Tucker's power levels are rising!


He also called out Neocons!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Tucker is the only reasonable young person on TV.

He is legit the only reason I am considering going back to cable.

hes almost 50

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>anyone on tv being sane

How do I become as RAW as the Tucc?

HAHA Tucker is a propaganda mouthpiece for our shit facist president. Fuck Tucker, Hannity, and fuck the rural obsolete pickup truck driving Hank Williams Jr listening, meth shooting, sister inbreeding white trash that voted for Trump.

Yeah but he looks young.

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Wish he wasn't a disgusting slack-jawed though

tired of seeing his cavities and his underbite

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OP. you don't fuck with the Tuck. Anyone claiming otherwise is certified newfag.

Found the faggot

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you can tell he hates jews

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Who are (((they)))? holy shit that was fucking based.


What is happening lately?!

Why are people shoving their power levels like that?!

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Why wont you boomers just hurry up and die

He only just got around to calling out neocons? Wow that's slow.

>maybe likely that russia broke into the DNC servers
Why does nobody talk about seth rich anymore?

Tucker is 50 years old. He was a neocon before Trump. He's a shapeshifting con artist.

>it was her turn

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The internet exists. And it is more important than your personal opinion. Welcome to the new communism.

To be honest, that totally explains how he ended up at CNN in his early years, as we know CNN is a CIA controlled organization. Maybe Tucker actually wanted to do some good at the CIA? They wouldn't let him in, and now he is out to destroy them? Who knows, really.

>Shills attacking Tucker when he starts spitting redpills on cable news.
Really makes me think.

Attached: pepenazifrog.jpg (600x745, 57K)

>faced with inconvenient facts
>must be the jewshills again

It must be so convenient to completely shut out any information that contradicts your retarded beliefs.

unlike jews, white people are capable of learning from their mistakes.

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4:15, doesn't name the Jew at the most opportune moment (AIPAC, Media, etc) and instead says 'Sunni gulf-states'.

I wonder if this goy is controlled opposition as well or if it's not the right time to name the Jew.

Attached: (((Saudi))).jpg (218x255, 25K)

>He knows

Attached: 1523493877226.gif (222x330, 545K)

>he's out to destroy them
>by promoting (((Jordan Peterson)))

Attached: jordan peterson pedo.jpg (1683x653, 212K)

enjoying the irony of your post. made me kek.

hillary lost lol

Why do you think he always has that hillary supporting jew lawyer on his show?

>#metoo tucker

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Pick one shills.

>He only just got around to calling out neocons? Wow that's slow.

Mainstream American media. It's a Jew and Neocon controlled industry.

I'm not giving Fox any props. But I think Fox news discovered that being the opposite of CNN has given them some huge ratings with Tucker and Hannity. I think people like Tucker are legit, but Fox is still very much (((Fox))).

based tuck

sometimes you gotta let the people connect the dots instead of spoonfeeding them

>by promoting (((Jordan Peterson)))

By them, I meant the corrupt CIA directly. I honestly think Jordan Peterson is pretty weak opposition. I'm not even sure what to think about him myself.

Imagine being tucker and seeing this.

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The majority of Americans are fucking retarded. This was THE biggest happening for an opportune moment to get the ball rolling by dropping just one word, but instead he said 'Sunni golf-states'.

If >he knows, he just blew it. Why?

He's a bit like Stan from On the Buses. He was 50-odd.


>i dont know what to think about things
Tucker, like the rest of FOX, is a Zionist shill who promotes Communists like Jordan Peterson. Tuck is CIA.









Based Tuck, giving libhsits the fuck.

False. He doesn't actually age. Age is just a social construct for him

AIPAC is the biggest election meddler in the World.

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We did it, Cucker Carlson's PISSED

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The bottom line is that the prime time lineup at Fox brings in mega shekels for (((them))), which always trumps ideological bent.

Liberals are neo-cons now. Well they always were, they were just good at hiding it, but after 8 years of Obama and wars with 8 countries, they don't bother to hide it anymore. Demons.

//Copy and paste this text into Jow Forums. Remember to delete this comment.

Yeah guys, I think it’s over. I fought extremely hard in the meme war and we got him elected. But it just isn't worth it anymore.

