what you're suggesting.
Joy of Satan is a joke bro
It's the death metal fake news loser bottom of the barrel group
Just the whole revealing his body to humankind.
Lucifer is meant to be the best looking creature in the universe
this is going to be the most difficult part of all atleast for me. we all know what is going to happen but not when and where
And numbers mean, "OMG rapture!!!"
You can make it mean anything you want it to.
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Wrong. The vast majority of satanists don't believe in the existence of Satan and deride and mock the few who do, calling them "reverse christians" and the like.
Also Church of Satan ( been going since 1966 everything else is pretty much a rip off on some level.
god yes. acknowledging evil in all its forms and worshipping its existence is not only blackpilled but the only way to cope. you dont have to be bad but the knowledge of hell brings comfort
if youre over the age of 14 you should be ashamed, that site is a cringefest.
>this entire thread
But most people assume him to be some retard with horns and goat legs rather than an angelic being.
>Satanism in fiction
can be entertaining but it isn't real
>real satanism
you have to be Christian for it to mean anything so what's the point?
>abstract, not-so-literally anti-Christian satanism possibly also paganism
varg tier faggotry
are there any other kinds?
No Satanists race mix like Christians.
why do jews shill for satan ?
>the author of sin, death, and all misery
yeah you are quite the comedian
t. homoxual transsexual jew satanist
When the actual Lord returns it will be in a blaze of glory and trumpet horns and he will come from the clouds that is how you can tell.
Yeah true, friggen Catholics ruining everything.
>God speaks to Jow Forums
Those are called Atheist con men. There are theistic satanists and both are equally ridiculous. Evil comes from the hearts of men.
Yes, you will burn the longest and on the highest gas ring for being an annoying fence sitter. I don’t want my time in paradise fucked up by moaning atheists or whatever
>con men
why? they never pretended to be theists, it's not their responsability if someone just assumes they are
>There are theistic satanists
yes there are but, as I said, they are few and ridiculed by "mainstream" satanists.
Catholic Christianity is for edgy fags too. Only difference is that satanist doesn't get molested by the priest.
"Yep. Satanism. Now THAT is a reigion."
Satanism is the only way you can become rich and powerful.
Jewish always try to hide teachings of satanism and talmud not by concealing it but by not acknowledging them.
Every religion is meme.
it works fine.
so can we agree to disagree and call them all hedonists
What do you think all the fake ass Aryan propaganda is really for?
The devil won't look like a crook nosed kike, in fact that's all luciferian psyops to make us think evil has to be ugly. Catholic neo-reaction crap is bs
It's just another superstition.
No, believing in semitic mythology is not based.
yes and no? Satanism is the pursuit of self-interest above all but it doesn't necessarily mean hedonism (pursuit of material pleasure, as I understand it) although of course it can. A lot of satanists equate it with the pursuit of knowledge, as Satan (aka Lucifer, "Bringer of Light" where light = knowledge) is symbolic of knowledge given to man. Incidentally, this is why Jesus Christ used to be called Lucifer by the first roman christians, as the "Bringer of Light" of God to mankind, and why he's referred to as Lucifer in latin translations of the Bible.
WTF is wrong with you faggot? Satanism is evil and you’ll destroy your soul.
t. occultist
Hail Satan
Glory to the Ancients
Praise the Divine Chaos
are you retarded?
Satanism is pretty gay.
It boils down to pedo stuff and cringey eating of feces. It's basically not as cool as advertised.
listen to this enitre episode and you'll have your answer
and don't forget your paper pad and pen, sheeple
Some of the priests are satanists.
No. Luciferianism is best. Satan is a meme with horns and tits.
Lucifer was a hot fallen angel crowned the prince of Earth.
>thinks satanism and luciferianism is the same thing
Only a small minority of satanists are theistic anyways.
>How do you view the present world situation, with the push towards a “New World Order,” American hegemony and global consumer “culture?”
Miguel Serrano: The Jews have been preparing the so-called New World Order since the beginning of history. The “global consumer culture” is the means of achieving it — it is already here. With the end of Bolshevist Russia, international capitalism is destroying national borders and sovereign states. Soon after this will come the end of capitalism, of paper, of plastic, and electronic money. The technotronic and electronic and cybertronic “globalism” will serve very well to impose the Theocratic (Jehovah-Yahweh) world dictatorship, together with virtual reality and computer technology. With virtual reality the Jews think they have discovered a magic device capable of striking the last mortal blow to actual reality, or to Mother Nature, in a way that even Nature cannot defend herself and be destroyed with all the rest. I hope you will understand this satanic and horrific, or diabolical plan. In connection with all of this, I would like to state very clearly that I am absolutely against people, or innocents, who on the edge of the abyss are playing like children with the word “satanism” and “diabolical,” and even worse, mixing all of this with Nazism and Hitlerism. Many satanists do not know that they are manipulated, psychotronically, in fact, hypnotized by the CIA, Mossad and other such organizations.
