Why is literally no one talking about this? Its all about trumps words. Why isnt anyone talking about Putin offering to let mueller interview those indicted in Russia?
Browder, $400 Million
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why is literally no one talking about this?
Because no one except paid shills falls for kremlin propaganda or listen bullshit Putin is saying.
P.S. kys
Self bump
Why even bother bro they gonna slide you anyway
He was on fox crying a river to violin music in the background... he plays the muh 6 million hard, really hard
400 million russian campaign dollars in a uranium barrel marked #1 containing a fucked kid-korpse from haiti holding a smoothie made from the remains of seth rich and vince foster just rigged my dem primary as it flew over my house
Politifact already looked into it
Turns out Putin lied (It's rated Pants on Fire)
Big surprise, am i rite guys? /s
The only news sites that reported this initially were:
>Jow Forums (yep, it’s a news site)
That’s it. All other news agencies are compromised or controlled opposition
I just want someone to look into these comments a bit more and either clear them up or give them more weight. Either way they seem important.
Rush mentioned it yesterday i remember but didnt go into it
Shills in full damage control.
>Why is literally no one talking about this?
Because doing so would force media to admit how much they've lied about all the Russian craze
>Why isnt anyone talking about Putin offering to let mueller interview those indicted in Russia?
Because under no circumstances mueller really want those individual interviewed, as they could blow the whole anti-Russian construction with actual evidence.
Also, I don't see the "US Intelligence" willing to share in a trial their "evidence" and whether they've obtained it legally and from whom.
He helped pass a law that froze criminals money. Would you believe someone who committed a crime and got caught when he started spewing bullshit?
>trust the CIA, they are the good goys
They are killing threads that's why.
Rosenstein and Mueller need to explain why
these 10 favorable-to-Putin events occur:
1. Putin Annexed Crimea
2. Russian Bases in Syria
3. Europe is on fire
4. Hot civil war in USA imminent due to Mockingbird media
5. Putin cornered the market on USA uranium
6. LIBYA destroyed/North Africa collapsed
7. Muslim Brotherhood installed in Egypt, etc.
8. Iran being sent hundreds of billions of cold cash
9. Rise of ISIS
10. America not producing energy
So why not call them out on this bullshit?
Better avoid trusting any securities but of KGB and CIA I'd choose the latter any day.
But better don't trust any of them it is their work to lie all the time. KGB/FSB is just even less controlled by the society or it seems so at least.
Browder is a Jewish kleptocrat who ran away from facing justice for corruption in Russia.
>1. Putin Annexed Crimea
>going to war over crimea
>2. Russian Bases in Syria
>they're protecting their piplines
>3. Europe is on fire
>moreso arab spring and russia/usa intervention in ME
>4. Hot civil war in USA imminent due to Mockingbird media
>civil war won't happen, military would squash both sides
>5. Putin cornered the market on USA uranium
>US refuses to bailout our nuclear companies
>6. LIBYA destroyed/North Africa collapsed
>French president owned money to Libya
>7. Muslim Brotherhood installed in Egypt, etc.
>Majority want a Caliphate or can be easily mislead
>8. Iran being sent hundreds of billions of cold cash
>was the release of their frozen money
>9. Rise of ISIS
>bad foreign policy and trusting Iraq with weapons
>10. America not producing energy
>what type of energy? Oil? Solar? Nuclear?
Obama was weak and was afraid to step on anyone's shoes, partly because of getting lambasted by the media for wearing a different suit. Though it is easy to look 'good' compared to Trump and Bush
Is this a serious post?
Was your post serious too? Some of it is bullshit probably, but some of it is reality as well. I'm not really going to put large amounts of effort into something that'll be ignored
Name one part that isn’t true.
bump 400 million times
It has been corrected:
thank you very much user for the documentary. Never found it before in English langage
You are for some reason giving a pass to Obama, who, unlike Trump, clearly operated in Russian interests.
The connection of it. You're ignoring change in doctrine from Secretary of States and allied influences. Not sure why Rosentein/Mueller are included. Obama but mostly Hillary is to blame for these, if you can blame anyone at all.
It was uploaded today. We are both incredibly lucky. It will almost certainly be taken down today.
Also Browder managed to block an EU investigation on his hedge fund, with the help of corrupted EU MP
No, Obama was weak and shit on anything that wasn't a solid ally. He removed sanctions from Russia after Georgia and should have been much stronger once Russia actually invaded and funded rebels. He and Hillary were a joke for foreign policy. Decent at diplomacy but let things develop too much instead of snuffing them out.
Mueller didn’t investigate any of it while he was director. Neither did Rosenstein while he was in DOJ. Infact, Obama issued a stand down order as was testified to on Monday.
Obama is a Russian asset.
t. personal assistant for Pussy Riot
Why is Mueller investigating things he himself is involved in?
I'd laugh if that were true. While he was weak on Russia if he were an asset he would have pushed the EU/NATO away to create disunity.
Like what? Returning uranium to Russia?
Also being ignored is that the Russian collusion nonsense is essentially over. It's only a matter of time now until the normies see it.
