Justify mutilated penises in 3 words or less

Justify mutilated penises in 3 words or less.

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Thanks mom

I can do it in a single word. Watch this:

I can do it in 2 words.
>medical reasons

Sage this kike bait

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YHWH said so
That being said, it wasn't my choice to get my dick cut when I was a babby.

Barbaric Kike Scheme


What what exactly are those reasons, Dr. Schlomo?

there's no justification

every day the same gay cock threads. why is Jow Forums so obsessed with genitalia?

> be american
> jews steal your baby forskin
> put on jew face to look young
mfw rich jews wear your forskin on their face


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Chicks prefer it

No dick cheese

Rabbi felatio opportunity

When you never wash your dick, the skin shrinks, then you have to take it off unless you want to amputate your whole dick later.
Source: a friend told me

Chicks love smegma

Arby's Roast Beef

Daily reminder that if you were cut, you can restore your foreskin using advanced tissue expansion techniques.


>Source: a friend told me

Was his name Rabbi Shecklegruber?

this is too sick, even for ((((them))))

Feels good man

$500 a pop

To eat foreskins

Girls dig it

If spicdick, cool.

>being this obsessed with (((them)))
Get help, son.

Wash your penis bucko

>we've given roasties power to multilate baby's penises
Kill yourself

i see them all the time in my jewish pornos and they look cool


Prevents nigger AIDS

>you need to cut off a piece of your cock, otherwise it will get dirty and fall off

Who's the delusional one again?

I cannot.


Mark of the...

Damn, ran out of words.

And they also overwhelmingly prefer mass immigration.

>or less


It only developed during my teenage years then hounted me for over 10 yrs. The problem was that a doctor I saw when I was 18 diagnosed it as severe phimosis and suggested surgery, but asked 800 euros for the surgery and told me insurance wouldn’t cover this procedure. Only many years later after several infections and a relationship breaking up because of it, did I have adult circumcission surgery which hurt like hell for weeks.

Damn, why didn’t some rabbi just bite it off when I was a baby?

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chicks have more smegma than men.

foreskins aren't attractive

how about 4?
with jews you lose

Mark the slaves

I bet she feels so good about herself.

Cause for war.

Funny how Europe has much lower STI rates than the US, yet almost no one is cut in Europe.

Better cut your feet off to prevent athletes foot by that logic.

>a dried out, desensitized head feels better than a moist, sensitive one
That absolute state of Americuck logic

prefer rough cock head do you?

>when you never wash your dick
Typical Muslim problem Mohammad, your friend was right to worry.

>mfw americans and israelis are the only ones who mutilate their penis
>an unmolested black irish penis, mmmmm

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Playing with my foreskin rn best feel ever just to let you know

old Jewish men cut and suck your infant's penis and

god doesn't care

castrate all pedos

Only case I can think of is Phimosis, but even then there might be other ways.

Jews are good

Making me ovulate, imagine if you removed it and let doctor schlomo keep it for undisclosed reasons

Because american protestancunts ain't nothing but israeli lapdogs.

I don't care.

Will Fuel Jewnocide

So are the cathlocucks here

White Europeans are smart.
Circumcision won't make up for a standard deviation or two and the culture that ensues, in relation to STD's, but it does help.

Dr. Liebermann said i had phimosis.

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Then you can elect to get cut later in life when you're old enough to be sexually active if you're too retarded to not get STDs.

Justin bieber has a glorious acorn penis according to sources.

The studies that show circumcision reduces STI/HIV are all based on flawed, poorly collected data from African countries. If anything, the Africans who get circumcised also get sexual education material, thereby creating a spurious statistical effect. Also, not one doctor has been able to show or demonstrate a mechanism by which circumcision would prevent an STI. Furthermore, there are secretions from the foreskin which actually fight viruses and bacteria, so if anything it's the opposite, which explains why Europe has lower STI rates because the foreskin is a vital organ that helps prevent STI's in the first place.



Medical condition

oy vey goyim

They're not, you filthy cryptojew.
Fact: Catholic Christianity kept most of the native european culture throughout history. Luther who was nothing but a drunken degenerate jewish sympathizer chimped out about this fact and took away the european roots of the catholic creed, thereby creating a degenerate cult of post-jewish bullshitters.

