AI will automate all work. This will make everyone economically and immediately after politically USELESS...

AI will automate all work. This will make everyone economically and immediately after politically USELESS. Are we all going to be obsolete as humans?

Attached: 1531886643249.jpg (950x534, 44K)

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Your choice

is this even allowed to be discussed here?

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Yes, it's the NWO's plan to thin the population

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Not thin. Population replacement. Get rid of relatively high-iq whites, bring in the low-iq browns and niggers from third world shitholes. They are stupid, controllable, and easily moldable. This is what they want.

No, only as workers. Capitalism however will reach a critical point when the masses of people it can't provide a job with revolt. It will be interesting to see.

robot / cyborg automation is a meme to promote outsourcing, it's far in the future unless cars.
>Are we all going to be obsolete as humans?
eventually, the whole concept is idiotic. But at least we get to fuck terminator up the ass when they make them prostitutes

>No, only as workers
That's the only value and leverage we have, goes all the way back to the Minoan era.
No value = no rights, no rights = people get killed in the streets.
That's just how it goes

Current estimates are 30% more automation over the next 50 years.
Pretty much nothing.
With free trade gone our factory job market will grow faster than the remaining 70% can cover.

Wish they'd hurry up and wipe some people out. Tired of being 1 of 1000 applicants for every job

AI will never totally automate work because having your masses in constant menial labour is a part of control. It's not about efficiency. It's about making sure the ruling classes have it easy while most of the plebs work themselves to death chasing an impossible goal of financial independence.

Only tiny rich nations like Switzerland or Iceland will go post-industrial.
The rest of the world needs industry/service industry as a way to control their masses.

yes if we dont fight back and destroy all trannyhumanist machines

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I will destroy your infrastructure making impossable the implementation of your project.

I for one welcome our new Skynet overlords.

I've always thought this would end up as a poisoned chalice. How do you "rule over" a retard. Blacks are good at being riled up and being sicced on your enemies, but as far as workhorses go, they're useless.

You can.
The idea that blacks are lazy is a modern one due to them just having given up as an entire people.
They don't give a shit. They have no spirit any more.
Like abbos and our natives.
Good honest work requires either a whip or interior honour. They have no interior honour so they don't care.

Slaves work fine if you manipulate them with carrots and sticks. If you want work from free people they need to want to work and believe in their work.
Blacks (and others like them) have no reason to believe in society. So they leech and drink and drug and just try to waste time till they die

AI predictions

Attached: AIpredictions.png (1394x1490, 281K)

What's the point of ruling over a population of slaves when you could just kill them off?

Attached: virginchadtranshumanism.png (1400x650, 221K)

Your pic is why we need better AI alignment theory

Attached: mindspace_2.png (536x536, 90K)

Revolt, I guess. Plebs will always outnumber the Patricians

>being this naive
With advanced enough technology, even billions of humans wouldn't stand a chance. For a superintelligence trillions of times smarter than a human, killing off humanity would be like squishing ants.

Attached: intelligencescale.jpg (736x233, 36K)

I suppose the jews don't mind using the whip. I could be wrong about this one. Just doesn't seem like much of a spoil of victory to rule over tards.

But why would he want to crush ants?
Children kill insects for fun but adults don't.
Same reason right?
Why would they even want the Earth and to exterminate us when they can just go elsewhere?
Cruelty is personal. A true self improving AI would be so far beyond us that the only thing they might thing is some kind of distant and patronizing affection for its creator.
We can't annoy it.
We can't hurt it.
We're not even competing in the same game any more.

>AI will automate all work.
work and job are different things. everyone will still have jobs, but they will do less work at their job.

It depends on what the AI's utility function is. It's possible that the elites could build an AI that decides to keep everyone alive because killing them off is unethical or something, but if we assume that the elites are acting purely in self interest, there is zero reason for them to build an AI that would keep billions of humans alive when they serve absolutely no purpose.

Insects aren’t a threat you stupid leaf. And I’m sure if you had an infestation of any insect type in your home you’d kill them. Then again your a fucking leaf you’d probably just let the bugs have the House and leave