Ideal Allies

These are the USA's true allies and enemies

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Aren't you forgetting someone?

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Oh no I'm sorry master!

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No "asset" category nibba bls.

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this seems somewhat realistic to me. the south africa ones are the white BOERS communities. also the north african states, if they have a good dictator like they used to have they won't do us much harm

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dark blue is the 'core' alliance. sort of EU. lightblue is probable ally.

I don't have a name

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aren't a lot of those south american nations invading us thru mexico?

>Argentina is in red
>Montenergro is in blue
I know you're LARPing, but oh my fucking god.

Its hard for me to hate anybody but some countries don't seem interested in long time peace.

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Shitskin countries i.e. South America and Europe are NOT allowed to be our allies. Our only allies are Japan and Australia.

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It seems Kush, Nielsen, Pompeo and Mnuchin disagree with OP.

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Doesn't reflect the world as it is, but the world as I wish it to be

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Like Best Korea would ever side with your cuck leaf butt plug of a leader.

>France as an ally when it's as commited to the EU as Germany
>Marking French Guiana as an enemy when it's literally a part of France, which you labeled as an ally.

>Crusader flag
>We should be allies with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and a Marxist country that is officially Atheist.

you get the retarded point

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where does Canada think it's going

One step closer to occupation and cleansing

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Its supposed to be a russian flag you absolute brainlet

We're more allies than anyone on that fucking map, especially Kremlin puppet Bulgaria.
2k peak deployment in Iraq.
Spending 11 billion on US arms in the next 7 years ?

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The lines are all over the fucking place. 3/10.

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The 2nd guy you replyed to made the flag of Russia using the colors. If something looks retarded, make sure to double check.

Only correct answer

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> Greece

fyi the quote was "Peace for our time"

fuck off i like the greeks

>History from the dawn of Civilization
>British Rule for Colony

Nigga gtfo.



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Inn-accurate since us in the balkans are not enemies with the US but are trying to not give a shit

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Hypothetically you are president of America,
>Make countries with white identitarian governments your allies
>Make countries with anti white governments your enemies
>Be neutral with countries who have individualist governments or others who have governments that are neither pro or anti white
Follow these steps and you’re good to go

most of the world is an irrelevant shit hole.

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How are Ukraine and Czechia our enemies?

> Metropolitan France is an ally
> French Guyana is an enemy
> They are literally both France

You’re just making this shit up, OP

current canadian prime minister is a giganttic faggot granted. but before him we had 8 years of a conservative manipulator. You had kang obama, lord of faggotry before. don't judge us.

Czechia is a bunch of alcoholic atheists and Ukraine is just a complete shithole.

arent chezh muslim ? wasn't that the point of kebab removing?

You know I was just thinking of making a thread about this.

I've been working on this the last 2 days and I think it is the PERFECT map.

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no fuck off, don't want extra kikery from your israel's colony

Austria is neutral. Dont get us into your dirty politics

I don't give a shit what other groups do among themselves, so long as white are left alone to prosper. Fuck communists and globalists.

SK and Japan can have honorable mentions as ethnostates, plus their bant wars are always fun to watch. No racemixing, though. We are distinct peoples and should remain so.

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>i was merely pretending h-hehe

Visa's expired, Keith. Back to Straya you go.


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No, Czechia (Bohemia at the time) was too North for Arabs to conquer it

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Both are still white and neutral on Identitarianism

Well Ukraine would just become part of Russia and Czechia could be forcibly converted but at the start they would be enemies

added name

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How the fuck does an Indonesian make it onto Jow Forums
Please send them to Canada, we can't take any more

Can’t Ukraine be left alone?

Holy shit this is autism on a whole other level!

If Ukraine is part of Russia, can they be autonomous?

This is how I would like it.

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>Get rid of the bible belt
Atheist scum.

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Why would we side against Mexico but with south america!? Canada likes to pout but is undoubtedly always our unquestioned bitch. Canada is basically the annoying broad of countries.

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I don't see why it couldn't be somewhat autonomous but modern Ukraine is kind of like a mix of the worst parts of Poland and Russia.

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That's the nigger belt.

Lol. Brother.

>how the fuck does the world’s fourth most populous country make it onto an international website

What do you have against the Caspian and Black Sea?

The Chinese are firewalled and the Pajeets have English as an official language

Why is Israel not red

>Meme flag
Chances are you arent even Russian.

So the league of Northern Sovereignty reigns supreme after what... 72 hours?

Didn't want to spend somuch time in making the whole map white and only make Bong Countries and Poland as enemy.

ty for considering us allies, we dont have much to offer but our unconditional hatred towards every other south american country and israel

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canada and eastern europe enemies, but friends with the spics? fuckin retard

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>We should pretty much just let china and russia take over the rest of asia including india
>russia and the EU can divy up europe and the EU can finally come out and call themselves the governing power over europe,
>the US and canada can merge to take over mexico
>brazil can have south america
>saudia arabia can have the middle east
>south africa can drop the anti white rhetoric in exchange for total africa conquest.

Now instead of like 200 countrys we have like 10 or less. This would make global progress so much faster if we were all on the same page.

Having 1000 small nobody countries makes foreign relations a logistical nightmare.

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My fuckin eyes jfc

purples are mixed feelings.

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what the fuck is your problem with us

Here's mine. This is how it's gonna really go down, boys.

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wouldnt've thought of it myself l m a o

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Well the US really doesn't need anybody, the idea was that NATO crumbled one the US left to do it's own thing. The US realized that Russia only wanted defence so by starting an alliance with Russia, they basically ensured Russia that nobody would invade. Not only this but the US made an alliances with the largest nuclear power in the world. There now is no threat from anyone, even nuclear threat. The UK wished to seek closer ties with the US then UK, even if it meant being in an alliance with Russia. So the US, UK, and Russia all are in a alliance to not ruled supreme over the world but rather the greatest reasurnece that the Russia would not be invaded from the west. Therefore, Russia did not need to claim more land West as Russia's new defence plan was simply the might of the US military.

TD:LR, not the point of the alliance.

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Closer ties with US then EU*

Excuse my autism but phone posting leads to autocorrect and autocorrect leads to embarrassment.

t. Never visit Jow Forums

I am envisioning the coming war being a direct result of the spread of Islam and demographic changes in the coming years.

The gents coin-purse hangs heavy with coin to be sure, a handsome sum i'll wager.

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IE once western europe and australia are fully brought into the fold of the caliphate along with their nuclear technology, the USA and Russia and their allies will be the only thing to stop the nuclear jihad.

China, sensing oppurtunity and scorned by the new US Russia relationship will ally with the caliphate for their own, devious yellow ends.