>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>KAC on Fox News 7/18/18
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 7/18/18
>Ivanka on Paid Family Leave 7/18/18
>Pres Trump on Tucker 7/17/18 pt1 pt2
>Pres Trump meets w/GOP Congress members 7/17/18
>AgriSec Perdue @Axios on Trade Policies/Taxes 7/17/18
>Fed Chair Powell @Senate on Monetary Report 7/17/18
>ActVASec ORourke @House on VA Whistleblowers 7/17/18
>House Hearing on Social Media Filtering 7/17/18
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania in Europe 7/17/18
>Ron Paul approves of the Trump/Putin Summit 7/16/18
>Pres Trump on Hannity 7/16/18 pt1 pt2
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania return to WH 7/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania return to DC 7/16/18
>Pres Trump w/Piers Morgan on GMB 7/16/18
>VP Pence/CommSec Wilburine @Dept of Commerce 7/16/18
>Pres Trump/RUS Pres Putin presser 7/16/18

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Call me a pessimist, but I think we're fucked.

We've seen time and time again that the Republicans will stand by Trump no matter what and defend him. Now we're seeing blatant, traitorous attacks against the U.S. and it's all perfectly timed.

Russia pushed the election to Trump, they've invested money and manpower into taking over America and succeeded. They'll do anything to keep that power, including stealing the midterms. The ONLY way we get out of this is by getting Dem control again, which won't happen because not only is Russia going to steal the midterms, but they'll do it blatantly without any disregard for consequences because there are none. Trumps plan to start a civil war and declare martial law with his school shooting false flags and the Hogg squad has failed so he has turned to a new plan.

Using his CIA nigger media plants at CNN and MSNBC Trump is blasting images of brown kids in cages to every liberal in America - a few more weeks of this and they will be ready to try a civil war. It is the most powerful judaisim i have ever seen.

This is far more dangerous than anything he has tried so far. Trump is on the verge of his colour revolution and siezing ultimate power. The price will be your republic

You have to McListen before its too late



That racist Drumpf wants a racist wall!

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Just came out, the Russian chick that is accused of being a spy traded sex with old Republican men and NRA members for access to high level meetings where she would push Russian and Putin's interests. So Putin sent a young Russian woman and a womb of Russia to America to be defiled by 60 and 70 year old Republican men.

It's alleged that she had sex with one guy dozens of times to gain access and then she met other men where she propositioned them and they accepted. They would have orgies with her and take turns having her in their apartments where they would treat her like a sex slave and have her live with them while she went with them to high level meetings to spread her influence.

This isn't a meme or joke either. She really did do this. This is why young white men cannot get a gf.

Graham: Everything that I’ve seen would suggest that Russia is interfering in the 2018 election. I’d be curious to find why President doesn’t believe that. I got a phone call today with Dan Coats to talk about the warning lights blinking red. There’s a big disconnect

this is a response to Trump saying hour ago that Russia is not interfering anymore.

WE....... ARE........

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fuck yes!

Graham on Trump:
> He needs to explain to the American people why he rejects the intelligence assessment about their ongoing activity against our democracy.

Again, this is a response to Trump saying hour ago that Russia is not interfering anymore.

> And, in another statement that will surely draw confusion and ire among many, Trump said that "Russia is no longer targeting the US." One wonders how long before Trump is forced to talk that back too.

>commies wanna take my guns

Explain pic related.

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Er ist wieder da.

44 seconds ago

Graham on prospective election security legislation: I’m going to ask (Senate Majority Leader Mitch) McConnell (R-KY) to get to (Senate Minority Leader Chuck) Schumer (D-NY), to knock off the partisanship and get Team America on the field.

They will go ahead and make the 'if DNI says Russia meddles, sanctions hit Russia' thing a law :DDD

what does this even mean?


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Wasnt Preservor a He-Man character? Perlman is a fucking nutbag

No no my friend. Together we shall share intel and make world more glorious.

How many jews can there possibly be in Australia? Kangaroo and emu can't be kosher.



It is an unconstitutional law. The power of the tariff is clearly reserved

I call you jew, and yes your kind is fucked!

The Goyim know!

Too late to shut it down this time bitch!

Attached: The Goyim Know.png (1084x784, 860K)

The thumbnail looks like two long pepperoni pizzas

You see, old habits die hard.

> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he does not believe Russia is still targeting the United States, contradicting U.S. intelligence assessments that Moscow was continuing its attempts to meddle in American elections.

Trump on Tuesday tried to walk back comments that he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin over American intelligence chiefs on Russian interference in the 2016 election, saying that he had misspoken a day earlier after a summit meeting with Putin in Helsinki.

> Asked by reporters on Wednesday if Russia was still targeting the United States, Trump shook his head and said, “No.”

U.S. intelligence officials have said Russian election interference efforts are continuing and now target the upcoming congressional elections in November.

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>registry can be used for purposes other then just the registry
really activates my almonds

jinx (you)

What is piss hands frothing off about?

So, they have finally evolved into True Conservatives (tm).

Has Trump done a thing yet today?

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All the neocons showing their true colors again. Funny how it is always "partisanship" when it's going against what Dems want.

>Trump making another cucked statement earlier today during cabinet meeting

I'll repeat: this fucking guy needs to have a two-hour presser before the end of the week...the fatigue he's feeling with the various forms of The Jew coming @ him from all directions is really beginning to show

excuse me can I please see your jew card?

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>U.S. intelligence officials have said Russian election interference efforts are continuing and now target the upcoming congressional elections in November.
Funny way to misspell democrats.

