
Wtf is a roastie?

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used vaginas look like roast beef
so a slutty woman is a roastie

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Virgins on this board think that the size of the labia minora on a woman grow in relation to the number of sexual partners she has had. It is pure retardation but it is now a meme so everyone has just rolled with it.

how big was your gf's last few bf's leaf? she sure must be a toasy roasty for this level of COPE.

or you too could read:
Cosmetic Libiaplasty in an American Adult Population
Runacres, Sean A. et al.
Journal of Cosmetic Gynecology, Volume 29, Issue 3, p218 - 222
Vaginal Labiaplasty: Current Practices and a Simplified Classification for Labial Protrusion
Motakef, Saba M.D.; Rodriguez-Feliz, Jose M.D.; Chung, Michael T. M.D.l; Ingargiola, Micheal J. M.D.; Wong, Victor W. M.D; Patel, Ashit M.B, Ch.B.

her crotch looks like a giant deformed raisin.

this is NOT accurate, labia length has nothing to do with number of sexual partners. It's mostly genetic

Virgin detected.

Attached: Woman-turns-labia-into-jewellery-after-designer-vagina-surgery.jpg (615x457, 39K)

>Cosmetic Libiaplasty in an American Adult Population
>Runacres, Sean A. et al.
>Journal of Cosmetic Gynecology, Volume 29, Issue 3, p218 - 222
>Vaginal Labiaplasty: Current Practices and a Simplified Classification for Labial Protrusion
>Motakef, Saba M.D.; Rodriguez-Feliz, Jose M.D.; Chung, Michael T. M.D.l; Ingargiola, Micheal J. M.D.; Wong, Victor W. M.D; Patel, Ashit M.B, Ch.B.

>doesn't distinctly differentiate between the majora and the minora
>probably has no idea how skin all over the body works with regards to collagen fiber repair
>"sexual partners don't aren't a thing to matter about of anything at all! Genetics! Lifestyle and partner count? Genetics!
kek, how's your slut looking down there, mate?

i bet she slathers on foreskin face cream too

This isn't true and if you guys had more than one sexual partner in your lives you would know that. Outside of extreme bdsm where women get into labia stretching, which I assure you few do, this doesn't happen.

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Cosmetic Libiaplasty in an American Adult Population
Runacres, Sean A. et al.
Journal of Cosmetic Gynecology, Volume 29, Issue 3, p218 - 222
Vaginal Labiaplasty: Current Practices and a Simplified Classification for Labial Protrusion
Motakef, Saba M.D.; Rodriguez-Feliz, Jose M.D.; Chung, Michael T. M.D.l; Ingargiola, Micheal J. M.D.; Wong, Victor W. M.D; Patel, Ashit M.B, Ch.B.

Christina is coming back to the states neckbeard!

wait, are there actual sluts in this thread?

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ur mom lel

>you can never get laid
>you post on Jow Forums like a lowlife
>misogynist pig

Cosmetic Labiaplasty in an Adolescent Population.
Review article
Runacres SA, et al. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2016.
Show full citation
Labiaplasty (defined as the surgical reduction of the labia minora) is the most common procedure under the umbrella of female genital cosmetic surgery with the prevalence increasing over the past 10-15 years. However, the concept of labial hypertrophy holds an arbitrary definition, with no research into labial size undertaken within the pediatric and adolescent populations. Under the tenets of medical ethics there is acceptance of the need to avoid harm and so, for reasons to be outlined, performance of labiaplasty in children and adolescents should be avoided.

Jow Forums is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>

>Wtf is a roastie
The degenerated condition of the average sexually-liberated western female's vagina, as a result of riding the cock carousel through her teens and 20's before hitting the wall and trying to get one of the beta bux -- who she denied while it was still tight and she still looked good -- to put a ring on her finger and lick her recycled Arby's; which he will, because the world is full of thirsty beta enablers stupid enough to marry women who have had their capacity to love atomized into obliteration over a decade of getting shaken like she's in a paint shaker and then painted by cocks whose names she doesn't even remember.

It's is a good way to have all the actual incels voluntarily out themselves. They just can't help it.

A woman with millage on her poonani, she usually tries to justify her actions with the usual "genetics" argument. When in reality, she's just a hussy.

I'm ready to settle down now.

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genetics is a good argument tho
it explains your ppls size and sexuality

the NSA has developed labia recognition software and has rolled it out in Africa to track AIDS

I've fucked over 20 girls (22 I think), had several long term partners (several years each), have had sex probably thousands and thousands of times over the last 12 years, lost my virginity to a complete whore who was 15 when I was 17 - AND - I've also taken THREE girls virginity.

