I was only 2 when it happened so I don't rememeber anything

I was only 2 when it happened so I don't rememeber anything.
Was 9/11 as funny at the time as it seems now?

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scary as fuck for like the next year or two

What specifically do you find funny about it?
Most of my classmates on the westcoast in 9th grade had no clue even what the buildings were.
We didnt give a fuck, glanced at the news and moved on with our weeks. Only really cared probably post invasion and the conspiracy theories started to go mainstream like 2 or 3 years later.
Was never really funny, none of the people my age gave a fuck.

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Scariest time in my life. People were dragging Indians over the counters at all the 711s and stomping them out. It was fucking insane.

I was watching cartoon and i had a poster of NYC in the room i was watching, i was 6/7 years old. Feel very strange, my first breaking news on TV

I was sort of funny watching my female 5th grade teacher have a mental breakdown while we all watched it on one of those old huge TVs on a cart. The best part was getting to go home early. Even places of work let people leave. People were really terrified.

>america pokes middle east since forever
>middle east pokes america back for once
like pottery

fucking BOGGD

Attached: if you only knew how bog things really were.jpg (600x450, 175K)

Seeing the jumpers was kino tbqh

I never heard of that at all I was 14 at the time.
I do remember seeing a turban clad couple driving an SUV with
"We LOVE USA AND AMERICANS" on the side painted that soap paint all over the windows because they were so scared though.

It sucked, missed the Dragonball Z episode when Son Gohan fought Cell. I will never forgave Muslims, Israelis and US intel for this

I was in grade seven. I stayed home sick to watch it. The rest of the week, teachers left the TV tuned to CNN on mute all day.

I watch clips of the collapse and people running in the streets quite often and every once in a while, I start tearing up.

>middle east pokes back


I was like 11 and I didn't give too much of a shit about it. Not even being edgy. I thought it was ridiculous that someone said they found the passport of the terrorist who committed the attack ... even my 11 year old mind at the time was like "wut"? IIRC this was before the tower had even collapsed. Somehow this passport shot out of the fireball of the impact and then landed next to a cop, and they just knew this was the guy instantly. I mean, I get that it would be the arab guy, but normally, you'd have to look into some things before you make a definitive announcement like that. So fucking fishy. How actually dumb are goyim?

It was very surreal, watching it again it still is.

fucking hell get over it
9/11/01 = WTC attack
19/07/18 = Americans still autistic screeching

7/7/05 = London bombs
8/7/05 = Business as usual

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No, it wasn't funny at the time. I would guess there was a similar feel to Pearl Harbor. People wanted blood. The country felt more unified (until 2003 - Iraq).

No one cares if bongs die.

9/11 was the most joyful day in my life. The whole world displayed trough their TV screens how a bunch of kuffars got slaughtered in those buildings Mashallah.

If you remember Trumps press conference with Putin, it was just like that only with a couple thousand more deaths

Enjoy your minaret.

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Show that Americans are a bunch of uncultured and uneducated swines. You guys really need to do something about that burger education.

You're not even a real country.

It was an impressive attack

>Americans don't know the difference between an Indian and an arab

seems about right.

It's deliberate.

This. Parents were shocked we had no idea what the world trade centers were when this was on the news. Merica education system at work.

Americans wanted blood. Watch all the normie Late Night shows that came back on air about a week after the attack.

Letterman was basically calling for a massacre of the people involved.

George Bush could have invaded the entire Middle East and nobody would have batted an eye lid.

Here in the midwest gas stations started gouging prices within twenty minutes.

I will admit I felt bad for all those poor suckers who went back in. It basically ruined everything. We used to ignore mudslimes now they are fucking everywhere

My uncle bought a mak 90.
I remember him saying at our kitchen when i was 12 " I got a fucking ak47, ill blow those fucking camel jokeys away"

Not this shit again. Yes our country is artificial but at least it's made up of ethno-linguistic and cultural regions that have history that dates back to the Middle-ages and even before that, the Roman empire. We have more history and culture than any American can wish for. Maybe you de-burger educate your uncultured ass on topics like this.

No it was dead serious

but people tend to make tasteless jokes and say stupid shit, even shit they don't believe, just to try to make sense of an insane and unpredictable world


remember this guy and the cia nigger behind him

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>Was 9/11 as funny at the time as it seems now?
How the fuck is it funny, you Gen Z faggot?

Buddy I was on West 43rd street on 9/11 everyone was yelling it was the jews.

I saw a hobo yell "This is what you get!" Then a wall street suit beat his ass right there

That literally never happened to remotely any degree which you speak.
t. 19 when 9/11 happened.

When did such zeal to take it against the Moslems die out?

>Was 9/11 as funny at the time as it seems now?
9/11 was a shoulder shrug for me. So the terrorists got us, I thought. But there's no way they'd do that again. Invading iraq and afghanistan was far worse.

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They should have carpet bombed the whole mess that is the Middle East and been done with it.

What do you make of that?

Your country has zero bio diversity. Might as well be a field.

It's not funny and you've been brainwashed to laugh at it as the state creeps into every aspect of everyones life

I had a Saudi friend, my brother was asking him A LOT of questions

>there's no way they'd do that again
Also why repeat it? They won, it was all downhill from there and we will never recover.

Nice b8 faggot. That literally never happened.

I answered this already, but all of the butthurt people is a good reason too

that's to be expected

Not so much funny "ha ha" as funny "inside job".

