American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion

>Ron Unz • July 16, 2018 • 7,800 Words • 814 Comments • 651 New • Reply

>For example, traditionally religious Jews pay little attention to most of the Old Testament, and even very learned rabbis or students who have devoted many years to intensive study may remain largely ignorant of its contents. Instead, the center of their religious world view is the Talmud, an enormously large, complex, and somewhat contradictory mass of secondary writings and commentary built up over many centuries, which is why their religious doctrine is sometimes called “Talmudic Judaism.” Among large portions of the faithful, the Talmud is supplemented by the Kabala, another large collection of accumulated writings, mostly focused on mysticism and all sorts of magic. Since these commentaries and interpretations represent the core of the religion, much of what everyone takes for granted in the Bible is considered in a very different manner.

>Given the nature of the Talmudic basis of traditional Judaism and my total previous ignorance of the subject, any attempt on my part of summarize some of the more surprising aspects of Shahak’s description may be partially garbled, and is certainly worthy of correction by someone better versed in that dogma. And given that so many parts of the Talmud are highly contradictory and infused with complex mysticism, it would be impossible for someone like me to attempt to disentangle the seeming inconsistencies that I am merely repeating. I should note that although Shahak’s description of the beliefs and practices of Talmudic Judaism evoked a fire-storm of denunciations, few of those harsh critics seem to have denied his very specific claims, including the most astonishing ones, which would seem to strengthen his credibility.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>On the most basic level, the religion of most traditional Jews is actually not at all monotheistic, but instead contains a wide variety of different male and female gods, having quite complex relations to each other, with these entities and their properties varying enormously among the numerous different Jewish sub-sects, depending upon which portions of the Talmud and the Kabala they place uppermost. For example, the traditional Jewish religious cry “The Lord Is One” has always been interpreted by most people to be an monotheistic affirmation, and indeed, many Jews take exactly this same view. But large numbers of other Jews believe this declaration instead refers to achievement of sexual union between the primary male and female divine entities. And most bizarrely, Jews having such radically different views see absolutely no difficulty in praying side by side, and merely interpreting their identical chants in very different fashion.

>Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. One point that Shahak repeatedly emphasizes is that in traditional Judaism the nature of the ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while the interpretation of the ritual is rather secondary. So perhaps a Jew who washes his hands three times clockwise might be horrified by another who follows a counter-clockwise direction, but whether the hand-washing were meant to honor God or to honor Satan would be hardly be a matter of much consequence.

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>Strangely enough, many of the traditional rituals are explicitly intended to fool or trick God or His angels or sometimes Satan, much like the mortal heroes of some Greek legend might seek to trick Zeus or Aphrodite. For example, certain prayers must be uttered in Aramaic rather than Hebrew on the grounds that holy angels apparently don’t understand the former language, and their confusion allows those verses to slip by unimpeded and take effect without divine interference.

>Furthermore, since the Talmud represents a massive accretion of published commentary built up over more than a millennium, even the most explicit mandates have sometimes been transformed into their opposites. As an example, Maimonides, one of the highest rabbinical authorities, absolutely prohibited rabbis from being paid for their religious teaching, declaring that any rabbi who received a salary was an evil robber condemned to everlasting torment; yet later rabbis eventually “reinterpreted” this statement to mean something entirely different, and today almost all rabbis collect salaries.

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nice slide thread

>Another fascinating aspect is that up until very recent times, the lives of religious Jews were often dominated by all sorts of highly superstitious practices, including magical charms, potions, spells, incantations, hexes, curses, and sacred talismans, with rabbis often having an important secondary role as sorcerers, and this even remains entirely true today among the enormously influential rabbis of Israel and the New York City area. Shahak’s writings had not endeared him to many of these individuals, and for years they constantly attacked him with all sorts of spells and fearful curses aimed at achieving his death or illness. Many of these traditional Jewish practices seem not entirely dissimilar to those we typically associate with African witch-doctors or Voodoo priests, and indeed, the famous legend of the Golem of Prague described the successful use of rabbinical magic to animate a giant creature built of clay.