I can safely say from my own experience (corroborated by others) that the lifestyle (read: degeneracy), partner count and masturbation habits definitely contribute GREATLY to the "roast beef" phenomenon.

>Responding to a thread this shitty


The roasties of 2018 have become chronically prolapsed STD hostels. Despite their steady dribble of viscous snail trails, their dangly beef curtains, even their near constant harvesting of new strains of HPV and gonorhea, Chads and Betas line up to service them, to wallow and worship in beefed out body horror. It's been said the bow-legged sluts of our era are now so rotten, their eviscerated vaginas actually "spit" every time they take a step. Sometimes with an audible queef, other times quiet, these whores jettison whatever melange of fluids are sloshing within their polygamous caverns. It's not unusual to spy spotty trails and blood tinged puddles wherever the posterior of a sexually liberated woman has rested.

says the incel virgin
you dont know what ur talking about

surprisingly accurate for a memeflagget

A generation or so ago, pretty, floral "innie" vaginas were the norm, unless you were in Africa, where large labia are a status symbol and sought after by men and women alike.

But as our sexual behaviors changed, so to did the vaginas. It's become one of the most taboo subjects for the feminized west to discuss: the epidemic of women sprouting flappy beef curtain vaginas.

And it isn't just aesthetics. The STDs hosted within beefed out roasties transform them into biological weaponry. The gabagool gash's arsenal includes post-antibiotic gonorrhea and syphilis, not to mention the countless and ever-evolving strains of herpes let alone the projected "AIDS 2." Poisoned vaginas are not only ghastly to look at but also expose all of us to unacceptable and preventable risks.

cat will never be a real live spain

Roasties earn their beef by tirelessly impaling themselves on countless cocks, each of them more teeming with different germs and microbial fauna than the next. It breaks my heart to learn another well-intentioned beta has been ensared, face-first, into the maw of some harpie's bioweapon. Unbelievable as it may sound, pussy in "feminist" countries is more hazardous than a lifetime of smoking cigarettes.

pic is a monkey

urban dictionary not me my iq 054

>It is often said, the toastier the roast, the bigger the beef. Something mysterious happens amidst a given roastie’s goring and boring, the punishing penetrations and serial prolapses. That once delicate, sliver of an innie blossoms like an angry meaty tulip, one that holds only gaping darkness as its pollen. Diving deeper into her labyrinthine labia, we peer into an incredible world beneath the beef and bologna, one ruled by a kind of ‘Rule of the Jungle,” only this empowered ecology spreads itself open to a new batch of invasive species almost every evening. Those Papilloma particles are pummeled and pulverized into her flesh, the same as the sticky spores of Gonorrhea, the motley lots of adenoviruses, amoebas and anaerobic fauna, many from vastly far away places. Driven through her epithelial layers and deep into her beef, they burrow and seek out nutrition, infection, and begin to terraform the vaginal tissues into a land suitable for the apocalyptic droves deposited throughout each cycle of the sun. Her immune system has long since grown into an abiding symbiosis with the invasive menagerie of bacteria, fungie and flagelating mystery monsters, even incorporating genes delivered by the various retroviruses and postules of microRNA sent throughout her blood stream at the behest of her vagina’s new tenants. Designed by nature to be a fertile pasture for reproduction, now her semen-soddened womb whistles hollow like a ghostly edifice remaining from a war. But she has become enhanced in other ways by her network of viral supporters. HPV has hacked her dopamine and serotonin circuitry, making her bolder and more brazen, more risk-seeking and even more sexually insatiable.

kek, okay mate, whatever helps you sleep at night.

>Atop a new cock, the roastie must ride, and the plentiful organisms who have accelerated this behavior are more than happy to go along. Every new cock that thunders into her caverns will emerge slick with generations of eager microbes, poised to pilfer whichever pussies await. With the advent of cock sharing apps on their phones, the roastie can spread her sexually transmitted spawn at a geometric rate, leading to a new pan-vaginal ecology that extends across the urbanized world. A splat of virii from Jakarta may pollinate the meat flowers of a swingers club in a sleepy British countryside, only to then appear in American college dorms before shipping itself inside travelers bound for Tokyo, Toronto and Taipei. The hyperactive sexual behaviors of the modern roastie ensure these rapid transmissions and go on to create a Darwinian cauldron in which entire continents' best sexually transmitted organisms vie for survival: Turkish syphilis must best a West African Chlamydia for control of a patch of pussy, and all of them fear the HIV, for it casts a great uncertainty over their continued access to unlimited penises. This ceaseless genetic warfare has weaved its way into the roastie’s genome, driving her near mad with compulsion for another go on the cock carousel, her own natural instincts having melded with the minge microbiome steering her. Obstruct or otherwise hinder her access to dick, and you will be met with incandescent feminine rage, albeit tinged by a mind soppy with yearning for yet another new protuberant phallus. The roastie can only think in terms of genitalia and sexual behavior, and so her opponent must obviously be a virgin, or a sexually impoverished beta male. Or his penis has the fault of being one of the few that have not cleaved her bunny bloody. Whatever the criticism, the rage is purely an expression of the busy biome sizzling away within the endless ravines of her rippling beef. She really cannot help herself.

