This. This. This

Attached: IMG_9930.jpg (750x728, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh shit. It’s over.

Attached: 311EFFDA-40E9-4B26-9096-1ED95824EF9E.jpg (429x451, 31K)

>David Hoff

I thought Jews couldn't have pork?

Is that the standard we are using? Okay, so if we find a Russian Agent in Planned Parenthood, does that mean their entire mission is tainted as well?


dam, I really didn't have an opinion on Russia, but now I must say, they could be OUR GUYS

are you guys actually russion agents trying to get us on your side?!!? Shifty Ruskies

david has a bright future in the FBI he'll fit right in

Repeating yourself doesn't make it true
>Repeating yourself doesn't make it true
Repeating yourself doesn't make it true
>Repeating yourself doesn't make it true
Repeating yourself doesn't make it true
>Repeating yourself doesn't make it true

Damn that nigger has zero test. Snap his arm like a breadstick.

And that faggy voice, give me a break

Attached: 1524573473475.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

Born to counter intelligence

>a hostile foreign power is fighting for my constitutional right as an American
>my own countrymen want that right abolished so they can Shoah me

Attached: pgxgijzkcg3z.jpg (478x478, 31K)

>the media will report this
>the media will ignore the 400 million hillary received illegally

golly gee the media isn't the enemy!

Please david, please keep talking, never shut up ever, thx bb

Just like 100% of all lemming leftists have never heard of the Uranium One deal (accurate statistic)

satanic trips of truth

Funny how the fact Clinton got 400million from Russia got brushed under the rug, really quickly, but this is still up, regardless, this whole Russia boogeyman shit, is incredibly retarded, more so than when stormfags say Jews are behind everything, because with that, there is at least the fact that they occupy a lot of important positions, but with this, there's like 12 people with dual citizenships, that is literally it, nothing more

I wish these hyperbolic faggots would do something. Start a war, attempt a coup, please. I have been eagerly waiting to go full-on Handmaid's Tale theocratic dictatorship summary executions on you faggot degenerates. Please, quit talking and act, otherwise you're just blow-hard bitches.

Attached: 1531936067471.jpg (768x1024, 173K)

>implying the NRA does anything but receive donations
>implying one of the richest men in the world would give a fuck about 30 million

This filthy piece of shit is really going all out hoping to escape complete irrelevancy in the next few months, isn't he?

Oh yeah it's a stormfag conspiracy bro kek what fucking rock do you live under?

>the jews just hold a couple positions guise

Yeah not like they have a 1,000 year old plan to build up a new jerusalem and designed all markets to look organic as to give themselves the shadow advantage. Fucking kill yourself

>Okay, so if we find a Russian Agent in Planned Parenthood,

"Russia today is the country of the liberated woman," remarked Margaret Sanger upon her return from a 1934 tour of the Soviet Union. "The attitude of Soviet Russia toward its women...would delight the heart of the staunchest feminist," she wrote in 1935 for the Birth Control Review. But while Sanger was impressed with a growing Soviet effort to liberate women from "housework drudgery...and no pay or recognition tasks," she witnessed severe limitations in reproductive choices for women and foresaw a crisis in Soviet women's healthcare that has received extensive coverage in the media since the dismantling of the Soviet state.

Is there a source or a reason to believe this? Or is he just repeating it until its eventually true?

Lol. they are losing so badly it’s getting sad

That a clever way to spread the idea the (((they))) are actually (((Russian))) and thus above criticism

Is there any evidence though. There are pro Russian lobbies, why use the nra unless to pose your propaganda.

if i say it enough times it becomes true

I have 1 million dollars
I have 1 million dollars
I have 1 million dollars
I have 1 million dollars
I have 1 million dollars

A sort of modern Bolshevism, but globalist rather than nationalist.

Hogg is paid by the (((NRA))) to boost gun sales

Attached: 1520381196753.jpg (752x757, 42K)

post proofs and not the rantings of a little homosexual boy.


Based on what I've just read we're the new jews now

>posts claim with no evidence

Is this real? It's not even his first time. Some time ago he spammed "no human being is illegal" several times. He's a good example of a person who has been beaten too little. I can understand some anomyous shitpost & spam to simply annoy other people, but he is so full of himself that he thinks he's being cool and more credible the more he can spam the same sentence.

That meme is so tired.
The right, while smugly pointing at the plenty deranged faggots on the left, will get more than it was asking if your precious "wars" start happening.
Pic related.

Attached: text.lefties.more.ogranized.terror.political.violence.png (1255x5323, 2.5M)

Oh wow, David Hogg says it, must be true.

Taylor swift is in my bed naked
Taylor swift is in my bed naked
Taylor swift is in my bed naked
Taylor swift is in my bed naked
Taylor swift is in my bed naked
Taylor swift is in my bed naked

Is there any truth to this?

Nope didn't work.

>23 pretending to be 17
>spreading lies about the NRA
>darling of the far left

I think hell be fine

You can't trust this child with the nuclear codes. Absolutely unhinged

are you sure?

Attached: download.jpg (750x1000, 134K)

Attached: 2ndNRAHogg.jpg (1125x523, 102K)

Can you just believe him you asshole, his school got shot up, have some respect, why would this innocent kid lie, he is a school shooting victim and you are mocking him, he has no reason to lie.

