Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie O'Donnell

What tf happened to her??

Attached: rosie.png (633x847, 883K)

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Welp my nofap just got extended by one day.


Shit this picture ruined my nofap streak.




Humans have this thing called... aging. I dunno much about it but just google it.
Trust me.


Nice try faggot

Do that thing with the boxface age thing.

Isn't she going to jail for violating FEC rules?

It's like they all used to use some form of taboo 'treatment' made from pineal glands and all of a sudden it isn't available any more...

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a long time ago i worked with someone that was in a coma for 6+ weeks.
i asked him what was it like, did he dream?
he said it was terrible. and 1 moment that stuck out to him was being in a row boat with rosie o'donell in the middle of some large body of water. she would not row, and he was rowing and she was yelling at him the whole time.
said it was a nightmare and he hates rosie odonell because of that, cant watch her at all since then.
this was over 15+ years ago..
havent seen him..

but i like to imagine he feels better now about the rosie odonell thing with trump being in office.

roise why are you giving trump most bullets to shoot at go get your shit together then come back on

witnessed and notarized

Attached: czeched.jpg (1252x704, 139K)

Trump Curse and liberalism. That's 2 womps!

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she doesn't look as old with a cap on

Attached: rosie.jpg (1280x720, 71K)


She drove Michelle Rounds to suicide and now she is running low on lesbian twink essence to imbibe.

I can't wait for this Andrea Dworkin wannabe to donate her body to science.

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Is there a word for beyond JUST?

Trump curse strikes again!

It pains me that I will never meet the man and shake his hand and tell him how impressed I am by him. God bless Donald Trump.

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Jesus, how can you not get eternally JUSTed after that.

Cancer. I hope.

the lezbo bitch got old

Kek, Rosie O’Donnell confirmed as Kharon, ferryman of the River Styx


man rosie was never attractive, but god she aged like milk

This is what she gets for being nasty.
Praise be to Kek.

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Those pictures of celebrity time travelers are half-true. Really they're hundreds of years old and those are actual pictures of them. They are actual vampires.

But recently their near limitless supplies of hatian and south American blood have dried up. These people are sick!

Epstein's birthday is redacted in the public FBI files