Niggers, Women, Comunists, and Muslims are not human, prove me wrong.
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Niggers, Women, Comunists, and Muslims are not human, prove me wrong.
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Women are human, they're just beneath men.
Agreed, we have many studies which indicate this, woman are on average shorter, than men and fizicly weaker, than men.Most inventions have been created by men, this is because woman are more average than men are, in mean of intelegance , particulary in IQ scores, woman are more average than men, while men have larger diversity in IQ's, by how large of impact this lefts on diferance betven men and woman?You can see, it for example by looking at nobel prizes, avarded by gender, and diferance is more than enough to sugest, the idea of woman beeing inferior in terms cognative ability, to men.But i must note that Average scores between men and woman are equal, of 100IQ.
What? No spics?
Haven't we done our fair share of atrocities with our cartels?
What the fuck do you want us to do man?
pic written by greatest ever mind was white male and christian. its very much related
Your Nation is mostly of European orgin, more so than USA, if we speak of % of population.
Are slavs human?
I don't take the whole race thing too seriously, but now that you mention it yeah, most people here are european descendants, though you have your fair share of niggers.
Difference is our niggers don't chimp out as much as american niggers.
We do have a crime issue here though.
We know, let us larp as subhuman at least
Hello fellow hwhite
How is your night going my white brother?
Slavs are more agressive than north-west Europeans, Balts-Finns Southern Europeans, West slavs and Scandinavians.
Well I'm high as fuck and waiting for Man vs Food delivery to arrive
how you doin nig
Beliefs don't affect your species. Blacks can reproduce with non-blacks and produce viable offspring, that makes them human.
Having some ANCAP vodka with rinde dos. Pizzeria belgrano is da shit bro
blacks didn't do anything wrong, prove me wrong.
Why would you like to LARP, as inferior nation?Your place should be in west, not sure why your country is not recognised in general public as souch, perhaps for economic, and geograhic reson, but as your economy gets better, public mind should be changed, just as happened with Ireland and now with Eastern Europe, after 50 years of Comunism.
>Well I'm high as fuck
Same tbqh.
To avoid getting more jewish attention than we already get. Better to pretend to be subhuman than to get enriched. Our politicians are total cucks
Its a shame he didn't pass he's genes, he was a fine specimen.
How do we mesure it?
By compearing homocide rates, in bouth native countries and homocide rates of emigrants in other European countries.
Lad, your information is well sound, but keep you grammar together.
How are you guys doing in this shitty night (the sky is red rn)?
Fyi our homicide rate is about 8 if I'm not mistaken
Why do we 3 share id colour. I'm fine, mostly drunk chatting with some sluts
and Germans aren't aggressive?
Don't know and not gonna complain, I fucking love green. (Because we legalized weed, you get it? haha lol)
Kek. Never smoked tho. My vices are women and the casino
Cut it right now man, before it consumes you :(
Your welth also indicates your ''westernism''
Chill, got my demons under the NatSoc heel, just telling you I'd rather gamble ny money than smoke it
Good to hear, I don't smoke either.
I guess you could say so, but it's only good for sudaca standarts.
I don't feel wealthy man, I come from thr countryside with my parents job under danger (agriculturally related) our gpverment wasting money like there is no tomorrow and also.being invaded by literal subhumans from the caribbean. I don't feel very rich
Good, keep it healthy user. You from montevideo?
there's literally no other nation with a list this long. it's Germans that are the niggers of the white race not Slavs.
Who gives a shit about war crimes? kike
It's much worse than that, the majority of white men aren't human either.
Interior, why?
well civilized non psychopathic human beings give a shit nigger. you are a savage nigger just like these krautmonkeys and should be put down.
Curiosity, a couple months ago there was a montevideo user who wanted to do a sort of meet up
stfu commie kike
The allied forces defined the term war crime you retarded anarchist, no shit they made it such that their mortal enemy has more than they do. Or are you suggesting firebombing entire cities of civilians is fine just because it isn't called a war crime
Germans never set a foot on my land, nor killed any uruguayan, whatever they did to others is not my problem for all I care
>killing commie swines
>war crime
top fucking kek
giving the chance they would gauge your eyes and, rape your daughter then shove glass up her genitals and mutilate her.
so would a lot of people, you think this behavior is unique to or even especially present among Germans?
>giving the chance they would gauge your eyes and, rape your daughter then shove glass up her genitals and mutilate her.
sounds more like something the Russians would do m8
Why would germans do that to us?
