How do Bongs spread butter on their morning toast if they are not even allowed to have spreading knifes?

How do Bongs spread butter on their morning toast if they are not even allowed to have spreading knifes?

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ouch.. imagine getting stabbed with a butterknife. The amount of force needed would be huge

we are allowed to have spreading knives. the laws specifically pertain to carrying knives longer than 3 inches in public but keep going with your shitty memes

serated? fucking animals

My dick is 4 inches. Would you confiscate me Greg?


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mutilated cocks are disgusting, no thanks

>we are allowed
How gracious of your overlords

Also: how do Britniggers eat a steak or a pork chop? I imagine the just pick it up with their hands like the fucking savages they are.

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you can use any size knife in private though? The 3 inch limit applies to public carry, same as Delaware

so no spreading butter in public?

What if you carry your butter knife for religious reasons?

no, we use steak knives like everyone else
I feel like we're going around in circles here

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butter knives are not bladed so it doesnt matter does it ?

>we are allowed to hold sticks of butter with our anus to spread it on our toast and neighbors

Lying cunt. We get butter in individual portions that you can just smear on the toast straight from the packet.

>american humour
Just give up

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You know what else you get to carry in deleware?

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Hell is for ever!

That is utter bullshit. You're telling me you all aren't allowed to carry your own butterknife everywhere you go? What do you do when you go out? Use whatever trash the waiter gives you? Horseshit. Germs on flatware is the leading cause of illness from food. Butterknife, condoms, pistol. Everyone should always carry all three and we could solve the healthcare crisis since no one would ever get sick again.

We have meat that comes in little bite size portions that are already cut in the meat factory.

What the actual fuck.

a kinder egg ?
a foreskin ?
an education ?

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calling a non pointed steak knife a weapon

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Assault spoons of course.

that actually sounds pretty convenient

It's obvious that the British police only confiscate them during raids, but the way they post these pics. smilingly on Twitter is indeed somewhat unnerving.

>waiter bringing you toast
lol don't forget to tip at your pretend restaurant

we have to shank a bobby, steal his baton, and use that to spread it

Not sure, wouldn't want to push the limits of the law like that m8

Does the queen chew your food for you and puke it into your mouthes like a baby bird?

Pork chops arent halal my burger loving friend, they wouldnt eat those anyways

Learn to spell, bong.

Why do retarded brit cucks always bring up kinder eggs like its something we long for

Your so fucking pathetic that your best argument is that we cant have yet another shitty candy eith some cheap bullshit in it

You dont have freedome of speech, yet you care more about eggs? LOL

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Oh god

That would be awesome, but no. The queen's chewing days are far behind her now I'm afraid.

I don't understand the logic behind it at all, I think they just find random stuff on the floor and post it on twitter as some sort of brag, it's bizarre

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Loool just to add context to dis for yutes who are from other countries or from cinch, yutes hide nanks in parks so feds don't bird dem for possession in a stop and search. No1 was carrying dis ting still. Spent time close to pembury park and in those ends and there are mad tings hidden in bare places. Upsuh in Manny feds find dottys and that in bushes

This destroys the Kinder egg

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I'm guessing Muhammad spreads it with his tongue.

>a kinder egg ?
>a foreskin ?
>an education ?
Butthurt pom is butthurt.
Pls no bully.

you don't even have a foreskin so you can't talk shit. Literally branded as a jewslave from birth.
>muh freedum

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looks like one of my shits

No way is this fucking real...
Do bongs have cubscouts?

What about their wittling patches where they earn their pocketknives?

And a booga booga boo to you too!

>pocket knives
legal, read the thread

dude, that knife is over 3". if you got stopped and had that in your pocket you're getting nicked. don't talk shit

they have to melt the butter and dip the toast into it, how else would a civilized person do it? using weapons to eat toast? never.

Imagine being this obsessed and jealous of another countries history and culture. It's very sad.

only applies to bladed objects though

so you can carry a 3 inch folding knife for self-defense with no repercussions?

It's cah feds don't make a difference rt. Dem man are forced to make results and make no impact so dey need to front

>confiscating butter knives is history and culture
That's whats sad here yellowtooth.

