200 miles of wall funded

200 miles?

Is this an accomplishment or not?

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It's a start

it's a start.

waste of money

It's carrot on a stick. Trump has been POTUS for two years and we won't even get started on a wall until 2019. They're hoping this is enough to carry Trump in 2020. protip: it's not.

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Holy shit!
200 miles is insanely tall.

Rome wasn’t build in a day....

How the fuck many trips to Home Depot are they going to make?

wow a whole tenth it'll be done in 2030 there will DEFINITELY not be any dems in power before then no way hose


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Well, let’s see....

Not ONE (1) politician was even MENTIONING immigration before Trump, and I mean on both sides. Now we have 200 miles of border wall.

In conclusion, yes, it is an accomplishment. If you went back in time to May of 2015 and said this would happen, literally everyone in the world would say you’re crazy and probably try to put you in a mental health facility.

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I remember the outrage here, oh my. People were so fucking angry. I actually think it's the only reason why Trump is not and will never be popular here in Poland again. Most Poles (even shitlibs) saw it as a betrayal.

Depends on how many illegals are looking for trabajo that day...

It's a start. Considering how much they have resisted.


The House is fine. It's the Senate that's full of pussy ass traitors pushing for open borders.

yeah. trump is just another israeli puppet. sad

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If tripz, gets done within a year.

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A start but those cuck republicans might end up losing a lot of seats, many of them to non rhino republicans. I don't see dems getting many seats, just old fart rhinos being replaced. 200 miles is better than nothing. I wish a billionaire like thiel would just build it himself.
The libertarian memes would go insane.

This. Illegals come in through Canada and our airports the wall is unironically retarded.

That's my line

Not saying he's exactly a puppet, but he definitely has an affinity for Bibi and Israel.

A few tens of thousands of visa overstayers with degrees is a negligible problem compared with hundreds of thousands of Central Americans with no English and no skills.


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>b-but it will only stop some of the illegals from crossing and some of the narcos and some of the human trafficking and some of the drug trafficking
You're filth and you can't even hide it.

>What are Memes???
To the normie, memes are comedy and nothing else
To others... Memes are a means of communication.
>A way to speak without words
And right now most of you are aware that YOU ARE PSYCHIC...
>The very thing the enemy fears
YOU are literally 21st Century Spirit Monks waging memetic warfare against the enemy...


THEY will Never be able to understand or read the memes like you do.
>they will never Become like us....

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Jared KUSHNER- Sec. of State.

But it won’t work. Not even a little bit. They’ll never stop coming.

is 200 miles nothing?

Bitch, you probably never even walked 200 miles in your life because you're living it behind a computer screen

Of course it's a start

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>don't try guys it will never work you can't control your borders
Your neck was tailor-made for a nice noose.

Orban and Morawiecki are both banned from seeing anyone in the Trump administration by the way, an interesting bit of information.

Fucking kike whore

It will stop some, but not too many.

The only real solution is ethnic cleansing.

The wall just got 10 miles taller

Nice job losing to Sweden in the World Cup btw.

I'm not voting for this kike puppet

So desperate for a win. I thought Mexico was paying for this piece of shit.

How pathetic are cuckservatives

it's all theater m8. theyre all jews

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>mexico will pay for the wall
"Hire" illegal to build the wall.
Don't pay them.
Deport when done.
Mexico pays for wall

>caring about football
Thanks for the input Paco. Aren't we all just pozzitively ecstatic that an African nation won the cup?

It's about that distance. 7 to 8 times that and it's done.

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If you exclude weekends and holidays, it's almost one mile per day.

Is it even possible to build faster than 200 miles per year?

It's the end

Where are they actually placing it? I'd guess Texas.

what a fucking cuck. I stopped supporting Trump after him selling out and attacking Syria. not surprised anymore with any news I hear. he's just bending over to his (((superiors))). pol is filled with Trumpcucks. im sick of it.

Bin that wall!

You’re ethnically french aren’t you?

and I would fund 500 miles

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The Iran deal was objectively shite and the only people I see supporting it are EUrocrats and literal Muslims

>jew not paying laborer for a finalized job

It checks out, i bet you want mexico to pay reparations for the 60 gorillions

What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? How fucking ignorant do you have to be?

Offer resident alien status to any illegal that helps build the wall. Every inch of the border would be covered in six months.

Just to be the cuck that wastes a year and a’half with no wall at all to show to all you faggy fans YA YA YAH YA YA YAH AYAYAYYYYAYYAYYAYAHHHH

Shows what you know.

trump dun goofed

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>wanting to be in a human rights group with Saudi Arabia
Fuck the UN and fuck you

Switzerland is just France and Germany making babies right? I’m sorry I voted Trump I don’t know anything about the world.

