be me

> be me
> live in melbourne
> go to the city (central business district)
> 70% of people walking around in the city are chinnese and don't speak english
> catch train home and see arabs and indians ecerywhere
> go home and blow my brains out

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>don't have gun
>can't blow brains out

you already know who to thank for this development

Man, from all the shit Canada and Australia has imported you guys hate the Chinese the most?

>tfw anglo
>tfw born in noble park

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No I don't hate chinnese the most, it's just that they are everywhere in the city. Chinnese people are introverted and timid.

I hate the arabs the most, obnoxious shit skins

the the difference between the chinks America has and Australia have is that in Australia they are mostly communist from China and in America it's mostly chinks from Taiwan or China before communism

Do something about it.

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Huh. Sure sucks when a whole other race invades your country and acts like they own the place, just like white folks did to the Aborigines.

abbos are not people, plus they would sell the whole Australia if it means they can sniff gas for all their life

Abos had no society anyway, no settlement, we did them a favour. They would still be killing eachover with rocks if not for the white man, they where very barbaric

Yes it does suck, glad you recognise that multiculturalism is like invasion and agree we shouldn't want it.

Shut the fuck up and suck it up, convict. This is the future for you and your "people".

Bitch lasagna

I was talking to a neighbour who sold out of a residential home in Toorak for $4m 4 years ago to an Indian.
The Indian bulldozed the home and spent a further $4m on a new schmick 2.5 story home. He’s just sold to some Chinese for $16m.
Now Indians and Chinese are buying/selling our land amongst themselves. No Australians involved anymore

My ancestors were not the original brittish settlers, I come from a family of germans and italians

any Mexicans yet?

So why aren't you letting the emus handle your problem?

Settle down Apu user just doesn’t want to see a bunch of shitskins turning his hometown into a bunch of trash hits with shit in the street

Nope, never seen one

>be you
no thanks, racist

God, I wish you dirty atzlan niggers would go there and leave the USA alone. At the very least, just get on a boat in international water, hug the coast, and go to Canada.


Why don’t you become a white power skinhead?


I will comply if you show pic of your hand with a postit that reads "I'm white"

Why don't you?
Idk can't be fucked linking myself to a particular group

Good joke OP


That's all Asian in UK.

> be me
> live in paris
> go to the city center (there is no central business district because our economy is shit)
> 90% of people walking around in the city are mystery meat and don't speak french
> catch train home and see arabs and africans ecerywhere
> go home and blow my brains out