Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J...

>Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

>The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

>Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

>The [intelligence streams showing Putin’s interference] included stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee that had been seen in Russian military intelligence networks by the British, Dutch and American intelligence services. Officers of the Russian intelligence agency formerly known as the G.R.U. had plotted with groups like WikiLeaks on how to release the email stash.

>And ultimately, several human sources had confirmed Mr. Putin’s own role.

>That included one particularly valuable source, who was considered so sensitive that Mr. Brennan had declined to refer to it in any way in the Presidential Daily Brief during the final months of the Obama administration, as the Russia investigation intensified.

How do you feel about this, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The jews did this.

I feel very bored. This Russia shit got old within the first few hours.

(((New York Times)))

What did Putin get out of helping Trump win? The sanctions were not removed over Crimea (even though they never should have been there in first place because the people of Crimea wanted to be a part of Russia, and not a shot was fired).

You see, faggot, Putin did not gain anything from "hacking" the election. (Hacking apparently means getting into DNC emails and showing the evil shit they were up too.)

>That included one particularly valuable source, who was considered so sensitive that Mr. Brennan had declined to refer to it in any way in the Presidential Daily Brief during the final months of the Obama administration, as the Russia investigation intensified.

Wow so Hilary's private unsercured server had this info and other nations got access to it because of her corruption? WHY ISNT THE FBI INVESTIGATING THIS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Of course they did. They are the chosen people. The Earth is theirs. The nazis tried to defy it and look what happened.

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Replace Putin with Netanyahu and the story is 100% true. Replace Kremlin with Mossad.

Makes me wonder why Russia would try to hack a hostile foreign power. They should just accept an ass reaming.

Or maybe the IC used their tools proven to frame foreign governments so Trump would go to war with them.

It's too bad the IC has chosen to be corrupt to the point that the government can't trust their findings.

It also elaborates how the Deep State has retained control of the government by feeding presidents this information that can very likely be false or misleading based on past behavior.

Why did Donald Trump lie to the American people for going on 2 years now about knowing what Putin did in 2016 and even was presented evidence of it?

He should be impeached immediately for obstructing justice, Nixon went down for the exact same thing.

Who is the source and how exactly did Russia interfere in the election?

Sounds like fake news and I bet everybody involved with this story and its publication is a hook nosed kike.

Not to mention they could have blackmailed Hillary with all the information that was hacked. Or caused more wars in her attempt to keep the blackmail hidden.

>Officers of the Russian intelligence agency formerly known as the G.R.U. had plotted with groups like WikiLeaks on how to release the email stash.

Utter horse shit.

Did the CIA find these documents on Russian networks BEFORE they were released on wikileaks? Because that would mean something, finding them afterwards on the other hand is utterly meaningless.

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Good. We don't need more wars based on totally serious and 100% accurate we mean it this time guys intelligence.

Ok, I'll accept that Russia interfered in our election. Now I want someone to explain to me in relatively simple words HOW they did it. For example: They held guns to voters heads, they hacked voting machines, they used rays to influence people, etc. Those are random examples I made up. Now please explain what they did, I'll wait.

if you guys aren't flipping your shit over this, you should. he will likely be impeached over this, and if he isn't, people are gonna be fucking PISSED.

whatever outcome you're looking for, this is a huge fucking deal.

>same guy who launched massive fake news attack against trump
>won't disclose sources

Immediately discarded

>It also elaborates how the Deep State has retained control of the government by feeding presidents this information that can very likely be false or misleading based on past behavior.

checked, if this is news to anyone, read "the secret team" by l. fletcher prouty

>the director of the CIA, appointed by Trump

Right but Hillary selling them 20% of our Uranium and actually rigging the election is okay

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This is much

Gee, if only the same people that gave him the briefing hadn't just left another meeting where they falsified info for FISA warrants to spy on his campaign staff.
Also, how is the New York Times aware of this 'highly classified' intelligence briefing? When did this info become declassified?

