Balkan non bait thread

I am curious to know how many historical experts of our region do we have on Jow Forums
I'm most curious to talk with Croats our greatest ally for thousands of years and then what, enemies divided from within and outside.
Croatians as well as Serbs were powerful brotherly nations to the times back before Christ ,anyone denying that is either a troll or wikipedia educated pest.
I'm collecting books of our people that date since our grand fathers came to these lands as guests to Constantine the Greats on some of the first Christian ,not catholic, not orthodox but Christian ceremonies.
Is it even possible to have any reasonable discussion about Balkan at all after what happend to us, Ottomans, Christians, Jews , Capitalism , Communism , Titoism , Fascism...
I hope it is

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Everyone is welcome tho, even albo
except niggers of course

hahah, everyone who knows these balkanian people knows that being tilted is in their blood , noone is able to have conversation unless it's a bait
good luck enlightened brother

>I am curious to know how many historical experts of our region do we have on Jow Forums

I am the greatest.

>I'm most curious to talk with Croats our greatest ally for thousands of years and then what, enemies divided from within and outside.

Fuck off, you imbecile.

>Croatians as well as Serbs were powerful brotherly nations to the times back before Christ ,anyone denying that is either a troll or wikipedia educated pest.

Utter nonsense. And even if it were true, those Croats and Serbs have as much in common with present-day ones, as modern Serbs have with Serby.

>I'm collecting books of our people that date since our grand fathers came to these lands as guests to Constantine the Greats on some of the first Christian ,not catholic, not orthodox but Christian ceremonies.

Even Netanyahu BTFO such stupid claims. Serbs are attested in Classical Antiquity.

>Is it even possible to have any reasonable discussion about Balkan at all after what happend to us

It is. But you have to read actual books, actual historical works and at least study primary historical evidence that has survived to this day, because, basically, only survived originals and material remains are hard points, everything else is confabulation.

you are not sure in your own knowledge but you start sentence with '' utter nonsense''
yes it is truth, we're divided nowdays , but I am talking about times before Ottoman invasion ,from point we came to Balkan from todays border of Poland and Germany.
Access national library , there are much more books then I could read in my whole lifetime.
Serbs as well as Croats accepted Christianity from old Roman empire and you know that very well

>you are not sure in your own knowledge but you start sentence with '' utter nonsense''

I am sure in things I can prove by pointing towards primary historic sources

>yes it is truth, we're divided nowdays , but I am talking about times before Ottoman invasion ,from point we came to Balkan from todays border of Poland and Germany.

We are not divided, Serbs and Croats are polar opposites, both can't thrive at same time in same area.
Modern Croathood is built on ideas that preclude any trace of Serb culture, identity and origin.
Systematic and schizophrenic assimilation and appropriation, changing people's names and surnames, claiming Cyrillic, notable historical Serbs etc. are same policy as exterminating and expelling the living Serbs out of areas proclaimed as Croatia, even though they never were, historically.

>Access national library , there are much more books then I could read in my whole lifetime.

The most interesting works regarding Serb history are located in Zagreb archive of JAZU, and Dubrovnik Ragusa Historijski arhiv.

>Serbs as well as Croats accepted Christianity from old Roman empire and you know that very well

Not even close. Byzantine missionaries spread it, but Croats came under Frankish and Vatican influence very quickly.
Later on, Croatia got under complete Clericalism domination, and following 1900 Catholic Congrees, Croathood is exclusively Catholic.

>albo niggers
not our fault that we're stronger than you

Oh shut up up stupid nigger

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oh really?
we are polar opposite but we were border next to border and we both speak serbo-croatian language because our people hate each other?
do not be so blinded, you know better then that.
yes, there are still many Serbian families in Croatia and many of Serbian history since they moved in 1600s
and Byzantine is what?
Eastern part of old Roman empire, and Vatican is what? Western part of old Roman empire.
Do not ridicule Christian history.

You are talking with a well known Serb living here..