Pick up your toys and leave Nikki baby

Based Hugh Laurie

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Well we already have lik 150 Miles trumps now gotten up to like 250 Miles so 400 total

Whole border is 2,000 and about half of it is a river

So we have funding for about half of the part that needs a wall.

Preddy gud so far


I don't think so. With the Rio Grande meandering and meandering that would be the hardest place to build a wall.

Trump would want a visibly long wall on a straight line.

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civil forfeitures . any one caught doing anything illegal that generates money can have every thing taken from them

working in the country is illegal and generates money. any property may have been bought with said illegally obtained money

every illegal deported can not only have all property taken but all money in a bank account taken. im sure they have collected enough through ice deporting to pay for a measly 200 miles of boarder wall between existing boarder walls

Actually the whole border wih Texas is a river and we already had about 200 miles of wall so we are almost half done

The media will never admit this

With that biting wit you could be king of leftypol. Go back.


Why is that street shitter Nikki Haley so obsessed with kikes anyways?


>i'm not saying this, but i'm saying this
sorry, neo nazis, doesn't look like trump had it in him to make jew blood run in the streets, guess we should have voted for hillary or jeb

its a start


Rome wasn't build in a day. It will happen, Pablo.

You could be the king of Switzerland if your dad didn’t hate you so much. Seriously though Switzerland is beautiful country, take care of your natural resources and don’t spoil your land. god bless.

I can sing it in my head without missing a beat. Good job user

All contractors know that you must get the project started and then ask for additional funding. It's far easier to get extra funding than it is to get funding for the whole project in the very beginning. That's why all government projects end up costing far more than initially planned. It's far easier to get 200 miles of the wall per year than it'd be to get 2000 miles at once.

You have to go back Paco

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You’re right, it’s going to be the peace with Russia and North Korean denuclearization that gets him the re-election. He might shit all over Iran, too, which will help.

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Alright, whatever you say Rabbi

>the whole border wih Texas is a river

Would that stop anyone? Look at your river on pic related.

Tens of thousands of niggers cross the fucking mediterrean sea on crappy boats every few months. And spics are way more clever than them.

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Thats 3 hours and 20 minutes of drive time from one end to the other.

My question has always been why not create jobs and national moral and pay us to build it? I'd hit that hot sun to see armed drones turning defiant pablos into Swiss cheese and watch a few hundred mexican't babies cry. Pay me 50 an hour I'll be out there even faster. Why isnt the corp of engineers out there?

What if we helped make Centeal America safer and more prosperous so no one would want to leave? Win win!

Stupid fucking ameriturd

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Our politicians are deceived by a convincing lie.

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forget the wall, minefield prowled by terminator robots

Their government has all of the necessary funds to fix their country as it is. Mexicans just choose to be loyal subjects and assume that only America can change things for them. Really, they need to lynch their government officials and the cartels.

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That’s not what the whole river looks like

Near any major roadway or town it has fencing, hundreds of miles are patrolled by boat and vehicle on either side and a 100 miles of it are in steep canyons in West Texas.

The parts that are easily fordable are watched 24/7 and even though rivers don’t pose and impossible barrier they cause enough of an issue that most don’t choose to cross via river but over land.

Easily fordable rivers were enough to let France become ethnically distinct from Germany.

All we really need is a fence from El Paso to San Diego and that would cut 80% of crossings

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Yes. Better than creating ISIS, that's for sure.

The wall needs more....

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What if we started a single American country from Canada to Argentina? We could all use the same currency. Instead of dollars we would have soros. 1 soros is 1,000 dollars.

There would be no more race wars because there’s only be one race. Problem solved. Case closed.

The border is about 1,954 miles, Trumpards BTFO FOREVER
>No wall
>DACA recipients still in the country
>Muslims still travel here
>Manufactures are still moving off the country
>Haven't renegotiated the NAFTA
>Worse tariff deals ever
>Obamacare not repealed
>Iran deal hasn't happened
>No tax cut, quite the opposite
>Israel best ally
>America has never been a bigger disgrace

Hillary Clinton and First Lady Huma Abedin alongside Supreme Court Justices Jeanine Pirro and Barron Trump will tend to all of our families. No one will have problems ever again.

Alsatians are linguistically germans, and they're on the west side of the Rhine.

What really stops the cultural Germany on the east are the Vosges mountains. Actually most of our borders are defined by mountains.

>They’ll never stop coming.
So do nothing?

Also it's a fence.

Russia relations will dramatically improve when Space Force is inaugurated. Putin will take Trump out into space where they will colonize a new planet and have secret meetings so secret that no one on planet Earth will know about them.

it's about 10% of what's needed.

No no, give amnesty to all of them. Like Jesus did during the Crusades.