>A generation or so ago, pretty, floral "innie" vaginas were the norm
holy shit do you actually believe that? what a fucking stupid retard

Oh you poor thirsty beta, I think the HPV has spread to your brain and is affecting your reasoning ability. To those who have not had their central nervous system play host to roastie diseases, vaginal beef is a simple problem with an obvious, self-evident causation. The people who resist reality are suffering from a deep, abiding denial, probably from the cumulative hours upon hours of time spent licking gabagool gash. I feel sorry for you, user. I hope you get some self respect and can keep your mouth of pox filled box.

So if I marry a virgin, and fuck her 10,000 times a year this won't happen, because somehow it's the number of different dicks, and not the actual fuck sessions. Jesus, you guys are fucking dumb.

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Its not just mechanical tugging and sheering of labia and vulva tissue. Vaginal beef has much more to do with chronic infections with STDs. If a roastie's mudflaps are perpetually inflamed by chlamydia and herpes, scar tissue develops and another meat flower blossoms. I see you have reached the bargaining phase, user. I hope to god you have some self respect and don't eat pussy anymore. Hopefully you havent done too much damage to your body.

This meme has peaked

Nah, I eat the fuck out of it. You incels keep this up, more pussy for me, meat flaps and innies alike.

holy fuck hello incel.

burger-brains, everyone

again, whatever helps you sleep at night, burger-brain.
what's the bet you're not only a literal cuck, but a christcuck too.

>Now knows his GF is a massive slut
>laughs at a virgin website being full of virgins
>unironically calling someone a mysoginist

Lmao your girl is getting dicked by Tyrone as you are writing this post buddy.

Neck yourself you filthy whore

Agreed. it's a sliding scale. And age and genetics really doesn't have a factor in "beefiness" its a simple mathmatical equation
Times rode / ride duration = beef

Don’t forget that the Jewish Industrial Medical Complex is in business to lop off foreskins and now they are shaming women into lopping off their count meats if they stray from (((porn)))) norms.

Follow the money.

Anyone who lets their partner travel alone or a group of friends, mostly girls is a cuck. She is 100% going to cheat on you, I've seen it all. There is no safe destination her whore friends will convince her to cheat because they cheated and its "fine". They will keep on with this infidelity until they reach a mid-life crisis and can't handle the guilt.

Its like when roasties prefer their rapist to their boyfriend. Box-eating betas are completely codependent upon the bologna snatched bitches that laugh at their pathetic subservience.

*cunt meats* fuck you Tim Cook autocorrect. CUNT CUNT CUNT

>walrus calling out an incel
Only on Jow Forums

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This. Vaginal rejuvenation is a huge growing industry, one of the fastest growing markets for medical services in the past several years. Any hospital group or clinic that wants to improve their bottom line is offering vaginal repair services to perma-prolapsed harpie sluts.

I read it all out loud. What do I win.

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Reposting for obvious reasons:

I've fucked over 20 girls (22 I think), had several long term partners (several years each), have had sex probably thousands of times over the last 12 years, lost my virginity to a complete whore who was 15 when I was 17 - AND - I've also taken THREE girls virginity.

I can safely say from my own experience (corroborated by others) that the lifestyle (read: degeneracy), partner and fuck count, and masturbation habits (rough? gentle? fingers? deodorant? hairbrush?) contribute GREATLY to the "roast beef" phenomenon.

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Lol you can call me a beta all you want. Have fun with your hand.

Gee doc, my old cooze just ain't what it used to be.....i've really put ol' Fred through the wringer....he's all stretched out, scarred up, looks like an old catchers mitt or a high top tennis shoe with the tongue tore out, anyway you could make it look 12 again?

>So if I marry a virgin, and fuck her 10,000 times a year this won't happen, because somehow it's the number of different dicks, and not the actual fuck sessions. Jesus, you guys are fucking dumb.

Your dick won't stretch labia because it's the size of a shelled cashew.