>If these ritualistic issues constituted the central features of traditional religious Judaism, we might regard it as a rather colorful and eccentric survival of ancient times. But unfortunately, there is also a far darker side, primarily involving the relationship between Jews and non-Jews, with the highly derogatory term goyim frequently used to describe the latter. To put it bluntly, Jews have divine souls and goyim do not, being merely beasts in the shape of men. Indeed, the primary reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve as the slaves of Jews, with some very high-ranking rabbis occasionally stating this well-known fact. In 2010, Israel’s top Sephardic rabbi used his weekly sermon to declare that the only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews and do work for them. The enslavement or extermination of all non-Jews seems an ultimate implied goal of the religion.

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>Jewish lives have infinite value, and non-Jewish ones none at all, which has obvious policy implications. For example, in a published article a prominent Israeli rabbi explained that if a Jew needed a liver, it would be perfectly fine, and indeed obligatory, to kill an innocent Gentile and take his. Perhaps we should not be too surprised that today Israel is widely regarded as one of the world centers of organ-trafficking.

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>And while religious Judaism has a decidedly negative view towards all non-Jews, Christianity in particular is regarded as a total abomination, which must be wiped from the face of the earth.

>Whereas pious Muslims consider Jesus the holy prophet of God and Muhammed’s immediate predecessor, according to the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is perhaps the vilest being who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity in the bottommost pit of Hell, immersed in a boiling vat of excrement. Religious Jews regard the Muslim Quran as just another book, though a totally mistaken one, but the Christian Bible represents purest evil, and if circumstances permit, burning Bibles is a very praiseworthy act. Pious Jews are also enjoined to always spit three times at any cross or church they encounter, and direct a curse at all Christian cemeteries. Indeed, many deeply religious Jews utter a prayer each and every day for the immediate extermination of all Christians.

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Have a talmud pic.
>three years and a day

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This is interesting as Ron Unz is a Jew.

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> iveNowSeenSomeShit.jpeg

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>trying to jew god himself

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This sounds more like a fucking mesoamerican savage religion than it does Abrahamic.

I dont mind Old Testament only Jews like Karaites. They are so few though. Almost all Jews look to the Talmud instead of the Old Testament. SAD.

Holy fuck, this is not a spoof

watched the video, can someone explain why exactly is the point of that?

what* exactly

Jews aren't allowed to light a fire during Shabbat, their holy day of the week, and in modern times that prohibition lead Jews to reject switching on lights or other electronic devices.

And this works, how?

>and in modern times that prohibition lead Jews to reject switching on lights or other electronic devices.
*during Shabbat as well.


I don't understand, they can or can have light at certain time? They have to leave the bathroom light on?

Bumping for more jew facts

They can have all the light they want on Shabbat, they just can't TURN ON a light during Shabbat. Often times they get a helpful goy to turn lights on for them.


>A Shabbat elevator is an elevator which works in a special mode, operating automatically, to satisfy the Jewish law requiring Jews to abstain from operating electrical switches on Shabbat (the Sabbath).

So a Jew can ride an elevator during Shabbat, they just can't operate it by pressing any buttons, so a Shabbat elevator will automatically stop at every floor.

No wonder (((they))) are pushing for autonomous cars.

and than they say ""OY VEY, YOU NAZI GOYS ARE LYING!". They literally invent ways to trick GOD, its irrelevant if you are religious or not, that should tell you something about their nature

Applying herbal treatment to this slippy slidy sleepy thread.

Sage isn't a downvote.

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Counter bumping the jidf

In Sabbath mode the switch is disconnected from the beam and it's a completely random beam that makes the connection. So the light will turn on or off after a few minutes at a random time.

It's just Jews trying to outsmart God is all

My people may have fallen away from the true body of HaShem, but I refute your slander of them.

I restrain myself due to my ignorance, but implore you to tread lightly.

Hey P, it's T.
Check your 'new' email inbox in a bit.
I made a new email too.

but aren't they still using electricity even if they don't turn it on?

I didn't write the article Shlomo. Go leave a comment on the article. I'm sure Ron Unz would love to hear from you.

Your not thinking like a Jew. The electricity is always running through the house anyway, it's a random pulse that flips the switch not the Jew. They're smarter than God after all

The issue is not the usage of electricity but the turning on of electronic products which may produce a spark or a fire, and that is forbidden on their holy day.

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>defending kike autism

Great thread

A natural race of corrupt a sheister attorneys.

