Comey is calling anyone planning to vote for the GOP in this falls election a traitor to the Republic

Comey is calling anyone planning to vote for the GOP in this falls election a traitor to the Republic.

Are they that desperate to alienate half the country?

Do they honestly think this will work?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Now they care about the founders.

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Comey would have been put down with Benedict Arnold

Holy fug, fbi man said if I dont vote Democrat I'm a traitor.......


James Comey has not street cred with conservatives.

He sucked blacked dick and was an Obama ass licker.

Well if comey said it, it MUST be true, amirite?

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I genuinely can’t believe that faggots like this were/are in positions of power running our nation.

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Judge for yourself from his book on "leadership"

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>calling people racist/sexist/ect last time didn’t work
>let’s call them traitors this time! That’s sure to influence people!

Why don’t they learn Jow Forums?

James Comey's tweet reads like his glaring arrogance has dug him into a ditch & is only now beginning to hem his stupidity in now upon realizing a cement truck (driven by an American & not an immigrant) is coming up to this ditch to fill it with cement, killing the crab.

James Comey wants to get out alive, he's clearly unsettled by how pressed that knife is to his throat. gg Comey you stupid fuck, don't publish your book when it contradicts your official reports, BECAUSE WE CAN SEE THE TRUTH WITH BOTH BEFORE OUR EYES.

I doubt this is real, but then again...

that may be the funniest thing I read all day.

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That’s so comically bad I’m almost convinced it’s real.

Holy shit please tell me this is real
>as is my wont
maximum keks

While this may be important, what more important is the jewish question. I love how these anti Trump, pro Hillary pro Obama, anti jewish, pro jewish shills come out of the woodwork with BS like this. It shows me that even the left and the right are united in the hatred of the jews. The right and left need to unite with the singular goal of zionist genocide. They hate the jews as much as we do, let's shake hands with antifa and start the jewish genocide united as one massive murderous block. Once the jews are gone then we can all worry about Trump, amiright?

Yeah, I guess I'll just vote Democrat so they can open the border and turn America into one big sanctuary city.

Someone should give him an atomic wedgie and film it... pull underwear over his head.

>Have embraced socialism
>Want to open our borders to foriegn invaders
>Want to allow illegals the right to vote
>Want to start WW3 so your kids can die
>Celebrate Jazz Jennings getting his dick cut off
>Made it legal to spread HIV in California.
>Want to flood America with African refugees.

There is no greater enemy of this nation than the Democrats.

Soon Mr. Comey will find himself standing alone.

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They have been shaming nonleftists for not voting how they want for almost 10 years now. At this point, most nonleftists are building immunity to the shame.

It will work on the dumbfuck kids though.

He doesn’t have any sons... shit bloodline

Democrats and their useful idiots are over, this is what a cornered animal does

This is the fucking guy democrats will remind you is a lifelong registered republican.

Comey shilling for dems, never in my days would i have expected to see exactly that.

No bias at all.

Comey is the biggest piece of shit ever. I hope Jow Forums is doing the right thing and dropping redpills on his Twitter. Lots of comments that restores my faith that people aren't complete sheep but lots of stupid ass comments on his Twitter as well.

Comey is controlled opposition on Trump's payroll. There is literally no other explanation.

>the fbi is unbiased
>Fuck policy vote democrat bc morals

Post a link OP everyone needs to see the comments

reminder that comey was a registered republican for almost the entirety of his adult life

abloobloolboo ids da lebties

> Policy differences don't matter, just keeping me out of jail

To be fair,
>don't worry about our policy, vote for us because we're the good guys
has been the democrats main talking point for a while.

>piehole needledick

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This is all about motivating their base to vote because Democrats lost a great deal of power. They plan to retake the government then rape out constitutional rights.

will I sound like idiocracy if I say he talks like a fag?

This cannot be real

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>Calling anyone else un-American

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Everything else failed, now they try patriotism to get their way.

If Americans fall for it they deserve the destruction of their country by democrats that will abolish ice and go full commie.


It's a desperation move, they have nothing so they just keep screaming autistically

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powerful stuff

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The founders intended for this to be an all white nation, you fucking retard.


OP is a stupid ass cocksucker.

Streetsmart Trump didn't take goodies from strangers like the suckers before him.

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>Benedict Arnold
He escaped to England and lived the shitty life of a traitor who was never trusted or liked by his new masters.

Isn’t going to work. Nothing else has. They keep underestimating him, keep taking the bait. He trolls them so hard every goddammed day and it’s so obvious, but they just can’t help themselves. Late night TV, MSM too addicted to the ratings, useful idiots too deranged to see they’re being used, Gov’t stooges in too deep to do anything but double down on the bullshit.

It’s the rope-a-dope, plain and simple. POTUS runs his mouth, says some crazy shit, misspells some nonsense in a tweet, meets a foreign leader, hell, even sits in a chair, they’re triggered again. Instead of playing their game, he just leans against the ropes and stonewalls while they chimp out again, throw everything at him they can come up with going for the KO in response. The volley passes, he’s unharmed, nothing comes of it and he just runs his mouth some more, doing what he wants, when he wants, triggering them all at will. They couldn’t put him on the ground with their strongest assault, now they’re almost totally gassed and we’re only two years in.

You know how the rope-a-dope ends?

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>founder design
free speech and the right to carry guns?

It's a pretty simple explanation. Nunes said it yesterday. These folks knew Clinton would win and they knew she was a shrew. They violated a butt load of policies and broke a number of laws to protect her knowing that it would all be buried for eternity once she won. She didn't win and they are scared shitless. Their only hope is for a redwave in November to take the Republicans out of Congress.

>Policy differences don't matter right now
But democratic policy is open boarders and anti-gin. I would care.


If the Founders were so smart why didn't they create the FBI in the constitution? Checkmate Comey.

that piece of trash needs to be hung from the highest tree

this times 1,000.

>history has its eyes on us
theres no bigger kike statement

Desperate traitor going to prison is desperate.

>ignore policy
>vote for dems goy
what is his Target audience