We are going to lose the midterms and then lose in 2020. No amount of meme magic will save us.

Although his strong support for Israel was unmatched by any previous president and a high point, it doesn't outweigh the negatives.

Therefore, I think it's time we go back to supporting real candidates instead of memes. People like Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz would be ideal.

Anyways those are my thoughts. I would be happy to see other Anons' opinions on this matter.

why do you even come to Jow Forums if the only thing you do is get assmad about everything?
calm the fuck down you sperg

I actually listen to the Brothers Osborne. And leave my sister out of this.

Most of the Fox news lineup is just boomer CNN shit. Basic liberal news, but with a little better representation of moderate conservative opinions. Just a little. Only Tucker and Hannity are conservatives.

Why was Tucker absent from his show for like 3 days after that episode where he and a retired colonel criticized the latest Syria strikes?

Delete this post (check the box in the upper-left corner and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the white 'delete' button) and come to the office immediately!

because he is the only talking cable head capable of independent thought and (((they))) tried to reprogram him

Too late. Already screencapped

Show me a journalist worldwide than can match Tucker

Be proud burgers

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You should start waterboarding your employees

>The majority of Americans are fucking retarded
>*tips fedora*

>"yes goy, name the jew live on air so that the jews who own your station can fire you and the majority who control the media outlets can blackball and silence you forever"

Who do you think furthers white advocacy more in the current climate: Patrick Little or Tucker Carlson?

Hey Tucker. Don't disappoint us now, we can sense your power, you might disguise it from normies, but we feel it.

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>It must be so convenient to completely shut out any information that contradicts your retarded beliefs.

It seemed awfully convenient on the timing for a 'vacation', and he and the colonel got as based as you get about the Syria ordeal

Reminder that Trump watches Tucker and Hannity every day and bases his decisions on what they say

Tucker did great by pointing out the same group of people being Russia instigation today are the same who got US involved in numerous mid east nation building wars. But then took blame away from (((them))). Blamed Chinese and Saudi money and such. I'm sure he knows who the neocons really serve and the zog problem, but maybe he doesn't want to go that far yet or Fox won't allow him. That said, he still putting out more redpills than any other person on mainstream news and God bless him for that.

>t. jewish shill

>Implying it's in the interest of CIAniggers to have a major anchor routinely arguing these unaccountable spy bureaus are too powerful / should maybe be disbanded altogether
>Implying he doesn't implicitly name the jew all the time

Attached: tucker on the (((elites))) question.jpg (734x869, 133K)

He endorsed Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012. How the fuck is he a neocon?

>the CIA controls everyone in the media...except Cucker Carlson
>Israel controls every single politician...except Trump
imagine being this retarded

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Bumpitty bump.

Anti-white detected.

He's a dad and cares about the future of his children.

Hmm I don’t see tucker listed

Thatbprobably just means we are genetically less diverse.

Who Are (((they)))?

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user., it's childish to call all disagreement "hate."

How are you a superpower?

Tucker is one of the best TV personalities hands-down. He's reasonable, intelligent and well-spoken and always seems pretty level-headed. And he always has people on with viewpoints that are all over the place.

t. FOX news intern

Attached: genie energy FOX.jpg (960x960, 167K)

Spoiler: OP is a Russian troll.

Amish are not pickup drivers, they actually work hard and contribute more to the community than you ever could.

say that without the meme flag

>or compared to the remarkable sway that the Sunni Gulf states have over our political process
Tucker is a cut above the rest, but still a mainstream puppet in that he can't call out the obvious Israel and Jewish lobby unless done so indirectly by insinuating neocons are the problem.

fucking kek what an incredible source

really trying hard to discredit a guy who might be popular among millennials and comes razor close to outright naming the Jew

bump. We need to keep reposting this video every single day until this media fabricated shitstorm dies down. Tucker single handedly dismantles the "RUSSIA EVIL TRUMP NEEDS TO GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA" narrative.

he was never a neocohen

>implying CIA is one person.


how's the weather over there in Israel today shlomo?

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but thats wrong you fucking retard

his best opening monologue of the year - love it when he's feisty. all this Trump media assault is to 1) distract him from immigration and 2) get us into another foreign conflict where kikes make $

what did montenegro do to him? what did montenegro do to trump?

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