
>> Soooo...we're letting Putin take our citizens...?
Yup. A life of service to ones country is greeted with the gift of being turned in to the very enemies you spent your life fighting. Trump is a traitor and Jow Forums knows it b/c it's comprised if the very enemies Bill B\rowderhas fought on the US's behalf.

Attached: traitor.jpg (662x500, 71K)

How come it's been 2 years and all Mueller has is Russians posting on facebook and trying to fuck NRA employees?

A global world demands global justice. Nationalism is such an outdated way of thinking that I can't believe someone would try and hide behind something as silly as "being American" to escape being tried for their crimes against not just another government but humanity as a whole. Bill is going to gulag and no amount of crying about what passport he has is going to stop it.

>>> Soooo...we're letting Putin take our citizens...?

Who is this person and what would the Russians question him about

>Yup. A life of service to ones country is greeted with the gift of being turned in to the very enemies you spent your life fighting. Trump is a traitor and Jow Forums knows it b/c it's comprised if the very enemies Bill B\rowderhas fought on the US's behalf.
Read le post fart brain.

>He gave up his U.S. citizenship in 1998 to avoid paying taxes related to foreign investment.
I hope Bill enjoys his stay in the Black Dolphin.

>democrats suddenly try to pretend that they're patriots

Nigger please.

>>republicons suddenly try to pretend that they never were

so now you're a patriot. what's on the schedule for next week, all you lefties gonna accept jesus because trump has a steak on a friday?

Attached: funny-pictures-auto-jesus-sin-356229.jpg (544x496, 43K)

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He literally said all enemies foreign and domestic shill.

>so now you're a patriot.
I always have been a patriot.

Eat my shit and die shills

Hi troll. A cup of vodka has been dispensed to your account on behalf of putin. Thanks for serving comrade.

i didnt know they allowed you people internet access

>gave up his citizenship to avoid paying taxes
>involved in a huge banking cabal
>pic related

Attached: every damned time.jpg (3379x372, 188K)

shoo shoo dirty jew

this joke was so unfunny ops mom died

if this means we can get eric snowden back (oboma's honeylove) and properly give him and zuckerberg a proper hanging, then it's worth it

This again?

You litterally didn't read two lines down where it says he gets expelled from the commie party. People can change. You can change too.

Awww, look, anti semetics to try and invalidate...what exactly? Oh, i think you just wanted to say I'm a smart and successful person. Thanks....

bump for dumping the trump bump

>Imagine licking boots this much

Trump called it an “interesting idea” and an “incredible offer” at the Helsinki Summit news conference.

Attached: Dia2E7wVsAAebjW.png (333x216, 171K)

>enemies he has fought

More like people he robbed

Only posting because you’re not a one post chump. I like you. That being said, I’m not reading anything you post that’s video. I’m just curious about your hard text proof of traitors.
It’s common fodder our politicians are foreign agents. Clinton lost six billion dollars as Secretary of State. Right before 9/11 Rumsfeld admitted to trillions being lost. Trickle down is hopeless.
You’re only focusing on one aspect of decades of the same shit. Swallow the red pill. One of us. One of us.
Tell me your objections, please.

Great, lets send to putin all our faggot leftists, to make them die in ukraine

Wait till this Friday

CIA niggers BTFO.

no they just want to question them before serving them Novichok

And yet...
He is still in the oval office!

Damn that's gotta suck for anyone who thinks he is a traitor!

does not compute...

Fuck off idiot boomer I only sage faggots


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Я пpивeтcтвyю нaших pyccких пoвeлитeлeй

IKR my new keyboard gets here! I wont have to use this shitty one anymore. Its going to be great.

Attached: download.jpg (6480x3648, 858K)