Bullshit. How is this even a big fucking deal? You know Trump has been saying Russia meddled since JANUARY 2017, right, faggot?

I dont care. The hacking happened on Obama's watch, not Trumps


Brennan is not a Trump appointment you dumb fuck. He is the worst of the worst when it comes to Uniparty scum. I hope he is listening to this too. Stupid fucking faggot.

>director of CIA appointed by trump
>2 weeks before inauguration

You really are retarded, aren't you?

No he isn't and you know it. Oh boohoo cat ladies and the mentally ill are going to be pissed and do what? If you start a civil war expect faggots and communists to be hanging from lamp posts. And that won't be from the conservative/libertarian/3% militias

They bought ads on facebook. Everyone agrees on that point.
The left would have you believe, they also hacked the DNC's servers, and then used Wikileaks to release Podesta's and Wasserman Shultz's emails.


And they can't spin that away. You see why this shit always backfires on them?

If I am to succeed, we can find a just solution to the Jewish Problem

If I fail, there will be Jews swinging from every lamp post in America

-George Lincoln Rockwell

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>Jew York Kikes
May I ask, where are the proofs?
Trump REALLY should make the libel laws.

>complex cyber attacks
>couple of phishing emails worked
>nigger tier privite bathroom servers setup by a reddit furry
>some paki faggot running all the Ds IT from Pakistan


100k worth of ads in an election that cost over 2 billion. Give me a fucking break.

I was here when the emails were released and we combed them for damaging information. There has been no evidence released that Russia did it. Even if they did what they released was real emails. The public deserved to see them before they cast their vote. If Russia did it they are the good guys in this case.

Assuming the DNC hack and release to Wikileaks was actually Russia - why am I supposed to be mad about that? Didn't journalists used to break the law to dig up information? Are we just accusing Russia of journalism?


>the Russian intelligence agency formerly known as the G.R.U

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>nigger tier privite bathroom servers setup by a reddit furry
Explain pls

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>Now I want someone to explain to me in relatively simple words HOW they did it.
What? You can't accept that they LITERALLY hacked our democracy? ZOMG, you must be a russian bot then. I'm calling mueller on you.

Seconding this

I’ve been scouring the web the past couple of days trying to find information on Russians interfering with the election. Almost every news site makes this claim, but they all get suspiciously quiet when it comes to talking about what exactly the Russians did. A couple of websites state that Russia was responsible for the DNC email hack. Okay, fair enough. Let’s assume I accept that proclamation and that this hack somehow swayed the election. My next train of thought would be to consider HOW this release of DNC emails effected the election. The only conclusion I can come to is that people saw the corruption of the DNC and voted against them. Is the media essentially saying that Russia is bad for exposing the corruption within our political system? Am I supposed to get angry that this corruption was made public?

this is all shilling so no can one get in a word about Hillary or Obama, they know its coming down and soon.

saved desu

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Then why didn't Obama ever do shit about this when it was happening?

He did.
He told Vlad to "knock it off".
He's very manly, and clearly took the steps necessary.

Summer please leave

Google stonetear.

Hillary's IT guy went to reddit to ask how to wipe a server. His account history revealed he was a furry

Not even King Nigger believes this happened to any noticeable extent.

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Why no sauce my friendo?

>went to reddit
Any that heads to fucking reddit to get advice on ANYTHING, should yiff in hell.
97% of all reddit faggots are furries.

I feel nothing because "cyberattacks to sway" the election is nebulous.

Posting on forums isn't a goddamn cyberattack; or even posting on Twitter.

From what I've gleaned over the past years, the "attack" or "influence" the Russians tried was essentially shitposting against Clinton. They're as guilty of influencing the election as any political party has been over the past decades.

Nary do I hear a word about Israel influencing the US.

meddling is how he fucking world works. we meddle in every major fucking election across the globe to preserve our self interests. so does china. so does russia. what a about the 400million given directly to hillary from putin? gas yourself u fucking kike

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>This story was originally posted on RCP Video on October 18, 2016: In a press conference a few weeks before the 2016 election, President Barack Obama told Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to "stop whining" about the possiblity that the election could be "rigged," saying that there is no evidence that election rigging has ever happened or could ever happen.

