Why are mixed children so fucking ugly?

Why are mixed children so fucking ugly?

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because they weren't meant to exist

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AMWF produces the best children. Stop comparing black + whites mixed and WMAF with the superior mixihng

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because niggers are ugly

Because miscegenation is terrible


Still gonna date Asian women.

You want a real answer. Look into hybrid species.

Humans have 2 species, each with 2-3 subspecies. The 4 main subspecies are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Australoid.

Negroid was first and spread out through India (not modern Indians though) and Australia where they evolved into Australoid.

Caucasoid evolved after pre-negroids mated with neanderthals and spread through Europe, Arabia, and India pushing out the Negroids (Yes modern Indians are technically Caucasoid), then in the west Mongoloid evolved from Caucasoid and went on to South East Asian and the Americas (Native Americans are Mongoloid).

This is evident in mating between species and sub-species. If any Mongoloid mates with a Caucasoid you get a smooth mix of traits where the offspring have a phenotype that are between their parents. However, if Australoid or Negroid mates with a Mongoloid or Caucasoid you get hybrid a phenotype, this is where the offspring has traits that are a mix of either the father or the mother but not a smooth in between. Pic related, it is twins.

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Again visible here with Negroid and Mongoloid.

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Race traitor!

and here with a sheep and a goat.

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Both pairings produce shit tier children.

t. racist

Nothing wrong with mixed children

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kelly balthazar is cute though and hotter then all those AMWF roasties, that video is probably one of the top 10 porn videos of all time

Isn't that a chimera?


>"they weren't meant to exist"

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Yes, or hybrid, Negroid and Caucasoid offspring are hybrids or chimera. It is a myth that all hybrid species are sterile, but they usually suffer from fertility and immune issues, which mixed race children do (again unless they are say between a German and a Native American).

dis le negre

because this is just the beta version of finn and rey.

>a black man not being a ghetto welfare drain on society nig
>having a bit of fun cosplay and doing family man shit even though it is counter to his entire culture

>Jow Forums's response

Good post.

t. triggered nigger whose family went to france to leech

Coal burner doesn't even have the right light saber

Is that a spic baby girl? She already has a mustache.

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Spotted the la creatura

That’s only true if the Asian is a based Japanese man. Otherwise, the baby will come out as a monstrosity.

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T. the disappearing potato nigger

Only the ugliest white women breed with niggers. And all niggers are ugly.

Nigger detected

back to rebbit with you, civic nationalist cuck

Gene expression among mixed kids is more "complex" and ground zero compared to say an Ivorian or an Irishman. The genes in mixed are literally fighting to decide who should be expressed. Blue eye is yelling at brown eye and such. Very stressful DNA. Lol.

>AMWF produces the best children.
LOL they look exactly the same.
The absolute state of hapa cucks.

T. Tiny dicked Asian who resents being ugly

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I'll be convinced when he's still there 10 years later.

Plenty of them stick around for the first year or two and then bolt.

Lol triggered nazicucks.

La luz extinguido...

La creatura...

el supremo cabellero..

delirios de grandeza..

la noche que viene..

el duende de Babilonia

we NEED to spread anti-miscegenation propaganda

When you mix the races you dilute the adaptations of both races. For example the dark skin of the african and the pale skin of the northern man. Resulting in a child with a complexion suited to neither climate.
Similar things happen to the immune system. Its not a major disadvantage in the modern era. We have sunscreen and anti biotics but most of the children of these parings will be mal adapted compared to their parents.
Some of these children have a chance to positive adaptations from both parents but again, because of the availability of technology minor positive traits will not give a major benefit.

The most important evolutionary change that is coming is the selection for people that choose to have children in city and suburban environments despite the cost and the availability of contraception and abortion.

mutt memes are at the forefront of this just popularize them, especially use them against *meric*ns.

You mean like this?

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como ladron en la noche...

Neither of the parents is good looking so the kid is ugly, doesn't really prove anything about interracial breeding.

That image is poorly made because it shows them as having attractive facial features and coming out relatively black. In reality they come out ugly and look neither like indigenous Africans or Europeans. 9% of the time they look like a droopy faced mutt.

>como ladron en la noche



Björngólfur Hideaki Takefusa is part Icelandic and related to George Lincoln Rockwell

whiter than your soccer team n'butu

You're the one who's triggered, cuckold
You should probably leave this site, it's not good for your blood pressure, you fat fuck
Surprised you aren't wielding a cuckistani flag

There is a big difference between mixing ethnicity (subspecies) and mixing race (species)--one should be classified as bestiality.

The mom is cute.


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Asian father + White mother = Allways good results.

They usually are not.

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You don't get to pick and choose to see who's pretty and who's not.
Are fucking stupid?

>when you see it

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Triggered 56ers

Fucking Jesus that is baby Trevor Noah

He looks Slavic... OH SHIT NOW I GET IT

Hapa 8-10s never stack up to the full blood 8-10s of one or the other

Most people are hideous regardless of race.

They are not supposed to exist, they are untermenschlich and should be eradicated.
You know, I would almost be alright living with niggers if they didn't mix.

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Uh yeah thy are in fact better than white roasties

well somebody made us to be slaves then felt bad when they realized we have feelings and think about things.

No wonder Ron Perlman is so crazy

Holy shit, that kid looks like a ghost straight from the grudge

>They are not supposed to exist

Actually this. Mutt babies are not supposed to exist.

Wtf is that lady(?) And the kid she's(?) holding

How could she do that? Imagine how disappointed Rockwell would be. To spit on his grave like that..

>says the fat white beta
>1/10 w...would not bang

thats not fair. he could be a non white

Only in 'murica... Intelligence makes you beautiful on the outside too :))

Aww she’s not ugly you creep! She’s really cute. Look, her parents even dressed her like Ball Droid!

Found this image of a horrifyingly unlucky example.

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Isn't the Nig Trooper-1488666000000 banging the fat gook bitch in canon though?

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>i have a right to control your testes

>pasta nigger
Potato nigger is orange

>Everyday the same thread
>Everyday people fall for that shit

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> mixed race people are ugly
> hottest woman on YouTube is a hapa

Keep coping

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Mutts are so ugly amiright?

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A E S T H E T I C half kike

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This guy is better looking than 100% of this thread though.

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There ugly people and beautiful in all races

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Take a look at the current state of your country.

Jow Forumsasianmasculinity is leaking again


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'Stockton Police Department' KEK

Not really m8. But keep posting pics of mongrels to ease your mutthurt.

>doing family man shit
Implying he hasn’t already left his family by now

Hello M'bumba, how many gibs did you receive today?

That guy could pass for White though.