I'm not defending it, I'm clarifying why they do it.

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I dont think Israel is scared of (((Iran)))

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>the former Iranian president, which is basically a figurehead position, might have some Jewish ancestry
>therefore the Jews secretly control Iran
Fuck off retard.

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bump it a few times please.

explains why they make such good lawyers
and can talk there way around anything


Old one's still up.


i cant belive how many thread are about jews. jews are good comminity drivin progressive peopel,

Sounds like they should go to synagogue more often.

This is old/pol/. Now get out.

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>therefore the Jews secretly control Iran

Yes. Now you are getting it.

>the lives of religious Jews were often dominated by all sorts of highly superstitious practices, including magical charms, potions, spells, incantations, hexes, curses, and sacred talismans, with rabbis often having an important secondary role as sorcerers

Absolutely nigger-tier. No wonder Luther went apeshit on them.

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I mean why would the jews control everything? Thats just a silly goyim conspiricy theory lol.

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Those fucking puerto ricans

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Silly silly goyim

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Now you know why God has prosecuted them through the ages.

Talmud took over Judaism after the Babylonian Captivity. Christianity was a rebellion against the Talmudic takeover of the religion of Abraham.

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Oy 2 the Vey

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Jesus gave the true Talmud, when he returns he will give the true Kabbalah

What does that have to do with your claim that Iran is secretly controlled by Jews? Do you not understand that the president of Iran isn't Iran's head of state? Are you aware that Israel has been routinely bombing Iranian targets in Syria and have been agitating for an American war against Iran for decades?

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Gonna bump this bitch to 300 if I have to.

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bombing goyims =/= bombing jews.

Have a bump

Thanks m8s.

They can't ask a goy to turn on the lights either. They can say, "Man, it sure would be nice to have some light in here."

Another bump

>Two middle-aged men, Shmuel and Aaron, are learning together in the Beis Midrash. When they come to a break, Shmuel says:
>"You know, my daughter is getting married next month. We've been learning together for years, and so I'd like to honor you with being one of the witnesses at the ceremony."
>At this, Aaron looks a little embarrased and says: "I'm sorry to do this to you, Shumuel, but, well, I'm afraid I have to turn you down. You see, well, I'm actually not Jewish can can't serve as a witness."
>"What do you mean you're not Jewish?" asks Shmuel. "We've been learning together for years. How can it be that you're not Jewish?"
>"Well," answers Aaron, "I've always found the learning to be a great intellectual exercise. And, of course, I also like spending time with you. But, in the end, I'm still not Jewish."
>"But hold on," Shumuel protested. "I've seen you keep Shabbos. You know that a non-Jew isn't allowed to keep Shabbos."
>"Ah," replied Aaron serenely, "you only thought you saw me keep Shabbos. The truth of the matter is that I always kept a key in my pocket when I walked outside. This way I always carried on Shabbos."
>"But there's an eruv!" said Shmuel.
>"Yes," countered Aaron, "but I don't hold to the eruv."

Just saw this, thought you guys might be interested

shh I'm trying to read

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Amazing article. Pretty crazy.

Unz is purportedly packing an IQ of 214 (and I think that is a real number?)

He's a jew who's too smart to be a jew anymore.

is that a false idol on his forehead?

Uh huh

I thought it was a little light -- like on a miner's helmet... it took me a second to realize it's just a dumb block with no purpose.

THIS A friend of mine moved into a highrise with one of those. Who knew is was forbidden to summon an elevator?

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vile satanist scum

Looks like that cube in mecca the sand niggers worship.

The ritual murders of Christian Infants are real. It wasn't a 'blood libel' after all.


It's a very creepy thing. You Jews should recognize and apologize for your bad deeds in the same way you are constantly asking us to 'atone' for ancient faux pas. I want a personal apology from you for crucifying and making blood matzo balls of my ancestors!!!

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>be jew on shabbat
>can't summon elevators
>can summon demons

It may be too late?

That's half of judaism. Did you know they have a big wire of fiberoptics that goes around all of the San Fernando valley and is connected, they have them in many cities it's called an Eruv. If the Eruv is up then they can leave their house on the sabbath because "anywhere in the eruv counts as your home". Yes this is indeed trying to jew God. Yes, this is what we're dealing with.

U came here to post
