His name was Jack Johnson. >Just a poor American negro. >Learns how to box. >Gets quite good at it. >Starts KOing white boxers left and right >Butt hurt white racists spectators literally jump in the ring, ignoring all rules, and try to revive the unconscious white fighters. >Referee tells him he shouldn't smile after beating a white man. >Starts having public affairs with white women in a time when such things were unthinkable. >Both he and the white women are warned against it. >Warnings go ignored. >Stuffs rolled up newspapers in his briefs whenever in public so it has an conspicuously large bulge to make white men extra salty. >Starts dating semi-famous white female celebrities. >Carrys them across the country fucking them. >An entire law is passed just to stop this from happening (the Mann Act). >Looks white people dead in the eyes with a broad smile plastered on his face in a time when being anything but timid before a white person could be interpreted as disrespect and get you lynched. >Has a long undefeated streak. >Racists get so angry they practically drag a great white boxer out of retirement just to put the nigger in his place. >White boxer gets back into shape. >Money is negotiated and match scheduled. >Huge anticipation to the fight. >The entire country wants him to lose. >Match begins >Beats the Great White Hope like he owes him money. >Famous novelist Jack London, livid, looks at unconscious white boxer and calls him a race traitor. >Butt hurt white racists go across the country lynching random black people out of spite.
Quite an inspiring story about going against adversity and the racial politics of the Jim Crow era. A posthumous presidential pardon was granted on May 24, 2018, by U.S. President, Donald Trump.You can watch a documentary about him here:
So to those crackers who want to "wipe us off" in the race war.
We've seen your worst days before. We even left those days behind us. In 2018, the situation is much better.
In the race war, you're the one who's going to get wiped off. If we lose, we ain't gonna lose anything, but if you do, you'll lose everything that you stole from Africa and other continents.
The built civilisations in Africa once we conquered it were practically nothing.
You couldn't even survive as a race without imperialism.
Eli Cruz
What the heck is wrong with T*rks
Julian Butler
Pretty funny story. He sounds cool. If the idiots around him weren't retarded they would have tried to get him to sponsor things and whatnot, like they do today.
Capitalism works far better for equal rights and respect than identity politics, funnily enough.
There's a reason you're considered apes and you just prove it time after time. I once heard an old sage tell me that blacks weren't human and were in fact a subspecies of chimpanzee mixed with gorilla. The same sage told me that the negro species was doomed for extinction because they cannot process higher brain function as humans are capable of. I asked the old sage, "but isn't that racist?" To which he replied, "sage in all fields fuck niggers ooga booga MUH DIK MUFUKA bix nood fuk WYPIPO fuk drumpf!"
Funny dude Never leave your bitch with a dude in the house alone too often Funny fucking dudelson I can almost guarantee you on the moment she jumped on it Been there done that - the pregnant part
>A posthumous presidential pardon was granted on May 24, 2018, by U.S. President, Donald Trump. interesting. I thought Trump was racist?
Lincoln Bennett
I’d be surprised if even 10% of that is true
Landon Smith
If it’s in a documentary it’s guaranteed bullshit
Nathan Nguyen
Oh it's the turkroach obsessed with nigger cock again. What's the matta? Didn't you have your daily dose of nigger semen today and had to go shitting up this board again?
Easton Gonzalez
Fuck off civnat
Joseph Carter
You haven't seen ANYTHING, Turkish subhuman cockroach piece of shit.
You don't want to see what happens when the White man has finally had enough of you.
Thomas Hill
Poor bastard is completely addicted to BBC porn. What a sad existence.
He said white men, not white niggers. When the actual masses will rise your sorry asses will be gunned down in the streets like the subhumans you are deserves to be killed.
Ethan Rivera
>>Starts dating semi-famous white female celebrities. >Carrys them across the country fucking them. >An entire law is passed just to stop this from happening (the Mann Act).
These were prositutes but the last bit is correct
You forgot to mention he was hated by black people because of his actions against white people.He was born too soon.
Ryan Parker
The frame produced by peak African genes is nothing short of beauty. I could literally look at pics of Jack Johnson's African physique for hours. Its no mystery why white women found this strapping African man so irresistible, or why white men were so envious of him.
>tries to shill black superiority >uses boxer from 100 years ago as an example >forgot to check Wikipedia that he got his shit pushed in Why do Turks have such hard-ons for niggers?
Christopher Butler
This... Dude loses and doesn't even have the dignity to give respect to his opponent. Johnson was a great fighter in his prime, but his ass got KOed by a monster of a man.
He died in a car wreck after getting denied service at some diner, lmao karma's a bitch ain't it nigger? ;)
Josiah Garcia
He was also the first fighter to ever be found cheating by putting fucking horseshoes in his gloves. Oh, also his boxing manager was a Jew. Then right after he's caught cheating for years, he "suddenly" dies in a car crash.
Why should we worry? No need for US to kill niggers: plenty of niggers are killing plenty more niggers every single day! Thanks' for doing your part to keep the nigger prison population down niggers! We'd pay you to kill MORE niggers, but since you LOVE killing niggers so much - why bother! Lol. Thanks' for the dead niggers - NIGGERS!
I can understand the appeal that Jack Johnson had with white women. I have a black boyfriend who fights MMA. 6'2" he completes in the light heavyweight division (205 lbs) but he walks around at 225. I go to his fights. Seeing him beat the shit out of another man gets me so wet. It's an evolutionary turn-on for women to see an alpha male beat the shit out of another man.