Hope someday protestants are wiped out of the face of the earth, alongside their degeneracy. I sincerely wish it.

Oooh, very interesting. I always thought it was because there is no fold of skin to hold diseased fluids after sex it decreased the likelihood of infection.
What you say makes more sense, especially about education. Might you have a link?


Face skin treatment

Doesn't the HPV is kept inside the fold of unclean penises?

>Cultural Bias in the AAP’s 2012 Technical Report and Policy Statement on Male Circumcision

>The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released its new Technical Report and Policy Statement on male circumcision, concluding that current evidence indicates that the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks. The technical report is based on the scrutiny of a large number of complex scientific articles. Therefore, while striving for objectivity, the conclusions drawn by the 8 task force members reflect what these individual physicians perceived as trustworthy evidence. Seen from the outside, cultural bias reflecting the normality of nontherapeutic male circumcision in the United States seems obvious, and the report’s conclusions are different from those reached by physicians in other parts of the Western world, including Europe, Canada, and Australia. In this commentary, a different view is presented by non–US-based physicians and representatives of general medical associations and societies for pediatrics, pediatric surgery, and pediatric urology in Northern Europe. To these authors, only 1 of the arguments put forward by the American Academy of Pediatrics has some theoretical relevance in relation to infant male circumcision; namely, the possible protection against urinary tract infections in infant boys, which can easily be treated with antibiotics without tissue loss. The other claimed health benefits, including protection against HIV/AIDS, genital herpes, genital warts, and penile cancer, are questionable, weak, and likely to have little public health relevance in a Western context, and they do not represent compelling reasons for surgery before boys are old enough to decide for themselves.

you're a slave

(ok technically 4 words)

No it's hidden deep in the meat flaps of roasties

I'm Catholic, son. It's just as cucked here. I'm cut and so is as much of my family as I for whatever reason have happen to know. Some priests even push it. And Catholic Charities is one of the biggest importers of the Islamic Caliphate. It's just another variant of Judeo-Christianity here for the most part.

>There is growing consensus among physicians, including those in the United States, that physicians should discourage parents from circumcising their healthy infant boys because non-therapeutic circumcision of underage boys in Western societies has no compelling health benefits, causes postoperative pain, can have serious long-term consequences, constitutes a violation of the United Nations’ Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and conflicts with the Hippocratic oath: primum non nocere: First, do no harm.

Those false catholics must be purged ASAP.

ritualized jewish rape

stretching hurts more?!


chicks dig it

circumcision has been a rite of passage into manhood in cultures since the beginning of time, now SJW and LGBT fags want to make us concerned about "feelings" and "consent" of the baby

you can stay in extended adolescence with your foreskin, faggot

think about it, you see one man in the marines, 6 feet tall, blonde hair, beautiful wife

now picture another man, 5 foot 5, stinky, hairy, overweight, drinking s o y and wearing a rainbow t-shirt

which one do you think has the foreskin?


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The one that isn't American.

>I'm in denial

I don't think it works that way user.

Yes, mutilate yourself just like a real man.

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phimosis doesn't necessarily cause impotence. if necessary though they can fix it with an incision, no need for circumcision.

wash your dick then lmao

never clean again

maybe if you live in muttland

Camouflage for jews

Women. Prefer. Circumcised.

Weird. I've only showered and worn flip flops after workouts and never had athletes foot. How often do you have smelly disgusting dick cheese even with regular washing?

based and redpilled

They both had a foreskin at one point.
>cutting off your foreskin changes your height and genetics
Why do cutfags suffer from such cognitive dissonance to the point of justifying their mutilation with lies and fiction? Is it the childhood trauma at the hands of the parents who failed to protect them?

Lol, you anteaters are just mad and too chicken shit to get it done now.

>Why do cutfags suffer from such cognitive dissonance to the point of justifying their mutilation with lies and fiction?
Because then they would have to admit that a vital part of their manhood was taken from them and that would be too much to bear for most American men. I posted a link to foreskin restoration devices but I doubt anyone here will do anything to fix their mutilated penis.

DENIAL. Enjoy taking Viagra at 45 once your penile glans loses sensation from being exposed constantly.

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Clean, comfy, sexy.