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>Nary do I hear a word about Israel influencing the US.
Or mexico.
Isn't the NYT's owned and ran by a mexican? Who print articles DAILY about the evils of trump?
So a better question would be, does a foreign citizen have the right to shitpost, or blog about american elections?

Nigger I ain't even in school I graduated

that's why AIPAC and CAIR are throwing all this shit at Russia. the fact is Israel and Saudi Arabia manipulate our politics and bribe corrupt politicians every day. McCain spread his shriveled asscheeks wide and lets arabs and israelis slam their cocks that ejaculate money into it on a daily basis then goes to shill for wars in the middle east for that pair of terrorist enemy nations.

> "intelligence agencies" that spent the last year slinging bullshit, lying and leaking
> the same assholes that used false information to acquire a wiretap warrant that they used to spy on the entire trump campaign
> the very pieces of shit that have been spinning this implausible "russian hackers gonna git U" narrative but havent presented a single instance of "collusion" despite spying on the trump campaign extensively with the aforementioned fraudulent warrant...
but this time they're on the level. we should totally trust them now...
> still leaking
> a source so sensitive that the DNI cant even allude to it for the ppresident
> and yet the jew york times can now allude to it, and imply they know who this source is and what "bombshells" he is about to drop...
sure thing sparky.
is trump finished? is it over? how can he ever recover? two scoops????
anyone with a brain knows the russians TRY to meddle, and the DNI's own report made clear that though they tried, they FAILED. not a single vote was altered. not even the ones from illegal aliens.

So the truth about how dirty the DNC and Hillary was leaked and people voted Trump. But MAh Russia!

If the DNC was not so rotten what good could hacking have done.

The source is John Brennan and its 100% true cmon user the NYT would never lie to you like that

except wikileaks stated clearly and unequivocally that they received the DNC emails on a hard drive, in a park in washington DC, IN PERSON, from the hands of a person they knew well, a person who was part of the DNC upper staff, this individual cited his reasons dfor the leaking as disillusionment with the DNC after the rigged primaries that hosed bernout and gave hilldawg the nomination, and that person may or may not have been seth rich.
also, the former british ambassador who actually received the hard drive stated that the source WAS seth rich, just a week before seth mysteriously died by slipping on some of DC's notorious summertime black ice, and falling onto some bullets.

Exactly, this

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I really dgaf if they rigged it or not at this point.

i think its funny the meddling in the election was just paying for blm adds on facebook

does that mean the left are willing to admit that blm is toxic and literally poltical aids and possibly a latent homosexual

>first line of thread is giving clicks to nyt
Stopped reading there as this is clearly a shill thread. BTW Trump will not be impeached and will win reelection in 2020. Nothing you do will affect that. Your rage is impotent.

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>The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin,

That extremely awkward moment when you try to paint the other guy is bad while simultaneously admitting you still have spies in the Kremlin.

Trump is lying and knew about it. He will continue to lie

Nice id Mossad

ID sure is close to spelling mossad, you dumb kike

Saved as well

And this all came from the same intelligence agencies that told us there were WMDs in Iraq back in 2003?

Your black boyfriend has been meddling in your asshole, fagget kike.

What do you expect? Trump is shown to be a liar and a charlatan for the 100000th time already.

This is a coordinated campaign by him, lie, obfuscate and deceive the public as much as humanly possible, he wants "outrage-exhaustion," such that he keeps doing outrageous things to the point where we will become docile and acceptable to it.

Now here come the assmad Trumptists (you)s.

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>trusting the CIA

So that means Obama knew and he still made the statement that our elections cannot be tampered with. Thus admitting the russian shit was weak and inconsequential.

brennan is a self proclaimed communist u glow in the dark kike nigger

Can't you goofy shill fucks not spam the board with the same source?
Seriously you. Motherfucking soibrain fucks are retarded