Well, why would it be any different than flat earth, denying the moon landing, Israel did 9/11, or anything else. They’re just ideas. They’re protected by the first amendment.

I found the "Trump in disguises" meme I was looking for this morning.

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>I registry? Oh horrible! Genocide soon!
>Of course gun owners should be registered, its just common sense

Nothings too low of a job for the sake of motherland

(and that's a good thing)

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Does the jew card give discounts?

this is bait right?

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It's quite brave of Trump to NOW CLAIM that RUSSIA IS NO MORE INTERFERING IN ELECTIONS dude, DAY AFTER his backtrack statement on Summit statement.

Yes, he just answered some ((journalist)) who yelled is Russia still targeting the US? To which he said No. Then said "No other president has been tougher than me. None" Now the media is beside themselves all over again. ((He said that muh russia is not targeting the us REEEEEEEE))

>nigger can’t read

Austria and Australia are two different countries.

No it requires a 6 million shekel annual fee oy my fucking vey

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Nope, just retarded.

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Christ Fantano is such a little faggot

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Jokes aside, there are a shitload of kikes in Australia. The Australian media is totally controlled by them too. They are everywhere.

>finn faggot didnt commit suicide after he got BTFO in 2016

Truly suffering

>NRA members

I have special access to classified information because I am an NRA member?

You mean like this:

"Always keep a firearm pointed in a safe direction, such as at a commie or a jew."

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Why should I give a fuck what this faggot has to say on Twitter dot com

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Jews only think that way when its them being registered

maybe Randlet will find some stupid tax money being spent on scientists testing Sharks with cocaine

>hardcore masculinity problems

What did Xi mean by this?

Register those guns, goy.

He is self-admittedly a low IQ retard. Have sympathy

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>recycling proven right wing memes

The left really struggles with this

they try to use our insults because they know how effective they were against them
We're rent free boys.

These statements are the most disingenuous bullshit I've ever seen. What is "interfering"? Is it giving money to candidates? If so, then the DNC is the one who is benefitting. Is it changing voter rolls? No because they'd say that. Or is it still unchanged, and it's just bored anons from the internet posting memes on Facebook? If it's the last one, and I'd bet anything it is, this whole "interfering" accusation is retarded.

i still don't know his ethnicity
he looks like a turbo mutt

They still haven't used snowflake correctly.


/ptg/ - literal who twitter posts general.

Not so fast, get a load of this fresh organic meme made by the left! Totally BTFO

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If their idea of recycling was using coal to heat the plastic burning fires that heat the third world, they're doing a great job of it

>still using Cuck in 2018
That shit burnt out a long time ago.

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Which means they don't even understand it, they just know people laugh at them when they are called one.

I watch that goof ARTV just because it helps take down Fanta o a notch. He’s aight if you still like rock music reviews.

His IQ isn't that far off being considered legally retarded in western nations, I cut him a bit of slack every now and then.

I do wonder how inbred he is though, you'd think it'd be at least 3 digits if he's really from Israel originally.

is he insulting effeminate males? sounds like anti-LGBT hate speech to me

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Centrist detected.

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imagine getting cucked like Comey

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I think Fantano is being a little satirical of BlueWavers here.

Oh fuck. Deleting my Jow Forums account now. I cant believe i shilled for mango musollini

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International politics is all about Spy Vs Spy.

And guess what, Hillary still lost!

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Is Trump trying to persuade people that Putin does have compromising info on him? His behavior and statements are fucking bizarre. Does he have no idea that optics are important now?

When will they learn?

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Why is God Emperor Trump still delisted then???

Call me a NiggerFaggot, but I poop we're laminated.

We've seen coffee and pickle again that the sandwich will stand by falling no matter what and lubricate him. Now we're seeing prolapse, traitorous attacks
against the sack and it's all perfectly organic.

Endor pushed the dung ball to Moose, they've invested weed and pasta into taking over shithole and hardware.
They'll do drugs to keep that vagina, including stroking the tall horse. The ONLY way we get out of this is by getting benis
control again, which won't happen because not only is benis going to fellatio the donkey cart, but they'll do it blatantly without
any crisco for niggers because there are penalties. Bergstein is actively, VOCALLY helping them because he knows as soon as the
cats get the poon and tang he's gold.

We can't win the struggle because our vagina will be fraudulated and distended by the benis with the help of our own niggers.
People keep saying "JUST SUCK!" but that's not enough. Sucking means jack canned goods if every sphincter machine is a closeted faggot and people aren't
able to get to the benis because the vagina are doing everything they can to arsehole mexishits.

There's faggotry we can do. They won. We're danced. If we try to swallow in a civil war we will lose because it's a bunch of
tranny faggots against the benis and a million turtles with hundreds of thousands of shit squirts.

I wish there was a way out but there isn't and it scares the absolute shit into me.

It's so hard to figure out if Democrats hate or love Comey this week.

At least Fallon tells the truth. Hes still a shitbird

>posts with an American flag
>"you're going to lose your republic goy!!"
neck yourself kike

Maybe we should a federal Jew registry. You know to protect them from hate crimes and not you know taking names.

>The character disappeared from the comics in 1964 but was brought back more than 40 years later as Kate Kane, a Jewish lesbian.

Finally a real hero to fight fascist scum!

This is so powerful.

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>His behavior and statements are fucking bizarre
He should have never done the last night's press conference.

Comey is an absolute masochist. He loves being hated by the right and left. No other excuse.