>obvious velikosrb is obvious

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Dipshit, they speak Serb language because their national movement adopted litteral Serb language from East Herzegovina, proclaimed it Croatian, as part of their plan to assimilate all (Serbs) Shtokavian speakers in Balkans.
Croats hate Serbs for perceived historical transgressions, while at the same time celebrate their crimes and annihilation of Serbs.

Gib back Kosovo. It’s legitimate Romanian clay.

I want to point out that our history is far greater then what did it come down to.
Do not you see that we fell under foreign influence of Jewish bankers and that they constantly add more gasoline on fire since first world war?
I want croats to be proud croats and serbs to be serbs , but not enemies anymore, not like this
not divided by those which we fought for thousands of years
We know to respect each others freedom ,at least we knew

I find that most Issues began with Hungarians first and Turks second...

After that the wound called Bosnia was formed

and here we are...after two world wars and long time hostilities during ottoman times.
>during witch a lot of Serbs moved north and mixed heavily with Croats in Vojna Krajina and helped protect the border against other poturice and ottoman army

So the root to our evil blood i see mainly turks

>spouting Jewish meme
>blames Jews for Serb-Croat anymosity

Yep, you are some disgusting mutt.

Don’t worry, I harbour no delusions that Croats will come after me if shit breaks out. I will take many with me.

that is not the truth,
stop falling for 100 years old propaganda
Croatian kingdom stood next to Serbian in peace before foreign influence ,now look what happend to us both?
Ages ago in the centre of Old World, now they ridicule us with division politics and you fall for it , burry your sword ,we can fight when we clear greater enemy

That is the truth, they were envious of our kingdoms and recognition from old Rome, Vatican, Byzantine as one of the greatest,
They could not win with war, so they went with other tactics, and as I , and you can see, I think it is mainly working for them brother.
I know my heritage and bloodline all the way back to ancient times.
I do not blame jewish people only, i blame every other that was envious of freedom we had

I think it will naturally happen when certain generations die out.

trade,social and cultural traffic will make it happen.

Zdravko, you want peace while in 90s you chinped out and tried to kill everyone, even your so called "brother" Hrvoje.
Heck, the bodies are still bloody from the war.

I personally wouldnt want to be with your kind again, but wouldnt mind a yugoslavia 3.0 without serbs.

I would replace bulgars with you and maybe even add Romania and Greece.

A balkans only market would btfo the EU and others and it would be a huge market.

It could work without spergs such as the serbs.

You are a disgusting Yugoslav mutt whose family didn’t get killed by their “brother” nations.

who spoke of such things?
your country was made up for sole purpose to divide us, I respect old Albo tribe, not Albanian country made by foreigners. I only wish some real Albo and mixed Albanians with Bosnak, Croat , Serbian muslimised did not accept islam in such numbers, it will make huge problems in future, but if we put that aside and look at real Albo tribe I see great partners.
Of course , we must not forget what happend ,our parents and parents of their parents , we must learn from it.

the problem is , I do not see old relations , most of people, even people I know have so little knowledge about our own kind, people forgot and cut their roots , I am especially scared of what will happen to us when we totally lose control of our countries and the next war starts with imported sandniggers somalians etc...

Can you expand on that.. what do you mean by that?

I pity you, and prayer will be said for your soul.
my fathers grandfather lived in borders of croatia before wars and was in them.
Also, you make yourself look like a kid when using word mutt on someone who is few km's away from yourself.

Shut up you filth. Serbs and Croats will never like each other. How can you like the croatians after they tried to wipe out every serb during ww2.

serbs diveded yugoslavia. and even if it was kosovars or crotians who provoked division, you guys stepped right in the trap. either way you are dumb

Of course we Serbs chimped out. Who in the right mind wants to live with Croats and Analbanians.

You talking about Draža?

You think it was one sided?