OP is a fag.
>OP is a fag.
OP is a fag.
>OP is a fag.

Oh shit...

Attached: 1522753099177.jpg (1148x786, 175K)

Back then they had Communist Russia funding them and there wasn't a big social riptide waiting for the chance to kill commies at home.

The proof is in the pudding.

It’s hilarious how similar this is to similar posts exposing ((them))

id love this faggot to get carjacked and stabbed by a nigger lol

It's amazing how ridiculous Hogg appears. He has no idea that gun rights are so popular.

If I had facebook and twitter I would post this on his accounts.

The “Russians” are jews.

Attached: DBCF7A9A-E194-410F-B85B-4830A989AC57.jpg (1024x1024, 231K)

Oh my god this is brutal, someone comment this on his tweet.

Didn't the Saudi's give a bunch of money to Hillary during the election?

Can confirm. Bought two.

Russia give money to David Hogg


Do you get paid for posting these threads or is it merely to protect the (((greater good)))

Russia gave Clintons $400 million.
Russia gave Clintons $400 million.
Russia gave Clintons $400 million.
Russia gave Clintons $400 million.
Russia gave Clintons $400 million.

Evidence? (X8)

Share this so everyone knows

you mean Israel


>literal cucks who worship at the feet of trump and eat up carlsons/hannity's shit like good little bitches

the irony is through the roof here. no wonder your communities are dumpster fires

David Hogg is a faggot
David Hogg is a faggot
David Hogg is a faggot
David Hogg is a faggot
David Hogg is a faggot
David Hogg is a faggot


Clever ivan

Somebody get him to post "Beetlejuie"

Attached: Beetlejuice-joker.gif (500x356, 72K)

Based. Looks like Hoggposting is back on the menu, boys!

Purchase ammo in bulk.
Purchase ammo in bulk.
Purchase ammo in bulk.
Purchase ammo in bulk.
Purchase ammo in bulk.

Attached: 9374598739845.png (842x457, 170K)

How is this possible when political donations from organizations are capped?

Did you learn anything in history class, do you know what a primary source is, Its when someone documents something as its happen, there are 2 types of primary sources both of which are equally reliable, on one hand you can have a letter or picture from the event itself the other primary source is if a school shooting victim writes it 8 times on twitter, with a hashtag, then it also must be true, go back to school if you don't know this.

God Dammit!

Attached: fuk drumpthzfg.jpg (1620x599, 244K)

>this tweet is sponsored by CTR ,the Clinton foundation and Mr Soros.

only 30 million? lel this retard

Jesus Christ take a history class you uneducated cunt, a primary source is a reliable one, there are many types of reliable sources, one of them being a school shooting victim writing it 8x on twitter with a quirky hashtag, its called the you can't disagree with me or I will cry that my friends died primary source, im surprised you haven't heard of it.

Smart anons might will grab this before its shoah'd

Literally nobody gives a fuck. Instead, everybody is increasingly irritated by this autistic waste of sperm.

Wow, two nearly-identical replies from one ID.

And they don't provide any evidence or a "primary source" either.


Did you learn anything from David Hogg, the more times you say it the more true it must be, David Hoggs victimhood complex is a primary source.

Did you learn anything from David Hogg, the more times you say it the more true it must be, David Hoggs victimhood complex is a primary source.

Did you learn anything from David Hogg, the more times you say it the more true it must be, David Hoggs victimhood complex is a primary source.

Got some proofs a link or a snopes fact check. ya didn't think so 1 post by this ID. crew share blue.

>repeating something makes it true


>accepts bribe of 30 million

lol you have to be an idiot to believe this

When are we gonna see #jewgate?
Why do current events have to be compared to past events, like #conspiracygate?
Or "tranny rights are the new civil rights"
Or "so and so is the new Hitler/Nazis"
Or "it's the next 9/11 or holocaust"
Or whatever dumb shit that isn't even comparable to the event it's being compared to, are we that creatively bankrupt? Not only do we get remakes and reboots of anything that has ever existed before but now we're trying to cash in on past historical events by bringing them into the modern era through vague equivalencies? What the fuck is even going on anymore?
Gas everybody and everything

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Hogg is a whiny bitch who's desperate to stay in the spotlight to get that CNN job.

fucking lol

Russia supports the Bill of Rights more than this little faggot.

>dindu nuffin

That's why the top positions at the Federal Reserve are all Jewish former-employees of the Jewish-owned banking corporation Goldman Sachs, amirite?

Attached: Jews in media.jpg (1001x1024, 400K)


>Le joo control the media maymay
>pictures of non-Jews and low tier workers to bulk up the propaganda

Do you think the people posting this image are intentionally being retarded or are they actually this dumb?



This is the logic of the left...

(omg we need to break the law for 30 m.. yeah that makes sense! without that 30 m, we are broke!)

Attached: AxrSx56.jpg (722x4226, 468K)

Like a HWNDU drone repeating the mantra of insanity over and over, drowning out any form of reason.

Attached: 1521660111210s.jpg (250x203, 6K)

He should just ask the Secret Service if he can suck Trump's cock and get it over with. We all know that's what is going on.


Born to be a glow in the dark CIA nigger

>look at me, Im the jew now

Putin should send Trump several teams of hitters to kill the dem officials