Are we all on a watchlist for posting here?

Are we all on a watchlist for posting here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why do you think you have to communicate with google's captcha servers?

of course you're on a fucking list

all my posts here are an ironic joke except this one

Of course retard. It's still technically illegal for Britcucks to keep posting here.

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Of course not, subject #523,997

It's a guest list for the greatest party ever. don't worry so much.

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Yes but I stopped caring; I really did.
What does any of it matter anymore? I mean what are you gonna run for fucking president? If you were wouldn't you want to say THESE ideas? What is there to hide?

The entire population is on a watchlist called the NSA

>still waiting on the invite

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at least if they round us up we'll all be together

I hope so.

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> anyone actually take pol seriously


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>having a government that can afford monitoring you

of course you are david

yeah but they watch us extra close cause they think we're cool and stuff B^)

Probably, but they don't really care about small fry. If some richfag user said anything out of line, I'd imagine he would get bagged pretty quickly though.
A Jow Forumsack detention center would be pretty comfy

reminder that we're the good guys

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Why would anyone want to monitor bunch of autistic virgins.

>lived under obama and still not sure he's on a list.
Jesus christ op.

Of course you are. If the US government can dox Russia's entire cyberwarfare team, what makes you think you're safe to shitpost anywhere?

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Underrated kek

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Yea. It's whatever. The more we grow the less the watchlist means.

Not if you're under 77 VPNs

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the virgin VPN vs the chad botnet

Fuck 'em

Wonka land is real.

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Brazil anons are cool

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Of course not - you're posting anonymously.
Although, one time a bunch of girls where I work found out I have a 9 inch cock the day after I bragged about it here, which was weird. They could've found out from my cousin or uncle though since they also work there, but I doubt it was them. My uncle only has an 8 inch cock but it's really fat, and my cousin has a 10 inch cock but it's not as fat as my uncle's.

watchlist? sheeeittt

get some!

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Who cares?

What are they gonna find on your computer anyway... some gay ass fucking naked anime pictures? Hahahaha.

they wouldn't catch me lmao


never thought of it that way... unsettling af

OK I'm not cool with this at all desu

Cuz (((they're))) scared of us?

No shit they can SEE what we're doing, but are we, as people, on a watchlist that the public does not know about just for posting here?

Yes. We are legion. Soon we will be too many to watch so they'll deploy algorithms. And we'll find a way around those.

>at least if they round us up we'll all be together
>we'll all be together
Ok, I wasn't afraid before but I am now

Don't you know
You have to be 18+ to post on this board...

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numerinos prove this website is just a prank and we all just playin

you don't want this invite

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Im on a watchlist for getting caught making bombs. Airline travel is always fun

I hope so.

user when was the last time a petition did anything?

Yes, but who gives a fuck.
Jow Forums is satire... On Minecraft

co-signing this

The NSA and FBI are niggerkikefaggots and can suck my dick
CIA seems cool tho

were you just doing it for fun?

no not all keep posting your racist comments amd memes

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It would be more autistic than you think

who on the /no sex/ list here?

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>Are we all on a watchlist for posting here?
No. It's not like you do anything. You're all LARPers.

Of course.

Everything posted here is 100% satirical in nature. Also, Jews are great and I love them.

>dem digits
>dat post
Confirmed for juz good ole horsin’ around. Heck I sure do love Jews and their subversive ways.

Imagine the smell

I watch BBC porn solely to confuse and subvert CIA niggers into sissies

What if Kek was just a CIA program that quickly took the things being said all over the site and quickly matched the numbers with thoughts that it wanted to stand out?

All the more reason to get the nazi larpers to fuck off

everyone is watched.

i probably have at least 3 electronic devices in my bedroom that take surveillance of everything i do.

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fuck off mass quoter

At first it might be the best idea ever but for them keeping us together...

nah bro it's just a prank

All of my posting history has been larping and satire for my own emotional fulfillment, and in no way represent my thoughts or day to day life.

Hi Dave. How's my most favorite CIA handler?

Mashallah, I hope so

Everything is satire

i meant every letter. all of my posting is not satire.

i feel highly loved rn

>thoughts that it wanted to stand out?
Oh, like 'plz be my ai gf'?

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yeah I agree too!
All my post are jokes of course
Hello there whoever is reading thissss mmm
Mr judge all jokes and barcelona sucks we all know

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No vpn, no problem.

Big fucking brass ones.

I second this. I don't know about you but I for one love the Jews. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't have the media or banks.

Thank god for the Jews.

For the record, everything I post on this site is satire.

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OP is on the waiting list

would it be possible (if ever confronted) for me to just say that I had no idea what I was saying here because I have autism? (I don't actually have autism IRL, even though they tried to diagnose me but didn't, but I can fake it quite well when I need to)

why would anyone give a fuck what a bunch of anons have to say?
if anything, mods probably report shit if its looking abnormally sketchy. maybe



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keep up the good fight brother, hh

I have never said a serious non satirical word in my life until this very sentence which I will complete by saying thank God for his chosen people the jews may they live eternal and inherit the earth.

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