Comey is scared shitless because of Lisa Page's testimony. CNN will not utter a word about it because Page actually named the country that passed the 33,000 emails to WikiLeaks. And it wasnt Russia.
Louie Gohmert, when questioning Peter Strzok last week, asked why Strzok didn't follow up on an Intel. Comm. Inspector General report on the 33,000 of Clinton's email found on Weiner's laptop. The report stating that they found "anomolies" that the emails had come to WikiLeaks from a "country unrelated to Russia" - Strzok had no answer.
You can find the entire ten hour testimony on YouTube. He does ask about it and it did happen.
The next day Lisa Page testifies and the repubs are nearly ecstatic at what she says. No transcripts of her testimony have been released yet.
Twitter and Reddit are buzzing now with speculation about who this "country" could be. Big money is on China or Israel. None of the speculation is pointing at Russia. Understandable since the ICIG report literally said "unrelated to Russia"
It's amazing that a man who renounced his US citizenship and is the grandson of the head of the Communist Party USA is taken seriously.
>demanding that europoors in NATO fulfill their treaty obligations or get out is "creating disunity"
I'm pretty sure the ones who created disunity are the assholes who rely on America to guard against any possible threats while freeriding the system, you dumb fag
Also not sure if Tucker mentioned it
OP here, this is great stuff guys. How can we get this pushed into the mainstream to get it talked about?
>like what
The fact that he was FBI director when it happened and as Special Prosecutor, he isn’t supposed to be conflicted. The whole reason for SC is to avoid conflict- he has many reasons to overlook the crimes that occurred on his watch- and besides, he has a blind spot by virtue of his being Director at the time of Mueller and Podesta’s crimes.
>weak on Russia
No, he quite thoroughly elevated Russia, laughed in Romney’s face re:concerns, and he basically broke NATO and Europe.
There was a good thread here the night it was first mentioned. Maybe I’ll have time to dig it up later
All the while lauding marxism on our dime.
>lambasted by the media
>"fox news said mean things about me, therefore I can do nothing!"
If a single media outlet disagreeing with you frequently is enough to make you change course, you really are a weak faggot especially when all other outlets spent all their energies downplaying the gun-running to mexico and other major obongo-era scandals.
We've been talking about it. Where have you been?
>thinks obama was criticized
That’s why I don’t think user is serious.
The funniest part about European socialism is that it was only made possible due to them being able to rely on the US to not be socialist, which enabled out military-industrial complex and pharmaceutical complex to develop the life-saving technologies which created the modern world, and then free-riding socialist states like Canada would go about creating their own knock-off products to sell to their own people on the cheap while further reducing costs by refusing to properly fund their own militaries.
And there's the fact that the "longest peace in Yurop ever" only happened because the US forced all these countries to world together, encouraging European integration in order to keep everyone focused on defeating the USSR.
It really is amazing.
Fucking lol
It doesn't matter now though. Nutjobs here have found someone new to lynch.
2% by 2024 was agreed on. And confusing offensive and defensive isn't that smart.
here is how browder blocked financial investigation in cyprus requested by Russian justice, with the help of 17 russophobic MP from EU parliament.
Putin literally walked back the claim today lmao
Now Trump is removing the veil.
Yeah but Bill O'Reilly said Obama was a dumb dumb on his show, and that's why Obama had to back down on his ebin policies which would otherwise have made us all rich and given us flying cars.
You only give canned answers. Stop defending the indefensible.
>by 2024
Whoa I'm so impressed. Those Canadians are working overtime to be at a bare minimum, true heroes.
400 million russian campaign dollars in a uranium barrel marked #1 containing a fucked kid-korpse from haiti holding a smoothie made from the
remains of seth rich and vince foster just rigged my dem primary as it flew over my house
400 millions has been corrected to 400.000 in TASS press release
Could be a genuine misunderstanding from Putin or a translation issue, as no one would believe that Browder could invest that much on a politician, even the most corrupted one.
Thank you. This covers more of Browder's fraud.
Because the "elite" are literally terrorists.
Sessions needs to shoot Browder in the face.
It was on CNN and they didn’t even deny it.
The head shot to the whole Russian meddling narrative will be in the transcripts of the Lisa Page testimony, when do they come out?
He said he misspoke too lol. He's laughing at trump and all you trumpfags
No it won't, the GOP didn't even want a public hearing because she killed their narrative
You mean it killed the Dems narrative. Gohmert asked Strozk about why they knew the 33,000 came from China and did nothing about it.
FUN FACT: Bill Browder's grandfather was the leader of the American Communist Party
>Browder's paternal grandfather was Earl Browder, who was born in Kansas in 1891.[1] He was a radical and had lived in the Soviet Union for several years from 1927 and married Raisa Berkman, a Jewish Russian woman, while living there.[1] After his return to the United States in 1931,[1] Earl Browder became the leader of the Communist Party USA, and ran for U.S. president in 1936 and 1940.[13] After World War II, Earl Browder lost favor with Moscow and was expelled from the American Communist party.[1]
Now THIS is interdasting!
got a link??
Not a long time if I remind correctly as he betrailed their commies friends
Thank you, great post. Always expose the Jewish ethnicity of evil people. Don't let them get away with it.