>muh dik
fucking pottery

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why not google it instead of making 9000 of these shit threads every day

that's a knife, which, by definition, is a blade. why do you think the copper took a picture of the cunt.

Depends on where ur from and who you are broski

>you don't even have a foreskin so you can't talk shit.

A.) I have a foreskin
B.) I can talk shit, in fact my talking shit is protected by my countries constitution

Your government claims it doesnt have enough resources to catch chil sex traffickers, but they made over 3k arrest over mean twitter and facebook comments

I dont even get mad at brit posting anymorex you are just a sad and patbetic people at this point. Its like trying to listen to your crazy neighbor explain why its better to live with 10 cats instead of a family.

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>muh gun
you started it

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Loool fuck u ritty, where u from

why don't you answer the question mohammed

No problem spreading your butthurt here you pathetic UK fucks....

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Pretty sure you'd be charged. I had 180 hrs community service for a pocket-knife.

dude you can't have a butter knife longer than three inches, you lose automatically. your attempts are sad

elaborate please

oi guvnor, you got a licence for that gunife you cunt?

I haven't said a thing about guns in this thread, but okay. Hey at least I have the freedom to defend myself from minorities unlike your crooked toothed ass

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wow that is fucked up. sorry bro.

Man u can't even have a school that doesn't get shot up

> anteater dick
> dick cheese
> dude with a dick fetish

Are you mad you didn't get a circumcision because the doctor was arrested for carrying a scalpel?

>you can't have a butter knife longer than 3 inches
this is what you really believe? You MUST know this is not true, so where are you going with this ?

>180hrs for a pocket knife

When i went to highschool, the thing in my shop was to have a sick gas station knife, all the kids would come in with those weird ass long ass gas station knifes and compare them

Hell, the other day i won a folding knife from an arcade machine

I didn’t even know what a kidder egg was until I just googled it. Never seen one

You don't even see a problem with it. Sad.

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Brighton m9. How'd you end up on a white supremacist message board talking like that anyway?

I've never needed to defend myself from minorities because my country is 98% white, but you have my sympathies, mr 56%

>Falling for the teeth meme
Nah, what's sad is the state of the American education system.

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lmao COPE

There is a real reason why the superior Muslims have taken over the UK now....

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imagine being so cucked you're not even allowed to have a butterknife

imagine defending that

it's very sad

because you don't have kinder egg freedom like we do

Pic related, and that was done with knifes

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If Ur a man from country (rural area for you man) and u have a small ting and you lie to the feds and say it's for whatever, you are fine cah Ur from an area with low crime and ur better off and profiled as a normal person.

In my area (south London) if you carry anyting (especially if you are already on the feds map) it's an instant sentence no matter what. Not even for a shank. If you cop a baseball bat you get birded ygm

imagine being a complete brainlet that actually believes you can't have a butterknife

>Let's pretend they can't have butter knives to prove how utterly obsessed and jealous we are.

>implying I live in London

My country has the most white people on the planet. Find one that has more, i'll wait

>I had 180 hrs community service for a pocket-knife.
what the fuck

> Prechewed

decay isnt what we are talking about, british have fucked up teeth because it looks like someone detonated an ied in your mouth

>be my aunt
>can trace back her anglo lineage over 300 years
>brushes teeth every day
>are still fucked up

If you've got a bat you should also carry a baseball. Plausible deniability innit?

Man went to uni and lived with some comp sci students and onna dem showed me Jow Forums n Reddit and Pol n that crack me up. Plus there are bare man from different backgrounds so it's interesting to chat ygm

i was in that thread. good times

also the biggest prison population, aids patients, homos, pedos, school shootings etc. And your whites are not really white.

the point is your argument is moot becausr london and other parts of uk are having more murders regardless of the amount of white people

>because you don't have kinder egg freedom like we do

When trump was elected, that old candy toy law was one of the first to go!!!!! Prices are even good for them now over here.

Too bad you cucks are stck with mother May I.....

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I prefer the term; pre-masticated you fucking heathen.