-9/11 official story violates fundamental physics

-Molten steel, far beyond temperatures of jet fuel + office fires found in WTC

-Molten iron and active thermite found in all WTC dust

-3000+ Architects and Engineers Demand a new investigation

-University of Alaska Study modeling WTC7 collapse concludes that the official story is impossible

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in my school there was a few muslims and they had to leave because people kept talking shit to them and calling them terrorists it was pretty based

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what the fuck is wrong with you?

Part n parcel in bongistan

>haha innocent people died
You're a fucking degenerate faggot.

>I was only 2 when it happened
my god how old am i?

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What's so funny about thousands of innocents being killed by jihadists and jews?

Fuck you pig

your country is as artificial as ukraine poland etc. in an ideal world you would be split up among france netherlands and germany



he is a kike very suspicious how the nigger behind him is acting

That's an odd statement. Cities like Antwerp or Brussels are indeed shit for our biodiversity, but there is plenty to be found in all the rest of our country.

Fuck off


are you lost user?

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This is definitely a payop thread. Look at the posters fucking cia niggers

In an ideal world the German language wouldn't exist. It makes my ears bleed.

What is your min/max elevation? Or min/max temp? I feel like a good laugh.

>Americans innocent people in middle east
>they kill innocent Americans back
>cry about it
This is why this shit is funny

I was in 6th grade, at first i knew shit went down, but since the teachers seemed more interested in what was going on, the day became a blow off day which i enjoyed, but when i got home i was worried a plane was going to hit our house. My mom assured me they would not take out a double wide trailer sitting in the middle of 12 acres.

My dad actually took me on a road trip from Texas to Minnesota few days after. I watched the skys like a hawk the whole way seeing if there was any rouge planes. Looking back the worst part of the event was having to hear "Im proud to be an American" the whole way during the road trip since thats all the radio stations would play.

The only thing you need to remember about 9/11 is that the saudis are responsible and trump kisses their ass.

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How dare you sir

No. I remember when it happened and it was fucking terrifying.

I was in 5th grade. But it hit close to home for me because my mom's cousin worked in the first tower (didn't die), and a large portion of young men in my family and parents social circle were suddenly marines. Also my grandma was a non practicing Muslim so I learned at that age what it was all about.

Wow another night of pretty much the same 9/11 thread.

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Nah. I was in 8th grade 14 (y/o). I imagine that day was like what the Greatest Generation felt about Pearl Harbor in terms of shock. Funny enough, some kike media literally said Trump Putin Summit was “our Pearl Harbor” and that basically triggered me desu

Womp womp

the Saudi royal family are kikes

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There were enough believers for Bush to win the 2004 election, it was probably 2005 when it was clear Iraq didn't have WMDs and American casualties were racking up after the initial invasion was over and the insurgency started.

The amount of vitriol against George W Bush was Trump-tier. People were calling him Hilter and making films about his assassination.

Americans still don't really care per say about the deaths of people in the Middle East. They care more about casualties of their own troops, which is why the US military became highly reliant on drones, airstrikes and special forces during Obama's terms.

It wasn't funny, it was kind of eye opening. At first you thought wow a crazy attack, then you see people jumping out of the windows. When the buildings actually came down you knew the world would never be the same.

I was in 5th grade, I was in a video editing class in middle school.

Play nice you two lol seriously tho Belgium is an odd one ;)

It was actually bretty serious for quite a long time. Regardless of what you knew or didn't know, suspected or didn't suspect at the time... you somehow knew the world had in that moment changed and was never going to be the same. It was a very disappointing way to start a new millennium, especially when the previous one ended with so much optimism.

Depending on how things go from here on out, history could wind up seeing it as a critical moment in human history.

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It ended a world of hope, love, and optimism.

Jews did 911. The buildings were built decades before to be destroyed on the exact day that they were in an occult ritual.

bush did 9/11 to give the neocons the scapegoat they needed to jizz all over the middle east. isis is the bastard child nobody wanted

No it was fucked. Back then nobody had connected the dots. Osama was public enemy no. 1 and people were convinced (((they))) weren't behind it.


>in 9th grade
>i was 6/7 ye
>5th grade
>14 at the
>like 11 and I
>s 12
>6th grade
>5th grade.

wow. ask an actual adult anything. i personally lost my shit and drifted across the country trying to drink myself to death. but lets be real, it wasnt all 9/11

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I’ve found there is/was a big disconnect (for lack of better words) about it not just outside NYC/DC about it, but more like the outside the NE region.

9/11 backfired in the long run.

Still is IMO people just forgot

Look at all the shit since. Multiple never ending wars, MASS SHOOTINGS, crazy US

It depends but usually it's around -5 until 5 degrees celsius in Winter times, while in summer it's between 20 until 33 degrees celsius. Don't know what's funny about it either...

How'd you lose your shit hippie?

Did it really, though?


Don’t worry, Canadians killed lots of Afghans in the heartland of the Taliban. I’m sure none of those Afghan refugees you so generously accepted harbor any negativity about that.

So, you're 100% supportive of group punishment, regardless of the specific guilt or innocence of individual members of the group being punished?

its fked mate. Mooslims did it with box knives.

holy shit. fuck you for the lulz, but it was scary

>t. 17 in English class.

>wow. ask an actual adult anything
How does it feel to be so close to death, dad?

In alot of ways sure. I'm not saying (((they))) havn't had massive gains. But nobody was paying attention to them prior to this.
(((they))) are mainstream media conversation pieces now.
When your whole prerogative is working in the shadows this is pretty much a fail.

I do find this hilarious though m.youtube.com/watch?v=HTkejY7ZxVw