they were work camps!

> they were work camps!

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>survived multiple death camps

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It would be funny if this thread became a redpill blitzkrieg on the Hololie

Hard to know without Dehomag’s records. Maybe you’re right, so why keep them secret?

>Kill six million people within less than 3 years in gas chambers with wooden doors
>Left no evidence although burning a corpse takes almost an entire day

relatively new worth the watch

>he green texts with a space
true sign of a shill

>be Anne frank
>documents show that you died in the camps hospital
>why would a death camp have a hospital?

Can you even into bone crushing machines?

Attached: bone_crushing_machines.gif (500x259, 2.59M)

Jews never lie when there's potential money in it for them to lie.

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Hitler was an sjw #killalljews

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does anyone know where I can find this entire interview, vid related

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Why were all the "death camps" uncovered only by the soviets? Probably we can trust the soviet jewish leadership to tell the world the truth, right? But today russia is all evil then they were honest, right? just like they told us then about their plans to setup an empire after ww2? TRUST THEM, GOYIM THEY COULDNT HAVE LIED!

Attached: carte_liberation_camps.jpg (780x477, 160K)

Only Dehomag did the official census. It was never made public.

>gave order
Machines do away with such liabilities.

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The weimar period (dont get distracted by degeneracy)
and the kishinev progroms were fake news by a real jew. Theodore Herzl
> Paris correspondent for Neue Freie Presse
Der Judenstaat, Herzel's plan to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.
>"The Jewish question persists wherever Jews live in appreciable numbers. Wherever it does not exist, it is brought in together with Jewish immigrants. We are naturally drawn into those places where we are not persecuted, and our appearance there gives rise to persecution. This is the case, and will inevitably be so, everywhere, even in highly civilised countries—see, for instance, France—so long as the Jewish question is not solved on the political level."
>Herzel's father died of typhus, which ran rampant just as soon as unclean Jewish immigrants arrived.

This is the rabbi who convinced Herzl to write Der Judenstaat

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