.. we are not living in WW2 or in Commieslavia

And you are not living here so why do you care?

well, is not it noticable?
even on this board , Croatians and Serbians only come to talk over memes ,baits , etc. Some like barbarians ,some like barbarians with books.
Do you know how they talk openly? It is horrible how deep foreign influence is , it totally blinded people.
Even liberals that say they love Croats and opposite , their love does not come from history we shared together , freedom we believed in together and we fought for literally thousands of years , yet it comes from another layer of propaganda , with few generations I am afraid that there will be no people left interested in such things, and after those, there will be no people knowing about Serbians or Croatians , our history will be wiped out
That is what they tried over and over and over again.
What do you think why Hitler burned our libraries, why did Nato target libraries , why did Ottomans target it and so forth.
But now ,it is not even a fight, people give up on their nation in layers of propaganda which will then lead to importing of XX% of some negroids and then there will be another war of confused people who do not know who they are anymore , similar to last one we had but far worse , after that, there will be no proud Croats or Serbs, that is what i meant.


Commieslavia was disgusting, any serb that wishes for that back is a retarded or a cuck.

I care because im a Serb and I plan to return someday.

Draza did nothing wrong.

because i accepted Christian values , and I see good in it , it says that those who believe in same freedom and god are not enemies , deep down you know that too. Croatians are not some somali savages that came next to our borders ,we share them for thousands of years
I never said forget, I said bury your war sword, we can clear things out when the real enemy is down.

That's what's called pride for both of our people, bloody revenge circle

calm down aussie
we had somewhat reasonable discussion please do not bait ruin it

Chetniks killed 1750 people in Croatia during WW2, according to Tuđman in his book from 1989

Serb-Croat relations can be summed up in a love-hate relationship where you hate eachother so much you love eachother and hate fuck eachother often only to be best friends and then enemies again. Then throw in Bosnia into the mix and you got yourself a complicated relationship amongst the three as its also pretty much the same except Bosnia is like the little brother of the two that both hate but somewhat like at the same time. Lets not even get into the topic of the rest of the balkans involved in this little triangle of hatefucking eachother over and over.

which ID is of serb living in croatia?

I wish it was that simple fren

it is truth we slaughtered each other in goal to avenge each others blood of families , we share similar values, for each head of family , head was taken, and so forth and back

And Croatians killed around 200,000–500,000 Serbs withn the independent state of croatia

Feel free to listen to this as you all talk.
Enjoy. Ill be back in Bosnia in 3 years.

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I kinda understand where you are coming from..

Personally i have mixed feeling about the future...

I have some hope for our next national elections... as long there is hope there is a chance for change.

I don't see anything happening in Serbia, the mafia supporting the government seems to strong.. maybe it's just me looking from the outside.

How do you see situation in Srbija developing in the near future?

Go back to playing accordion in front of Macola, leave normal people to talk

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Serbia is going to either go full chetnik nationalist or join the rest of the EUSSR. Croatia same way. Both have rising in popularity nationalist parties. Will they drive the region into another war if they come to power? nobody knows. Hopefully there reasonable nationalists. In Bosnia I heard a similar nationalist movement is gaining popularity that seeks to unite bosnian serbs, bosnian croats, and bosnians in the area together to make Bosnia better but I doubt republika srpska will react nicely to it. They already got a nationalist in power who is known that he will try to destablize the nation to split republika srpska away from Bosnia which is honestly retarded. The best hope for the balkans imo is a form of titoism and nationalism.

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>best hope for the balkans imo is a form of titoism
jebi si mater balijsku

either way i look it's a downfall
you are right, mafia is really strong and has deep ties to military which ensures stability. But I am scared of what will happen when those die out.
As you could see, if something goes south ,they get bullet in their body , but who will be there to shoot traitor when they die out?
I feel like it should be pushed over for better relations between neighbours not EU.
If we get into EU their agents will work their hardest to remove strong mafia politicians and military assets, then they will officially take over south of Kosovo , then they will take our freedoms and old customs , and then they will use us as a farming zone with imported shitskins.
Problem for Croatia is that without Serbia, there will be no pin to hold something opposing EU/Nato/Foreign/Jewish influence, that might be the opening they're looking.