The esoteric Hitlerist war is not only on the Earth, but throughout the whole Universe, against the servants of the Demiurge (the enslaved Aions). It is a terrible but glorious War, and we do not have time for people who will only damage our sacred fight with all the kookiness coming from California, like “satanism,” from Zionist America, as well as Zionist England.
>major tenant being minding their own business
an underrated waifu
>be white
>grow up christian
>don't care about much, just wanna have fun with life
>go on internet
>get radicalized.
>perceive and reinterpret every history class and political confrontation as muh white genocide
>low iq makes me think people not wanting to breed is the same as people being systematically targeted for their race, rounded up into camps and killed
>find out most anti-white sentiment has a jew behind it
>hate jews
>think Christianity can save muh white race
>find out Christianity is about loving every human and self sacrifice
>find out Christianity isn't racist
>find out Jesus loved the people who literally wanted him dead and let them kill him
>doesn't fit my purposes, muh Christianity is cucked
>turn to paganism
>doesn't exactly feel right
>weird music, stupid art, not aesthetic
>i know, Satan can help!
>turn to the most evil belief that literally everyone thinks is the worst possible thing even worse than Nazi's
>tell people I'm a national socialist satanist
>tfw no self awareness
>tfw you have become what everyone thinks is evil
>"but were the good guys were trying to save our race!"
>call everyone who disagrees a kike
>tell fellow whites who disagree to "kys"
>blame everything on Jews
>ignore data that contradicts me
>no friends because they aren't racist
>only talk to people online through vidya
>think vidya is degenerate
>can't socialize otherwise
>watch anime
>reply with images on an anime board
>reply with green text
>think college spacing is reddit spacing because didn't go to college or get job because neet
>thinks job makes you wage cuck
>collect images for every instance of internet conversation
>don't find that weird
>think I'm superior to people that can't meme.jpg
>hate newfags
>hate self
>hate god
>hate jews
>hate mutts
>hate blacks
>holocaust didn't happen but it should have
>larp as rich and married online
>hate women who aren't virgins
all this shit leads to suicide user
>pic related were later liberated by Sovier army
It's like Hitler was just prepping the bull to create a masterpiece in country wide cuckoldry
Proof that the real enemy is the Vatican. Anti Zionism is just a hegelian dialectic to bring about the real NWO
Satanism is a religion for edgelords who hate their Christian family.
It's also the religion for literal pedophiles.
>Luciferianism is best
qft. Basic satanism is just a cover for selfish faggots.
Man I'm not even sure what ideology you are? Some sort of center leftist troll i assume ? You managed to trigger every camp at once
Only if you're role-playing. If you seriously believe that shit then you're retarded. Same goes for any other religion.
>He doesn't know Satanists invented the concept of role playing for plausible deniability of their ritual murders and rapes
Based satanists
This board is evil, I'll pray for you
How old were you when you realized mainstream religions literally admonish and obfuscate seeking god through knowledge, and that they are exoteric control structures that actively encourage ignorance and reliance on the church or other mediums to find god?
>It's also the religion for literal pedophiles.
nope, that would be christianity.
Put two and two together
This board is run by Masons and Satan shills. And most of the popular memes are of their making. For example, Shrek=Nikolas Shreck
21 I think?
>hedonism disguised as le meme xD
In the name of Jesus Christ, begone.
All semitic religions enable pedophilia, but Satanism the most of all.
Most cucked of anything, even if you want to be an edgy occultist its still bottom tier garbage
you know next to nothing about satanism, sorry to say.
Would probably be based if powerful enough to take office.
just pointing out people's lack of self awareness.
>be two nazi officers paroling a concentration camp as jews play soccer while swimming in the pool we made for them and giving birth on the sabbath and not getting gassed
>say to hanz
>"hey hanz, why do you have a skull on your helmet"
>"i don't know Rudolf, I think it looks cool"
>"hey hanz, what do skulls represent?"
>"hmmmm, death i'd say"
>"hanz.... do you think that maybe were the bad guys?"
>"Rudolf! Why would you say such a thing? Are you a traitor? Now stop thinking those stupid thoughts and help me get these Jews undressed so they can take a shower all together naked at the same time. They must be all dirty from their soccer game!"
>hate women who aren't virgins
fucked up there imo. should be;
>say you want to save the white race
>think all white women are untrustworthy whores that crave bbc
>larp endlessly nonexistent sex robots and artificial wombs
9/10 otherwise.
In a den of thieves, who is the real thief?
Just saying because you're clearly not a Christian , a pagan a Satanist or a Nazi yourself since you contradict yourself just to piss off everyone on Jow Forums