Friend of mine snapped this pic in central Indiana.
Trump cloud
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking kek
Lens flair and everything
his beaming eyes reveal his power level
>central Indiana
Fuck is this a good or bad sign fellow hoosiers?
It's a sign from KEK.
Is Trump even human? Or is he divine?
What did kek mean by this.
What did nature mean by this?
That's a big meth cloud
looks like a pepe being sucked into another dimension.
Has mememagic given up on us?
Old picture seen it before.
U lying?
Very rare abstract Trump
This meme becoming reality is really starting to scare me!
based af dude
old news
sage goes in all fields
317 pride here
Trump has divine mandate as demonstrated by the election miracle and our rising economic prosperity
I misspoke I should've said wouldn't said couldn't said,oh and by the way English language, and oh, and England, beautiful country, I have sucha wonderful relationship with England, but you can say Britain, or England, so many choices, and my mother is from Scotland, I have very special feeling for Scotland, very beautiful, and I say it, and I say it, but English language, or you could say UK, so many names, Great Britain? Which do you prefer? Very easy to misspeak. So I misspoke, and I should of say woudn of instead of would, it's a double thripple negative, and I have such a tremendous respect for our intelligence agencies, all 17 of them, and they love me, by the way, the press won't tell you that, because they're fake news, but they love me.
>What did nature mean by this?
The storm is coming
the storm is here?
It's a sign to the faithful that Trump still has divine support.
Of course he's lying it's a slide thread
OMG that's soooo B A S E D
This is now a Jow Forums pareidolia thred.
That's one big sad frog
>Friend of mine
Nice larp
Isn't there a prophecy of trumpets sounding from the sky before the end times or something?
Looks like Pepe with Trump's hair as well.
Indiana is based af
living in their heads rent free
Based cornbelt.
>#Godmadethis #natureislitfam
(You) made this
> I made this
Judgement day comes. Oy vey shut it down