>Croatians as well as Serbs were powerful brotherly nations to the times back before Christ

I swear you Serbs are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on this planet. During the times of Christ, Slavs have not even arrived in the Balkans so how the fuck is that even possible?


I think you are talking to the wrong person

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He meant before Christianity came to the Balkans you dumbass

our hope is to hold to our values as they were before ottoman invasion,
no foreign rules
no foreign laws
be what we are in trade union, as partners, not as one.

might happen very soon, I feel sad knowing ill have to shoot at your airplanes from a meadow next to Carpats
Please call down jets for now, too many enemies lul

prilično sam siguran da sam odgovorio postu ispod

Doesn't change the fact that Serbs still weren't in the Balkans or even an established ethnic group yet, dumbfuck. This is still Proto-Slavic period we are talking about.

Nationalism isnt entirely bad my friend. Its when the nationalism becomes something else that isnt nationalism. Nationalism is a love for ones nation and its people. Youll naturally protect it. But when it comes down to chetniks and ustasa its some retarded form of nationalism that is just bent on murder of anyone not like you.

serbia and croatia will never be friends because there is no need to form friendship

It's a mixed bag on global geopolitical map...
It might go this way or that way..

Nato is a good thing and a bad thing...
Good thing is it prevents further needless wars..
bad thing is the influence of major players using it as extended hand for influence on global scale...

Now that Makedonija is entering NATO Srbija doesn't have much choice if you ask me...

>I feel like it should be pushed over for better relations between neighbours not EU.
I am of the same mindset...
back when were voting to go into EU i thought it would have been better if developed ourselves to the point EU will have to invite us so we don't rely on them at all..including normalising relations with Srbija.

I think possible collapse of BiH will be opportunity to side together if possible since our people living there will be under heavy muslim propaganda to unite under Bosniak identity.

I mean look at this meme

You do not see the fact that we're almost all naturally nationalists

>propaganda to unite under Bosniak identity.
yeah croats and serbs will never drop their identity for bosnian one

Yeah, Bošnjoks are dreaming if they think they can pull that off

Exactly, another muslim nation will be born, same way they did with albos it will hapend with Bosnaks, and every each knows the truth that their families sold faith and their families for bread and land.
Serbia will never join nato, at least not as a Serbia , if that happens , I tell you , Serbia is dead
There is no freedom for Serbian in nato
it will mean that we surrender to our enemy, to those who did to us what they did in all wars we fought , that will be defeat

You are talking from a stand point of a person living can you tell what people feel or want there?
>considering how the Croatian political elites have been acting towards them.

I do see that we balkan peeps are naturally nationalistic.

croats from bosnia are more nationalistics than ones living in croatia so they will not assimilate in bosnians

Croats are not your allies, gypsieshit

dysgenic mixed subhumans: the picture

Should your faith in Serbia ever falter just travel to the Kalemegdan fortress and look at it from across the river
Think how it must've felt for a Serb to watch Ottoman soldiers patrol it and the Ottoman flag fly over it
No obstacle is too great, so long as we remember who we are

>Is it even possible to have any reasonable discussion about Balkan at all after what happend to us, Ottomans, Christians, Jews , Capitalism , Communism , Titoism , Fascism...
>I hope it is

You are personification of seer optimism mankind can achieve

Rus barbarian please go check if Mongolians are invading again for me will you?

This is an Albanian living in Russia, do not give him (You)s

He is Albanian, he always spams Balkan threads

To tell you the truth id rather it would all be solved without major violence.. not looking forward to another period of wasted resources that could have gone somewhere better.

Major obstacle is probably Izetbegović "royal family" and his party.

how are you planning to solve this without violence

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>if Mongolians
Who were uninvited and never lived in Russia unlike Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Vlachs, Cumans and Huns that settled Serbia and enjoyed the equal rights.

