Why was America so mean to Vets returning to Vietnam?

Why was America so mean to Vets returning to Vietnam?

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Sanctimonious leftards were just as rude and righteous back then as they are today.


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The vets were not treated any worse than the ones now. The US govt drug tested GIs coming back from Vietnam and took away their benefits leading to huge amounts of them becoming destitute.

It's necessary to stop control by tyrannical governments. Must chastise order followers.


fucking spamming slide threads like this need to be permabanned. I dont even come here often and Ive seen this thread 50 fucking times.


Because people correctly recognized it as a bullshit proxy war no different than Afghanistan, Syria, Libya or Iraq today.

Communists. They knew boomers were soft in the head and insecure and were easy to manipulate.

Communists infiltrated our country and our government over 100 years ago.

None of this evil and hatred is organic, fag.

The real question is why you think Jow Forums would be any different? They just call them ZOG slaves instead of babykillers.

that's just a movie you stupid faggot

and that's how you justify the treatment of men?

This is a thread.
That is a visual aid.
You are a nigger.


That's where the public sediment was and that's what anyone mistreating them would have told themselves.
You asked the question, don't get mad if you don't like the answer.

No one was mean to them. That's just an urban legend that they were spat on when they returned. That shit didn't really happen.

There was a lack of programs for them, sure. They would go to Vietnam, get shellshock, then come right back and be expected to function normally. They totally needed more help from society but whatever.

In the movie, the cop gives Rambo a hard time because he's a homeless drifter, not because he's a veteran. Hell, the cops still do that today... they hate the homeless.

Same reason as Iraq/Afghan vets, but more time-specific.

Communism was infesting the university and media, people were virtue signaling about how noble they were for carrying about the Vietnamese, etc.

It's mostly young men who are ashamed of their cowardice and women who are ashamed they want to fuck a powerful "oppressor."

>Why was America so mean to Vets returning to Vietnam?

in the manufacture of consent, chomsky states roughly that the mistreatment of nam vets was and is somewhat exaggerated by the media.

Just marveling how dumb you are.

At least I'm not israels used up cock sleeve.

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Jow Forums looks at them with sad pity, not hatred
they were men who got whored out by ZOG

>*blots your name out of the book of life*
I never knew you

I totally would, the only difference is that 30% of them were drafted and really didn't have a choice. Imagine getting drafted into some shitty war for kikes then coming home to get spit on by kikes for getting drafted.

This. Half of the threads on Jow Forums are made by fucking bots.

That's pretty spergy even by my standards.

Jews pushed American soldiers into an unnecessary war, while at the same time documenting all the horrors of the war and presenting to the youth as an American Values issue.

Long story short jews play both sides

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Who are you quoting?

Scumbag hippies and subverted commie drones

That's fucked. I can't believe countries do this to vets. Literally disposing of them. Even if they did bomb rice farmers it's all by orders and the duty of their nation.

The actual name for the Vietnam conflict and America's current conflicts in the Middle East are "police actions".


They're not actually wars; wars are declared. Not every military conflict is a war.

The only reason we call them "wars" is because faggot ass right-wingers romanticize the idea of war, and veterans get their feelings hurt if they're told that they're not veterans of a "true war".

But they're not veterans of a war... they engaged in police actions in other countries.

Because soldiers start wars.
t. the Left