Should I care about hypothetics? The only countries that have ever killed my countrymen are arg brazil, cuban revolutionaries, glows in the dark and the brits
you are a low iq animalistic savage . what sets human beings apart from animals is our empathy and compassion. seeming as you don't have any of that you aren't human but a beast an animal.
seee here that little girl is a commie swine?
Eat shit and die kike
that's a good one chaim
absolutely and also to Ukrainians, Croatians and to a lesser extend Russians, no one else ever did these things though.
>no one else ever did these things though.
is this some kind of ludicrous bait? there are people doing comparable things in dozens of countries on earth right now
Can you answer -->We have no relation to germans.
I said given the chance. they would view you as an inferior Indian hybrid so therefore no worthy of life and compassion.
this is the true evil of fascism and racism the dehumanizing aspect of it.
Show your flag kike
Interstingly enough our goverment of 1935 was in good relationship with nazi germany we also traded a lot. Eat shit and die kike shill
you are filth. the real genocide should be against fascists.
>no u
Europe in more modern times I meant.
The Nazis didn't even shit on Native Americans you clueless fuck, every post you make further embarrasses you, they literally had a little alliance with the Sioux for a while and called them Aryans
ok this is ebic
they dimple do not compare to the crimes of fascists.
grow up you infantile imbecile.
Datta dosen't gugest it though, also, i can find Russians beeing barbaric during wartime as well.
Now kike, explain to me why would I care about dead poles, serbs, or jews. If I'm not a part of any of those groups.
MSNBC Collusion Expert
You spell worse than an American
But women are human and not necessarily beneath men. They are different and certainly unequal, but of equal moral worth. In certain cases, a good woman is worth more than a good man, but a bad woman is worth less than a bad man.
>but a bad woman is worth less than a bad man.
Its the other way around.
because the Nazis were exactly how you idiots describe Jews. they were conniving hypocrites and back stabbers.
What in your mind makes fascists suddenly act so much worse than any other people? have you considered youre just a brainwashed fucking dumbass
name me a country without a history tarred by the depths of human cruelty
But northwest Europeans are better than Eastern Europeans, your arguments are not strong enough, by every datta we have Northwest Europeans are dominant, over their Eastern counterparts.
Your just cherry picking.
again not comparable to German crimes and fascist crimes in general.
>In total, Belarus lost a quarter of its pre-war population in the Second World War, including practically all its intellectual elite. About 9,200 villages and 1,200,000 houses were destroyed. The major towns of Minsk and Vitebsk lost over 80% of their buildings and city infrastructure.
kek, how many images do you have?
No, it isn't. A bad woman, i.e. a whore, is incapable of raising a proper family, and on top of that she is physically useless in comparison to men and would disrupt any male organization by her presence. In short, she is an utter waste of resources.
By contrast, a bad man may be a piece of shit who should never be married or with children, but he still has brute strength which has its uses. The Duke of Wellington, for example, called the regulars in his army in Spain "the scum of the earth", but they still performed on the field of battle.
>. The major towns of Minsk and Vitebsk lost over 80% of their buildings and city infrastructure.
did you see what Berlin looked like? or dresden? or Tokyo? Hiroshima
>backstab whites for centuries
>get mad when whites respond in kind
>What in your mind makes fascists suddenly act so much worse than any other people?
because they dehumanize people e.g. "Jews are parasites", "Slavs aren't white or human".
this mentality caused some of thew greatest human suffering in all of history you "people" are dangerous and given power who knows what would happen.
probably because all the psychopathic, anti social genes were killed off during the world wars.
Jews act like parasites. Not a slav, don't care about them
you think dehumanizing the enemy is original to fascism? you cannot be this naive, are you like 19
and then you in the same breath dehumanize us by putting quotation marks around 'people'. I am starting to suspect this is an elaborate ruse
Yes, because Germans where exterminating natives of Eastern Europe, but how is this related to, ''agression'' of SubEuropean groups?Average Germans didn't work in leighbour camps, and most Germans where not aware of mass genocides, and never visited the camps.
As i said your cherry picking, i have real datta.
Its more complicated than that, video related.
Show your flag, ffs
justified retribution for the German peoples support for a genocidal manic and has band of lunatics.
Show the flag
I'll shove the fucking talmud up your fucking ass kike. You took advantage of us you don't think we'd return the favor?
that data is just based on poverty. the poorer a nation is the more violence and anti social behavior there will be. eastern Europe has a really dark history that's why they are violent.