"Browder’s criminal group funneled $1.5 billion from Russia into tax havens. Of this sum, at least $400 million was transferred to the Democratic Party’s accounts. Afterwards, our president asked us to correct the sum for $400,000 from $400 million," Kurennoi said.
So he admitted the mistake
He denies it.. where's the proofs?
>making a claim without source
Get out
Because 1 word was more important than the 45 minute meeting.
Putin seems to exude an aura like without him in charge Russia would explode into chaos and cannibalism instantly.. obviously there is so little opposition not because he is so good but because everyone who challenges him whether competent or not ends up dead. no?
Russian Spring when?
His long extensive history of fraud and connection to deep state think tanks. That's indicia if not outright proof.
Found the tranny
Because both sides are putting up nothing burgers. Like literally nothing of value is being put up by either side.
Can one of you niggers answer this, trying to get a response from the Q larpers but they don't ever respond when you ask them to come up with non "just follow the million chains of posts based on faith"
I'm waiting for the happenings of July that were promised. Nothing so far.
Asked about it in Twitter and some guy responds with "didn't you see the major protests in Europe? Major happenings everywhere"
They're protesting Trump not out marching because some deep state conmen from around the world are going to jail and the world knows they were all up to no good.
That's the thing with conspiracy theories you can't prove a negative and everything can and will be used to fit into their fantasies.
So no shill shit you monkeys, where are the happenings that were promised? Please don't say "look at this one line in the IG report that says things weren't followed as normal". Wheres the actual fucking meat?
Lisa Page saying China gave the emails to wikileaks also destroy's the entire Seth Rich narrative too. Which explains why Seth Rich's brother was laughing through his parent's first interview after he was allegedly killed. The Seth is literally sitting in Israel somewhere right laughing that the jews control both narratives.
After the midterm elections we can get a majority to impeach Trump for treason, and then get Pence to sign off on such crippling sanctions that they'll have no choice but to overthrow Putin.
I think you touch upon a lot of good points. Q larping and whitepills are just good feelings and hope that things will happen if we just wait and do nothing. IG reports and congressional memos are proof of wrongdoing that will never enter a courtroom despite how much they prove. Over 90% of White people in Washington, DC voted for Hillary Clinton because the deep state, civil service, intelligence community, and lobbying apparatus are all Democratic holds. Until someone can figure out how to crack that nut no amount of "evidence" will ever prosecute guilty people.
"Muh Russia" Evidence
William Binney a retired NSA whistleblower pointed out that the download speeds for the DNC servers were too fast for a hack. It had to be a leak. Seymour Hersh confirmed that Seth Rich stole the information and had it secured on a dropbox to sell it. The DNC never let the government inspect the servers. The company in charge of securing the servers, Crowdstrike, is headed by a personal friend of Robert Mueller.
The Podesta email "hack" was a phishing email that he fell for. The reason we know that is because that phishing email was included in the Wikileaks. Then a Jow Forums user logged in to Podesta's email and Twitter using that information. This proves that Podesta is a dumb shit who got phished, he didn't have 2 factor authentication, and that he didn't even change his password after everything got uploaded onto Wikileaks. No evidence that Russians had anything to do with this, but anyone could have run roughshod over that system if they wanted to.
The Internet Research Agency, the "troll farm", made $100,000 worth of low quality political Facebook memes. Half of these memes were spread after the election. A quarter of these memes got zero clicks. This is the most substantial pro-Trump Russian interference that anyone has proven. HRC's $150 million campaign supposedly was beaten by this.
Of course none of this equals a conviction.
Oh god, watching the documentary.
Browder's storyline is completely destroyed !
That makes sense. I actually haven't watched it yet, but the Consortium News summary was pretty clear his narrative was BTFO.
Cause trump was under attack by the shills.
Still, this is worth a bump
It's so embarassing : Those same people that pushed the Browder's narrative completely puzzled by Nekrasov's questions.
To a German MP that pushed the storyline in EU Parliament, about the Magnitsky arrest because he accused Policeman Karpov
Nekrasov: "but Magnitsky did not accused Karpov in his testimony. His name is not even cited" - showing the document
MP with incredulity: "really, you got it from Browder's site"
Nekrasov: "Yes Madam"
Her Reaction say it all
Comey says CrowdStrike (founded by a leftist Russian) is TRUSTWORTHY Jow Forums BTFO.
Q: When did the DNC provide access for the FBI for your technical folks to review what happened?
COMEY: Well we never got direct access to the machines themselves. The DNC hired a firm [CrowdStrike] that ultimately shared with us their forensics from their review of the system.
Q: You have still never been given access to any of the machines hacked by the Russians?
COMEY: That's correct, although we got forensics from the pros they hired which--best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves--my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.
I like how they just brush over magnistsky being beat to death in prison. But no corruption of course he just somehow died from physical abuse but Browder is the evil one!
Did you make this spreadsheet? I'd be interested in seeing the whole thing.
>my folks
ahh well then case closed!
Except that Magnitsky's mother didn't talk about him being beaten to death. She blamed shitty prison doctors for inadequate treatment of his heart attack. Russians get heart attacks too.