Give me thousands of dollars, bucko

>give me thousands of dollars, bucko.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is he the ultimate sophisticated boomer?

Attached: boomer wojak.png (290x352, 56K)

He needs to clean his room

You can literally watch most of his shit for free and his book is the same price as every new book.

how much does he get from his vids ?

>makes a fortune telling neckbeards to clean their rooms
>won't even bother cleaning his

The absolute state of Juden Peterstein

ok. what's your paypal email? i would wire it but my bank is acting up.

He has enough UN superdollars that he doens't need gibs from me.

Attached: Jordan Peterson Done.png (1920x6848, 2.25M)


Find another site to sully, you evil coward

You’re telling me this guy wants me to clean my room? Look at that mess, what a phony.

The last time he had it public on patreon it was 60k usd. However it's probably not his consistent income he might just have had that single month with that much.
He still has a large salary as a university teacher and gets paid for speeches. Sells some self-help books he authored.

Attached: Jordan-Peterson-donation-page-October.png (828x817, 96K)

He is literally controlled opposition.

I feel like such a fool for falling for Peterson's nonsense.

I wonder how many Peterson cult members are starting to feel like suckers. Realizing your man-God has been scamming you all along, after sending all that money.

unless anyone can debunk this graphic I think it's time for nupol to find a new father figure.

I'm saying this as someone who traveled to toronto to watch him give a lecture, and I still think he is absolutely correct about many things. Once you pick up on his rhythm, so to speak, it does become a bit more evident that there are more layers and it's likely a psyop.

Nice numerals


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Clean synagogue of Satan goy

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Trips has spoken. dirtyroom fags btfo.

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Thousands... you mean millions... he has a Hollywood agent from the same place where all that #metoo shit comes out of...

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why does the boomer drink energy drinks? isnt that more of a millennial thing? i never see old fucks drinking those irl

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You'd probably have considered me a cult member so I will speak to it.

I never donated to his patreon but I did buy Maps of Meaning. I still haven't read it actually, I keep going down rabbit holes of other books, some that he suggested, and some that are offshoots of Culture of Critique.

He is correct about many things, and I found his maps of meaning class to be extremely fascinating. I don't think he talks in jibber jabber circles like some people claim, but he does use circular reasoning from time to time.

When he would not answer the JQ I wasn't super bothered but I was hoping he would be the first mainstream intellectual to at least give it an honest shot, looking back that feels stupid. But when he got drunk and fought vehemently against white identity on twitter that one particular night, and turned his nose up at a very respectable comment from Kevin MacDonald I knew it was time to part ways, and I haven't watched one of his videos since.

Since then I've seen him palling around with Ruben, Shapiro, and Weinstein, the latter of which I cannot understand the appeal, he is a typical nobody kike there are millions like him. I can see why people think Ruben and Ben are cool but the 3rd fag is just over the top and makes it too obv he is surrounding himself with the tribe to make up for being cast as alt-right.

He's a fag, but I bet it's tough with 2 children in the public eye, they never would let someone like that address the question without serious repercussions.

Benjamin Shaprow is currently sperging out about Russia with the MSM.

Its 30 yo boomers who drink energy drinks not the old kind

.t 30 yo boomer

Glad you found your way out user.

>Worship Jews and and Israel, goys!
Are Peterson fans literal subhumans?

>I've seen him palling around with Ruben, Shapiro, and Weinstein
He's literally married to a kike. Taking kike wife is an ultimate submission to a tribe, it's like goy gives his very bloodline to them, as kike race and identity is inherited through female line. There's no way to be bigger shabbos goy than that.

>give me thousands of dollars, bucko

for all the value i've got from his content, i'd happily drop him a few k without much thought if he needed it

>if he needed it

He doesn't. He never did.

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He should really clean his fucking room.

>take your meds and wash your penis

Attached: (((peterson))).png (1340x631, 352K)

He looks like a mess. How did this boomer jew get popular again? Was it the christcucks pushing for him?

Why are postmodernists so obsessed with money? I can live on $3 a day and feel pity for those slaving for material goods.

>when he got drunk and fought vehemently against white identity on twitter that one particular night, and turned his nose up at a very respectable comment from Kevin MacDonald I knew it was time to part ways
good man

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Theres more to buy than material goods. Fag.

Without a stack you're doomed long term, that is if you want any sort of lineage.

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Keep those shekels flowing to our boy JP GOYIM!

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That he doesn't talk about the jews isn't a problem. "I can't do that" was perfectly fine. However, by rejecting white identity groups and stating that his goal was to pull young white men from political right to neutral, he went from entry level redpill to an actively harmful gatekeeper