Almost 2,000 Jewish chetniks during the 1940s and a few dozens African volunteers in the 1990s? Well done

Now go and die somewhere in Karabah for your actual Armenian brothers

you do know that in some point in times of Ottoman invasion there were only 4000 Serbians living in Serbia, and yes we came back, but our faith was strong ,I am scared now it is not anymore, not even acknowledged amongs our own men my fren..

one can never stop dreaming my negroid fellow

Croat part to Croats, Serb part to Serbs
And turn muslims parts into UN administrated non countries, like Kosovo

So what do you propose?

Bosnia cannot continue the way it is
It will become bankrupt and empty in 50 years

frens, we can split it just like that, like we did in past , there were Serbian cities in Croatia ,because we stood back for same values but we knew who we are, the problem is Muslims,
The mine under our homes waiting to be blown up.
That is what can't be solved in peace, either they ,somehow, stop being muslim, or there will be tensions, and with one blood there will be many

there will be another war in bosnia.
bosniaks will not accept croats to take more land from them after srpska declares independence.

I know.. i was asking him what is his solution since he's saying it can't be solved without violence.

easy peasy

orange to croatia, blue to serbia, partition the rest, though the bosniaks would probably prefer croatia so maybe green should go to croatia too

Just imagine faces of sold out families, elitists , seeing that we could have multiple settlements within each others boarders? they would go batshit crazy in exact moment

Split it like this
We can sign the agreement in Split the city

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Yeaaaa... i'm not looking forward to the allah ackbars roaming freely in the same country as mine.. not the best feeling id say.
>specially since their main party openly supports Erdogan and "Turkish Bosnia"

Another option: Jasenovac is reopened, Serbians and true believer Muslims exterminated

Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

>full meme value Split in split

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exactly, they are the core problem

if this ever happens, contract should be signed on bridge between Croat and Serbian inhabited area , that would be valuable document

Just make a joint fund dedicated to resettlement or reeducation of leftovers

Why are we talking about how to split Bosnia.

Fuck this peace I want to kill Hungarians and Bulgarians.
Serbian alliance when?

Sorry we friends now
Call us when Turks invade again

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Russians want to put troops in Republika Srpska (district of Bosnia) and NATO is chimping out
So we figured to split it before WW3 breaks out

you must be some Chetnik living on borders with Serbia am I right, because it sounds exactly the same like baits I make

look through some history of Bosnia and it will be clearer I think

Considering the amount of full seljober tier politics in BiH i think someone else would have to take over.

Dodik was talking about accepting Russian paratroopers in RS, if this happens they could be capable of destroying any organized Snackbars
And you have NATO stationed there to help you out with your Snackbars

red - can easily join croatia.

purple - enclaves with more than 100.000 croats.
these enclaves are surrounded with muslims.
so that means there will be war in those areas

also I don't think bosniaks will allow norther enclave (bihać,cazin) to be seperated.
they will want to connect that with middle bosnia.
so that means more war.

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How about Croats and Serbs fuck off to there own respective countries and leave Bosnia alone so we can fix our country with out croats and serbs chimping out each time bosnians try to fix things in Bosnia
I know the history of Bosnia and it says fuck you. Bosnia is its own nation. Bosnians are just muslim serbs or muslim croats.

What a noble pursuit. Now then, try to remember when was the last time Serbians killed anyone on racial grounds.

Think hard, if you need to.

Maybe your list should include Serbs, Greeks, Tosks and Macedonians, if we are going after the mutt nonwhites, and your allies can be people with real history of racism like Croats or Austrians?

arent* correction here lads

How about resettlement or a Kaliningrad type of thing
50% of Bosnias population are not Bosnians and don't want to be in Bosnia
This is not a country that will last

They dont want to stay in Bosnia cuase of the constant conflict and these people just wanna live a good life. But the devised and three president thing means we cant make any progress in the country.

Why have you grown weak?
To be honest we just need someone to chimp out and Serbians are pretty good at it.

it is not that easy
also croats live in valleys and fields while muslim live in mountains