this is an Alex thread post your rare Alex's and discuss to what degree Alex Jones is legit one of ourguys/is a shill etc. Recently got done binge watching his toady Owen shroyer BTFO libs with FACTS and I came across this talk with this jewish lady where he describes hollywood as being partially run by the "communist chinese". Why is Infowars so obsessed with pinning jewish behavior on the "communist chinese"?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Alex thread
>binge watching
>BTFO libs
Fuck off back to
This is so dumb
If you were German man under Hitler and his party they literally issued you a gun.
Unlike today where Soldiers in the German Army are issued broom sticks.
>Why is Infowars so obsessed with pinning jewish behavior on the "communist chinese"?
His ex-wife is a kike
His kids are all Kikes.
unless you happened to be jewish
Pick one faggots
Its insulting how obvious it is. He's controlled opposition and why does it even matter if he's bill hicks or not.
y flouride tho?
>proof of pizzagate
>God speaks to Jow Forums
Satanist BTFO
Molechians on Suicide watch>What are Memes???
To the normie, memes are comedy and nothing else
To others... Memes are a means of communication.
>A way to speak without words
And right now most of you are aware that YOU ARE PSYCHIC...
>The very thing the enemy fears
YOU are literally 21st Century Spirit Monks waging memetic warfare against the enemy...
THEY will Never be able to understand or read the memes like you do.
>they will never Become like us............
Definitely controlled opposition. Anything to keep his audience from finding the jews behind the curtain. This guy has done some good research on it.
>hollywood as being partially run by the "communist chinese". Why is Infowars so obsessed with pinning jewish behavior on the "communist chinese"?
He's not wrong. China's influence on Hollywood is getting larger than the Jewish influence.
Look at all these movies promoting Chinese government, almost as much as your yearly holohaux movie.
Chicoms own the FED!
>y flouride tho?
Seriously? What Alex says about Fluoride isn't anything new or conspiracy. It has been known for years that Fluoride causes brain damage and increases autism in children. People used to protest this shit back in the 1950's, and they lost.
Fluoride in the water is one of the reasons why the US is in such shitty shape.
I thought Hollywood was "run by the Arabs" Alex?
Fucking Gate Keeping Shekel Trader.
>Look at all these movies promoting Chinese government, almost as much as your yearly holohaux movie.
It happens a lot, actually. Also, American movies are being tailored more to Chinese tastes than western tastes.
>Anything to keep his audience from finding the jews behind the curtain.
AJ points at the right targets, specifically the deep state. But yes, takes the blame away from the jews and flings it towards "globalists" and lately "china". He's the flipside of msm going crazy over Russia.
"Hollywood is run by the Arabs."
-Alex Jonestein
Jews really have no shame in lying do they?
>Jews really have no shame in lying do they?
Jews have to answer to their biggest investors, which are the Chinese.
Or you could look up how many US movie studios and media companies the the chinese have purchased and invesed in. Lazy brainlet.
>China's influence on Hollywood is getting larger than the Jewish influence.
They managed to get the Red Dawn remake changed from communist china to some generic slant/gook enemy.
he cute
Alex Jones is the literal definition of disinfo. He rails against the (((globalists))) and the (((mega banks))) but he rarely goes deeper than that.
He thinks Kushner is working for the Chinese and that he doesn't care if America becomes 80% brown, as long as they stay BASED.
The idea behind alternative news is to give you around 85-90% of the truth, but leave out the most important parts.
Remember, if he was saying anything even remotely threatening to the establishment, they would have silenced him or killed him years ago.
He's just a guy that exists to make useful idiots think they're a part of "The Resistance."
He says it to keep his viewers occupied with these types of conspiracies instead of looking into the truth. The Jews
Wouldn't be the first time Alex was right.
Drink the s o y goy. Be sure to mix it with fluoridated water.
its true though. china bought up all the major companies and decides what is made.
>He says it to keep his viewers occupied with these types of conspiracies instead of looking into the truth. The Jews
Or maybe he is trying to tell you that the Communist Chinese are a bigger and much more immediate threat? Since you can see their influence just about everywhere. Are there Jews working with the Communist Chinese? Sure, no doubt.
Jews were behind the rise of Mao Zedong. Look up Sidney Shapiro, Solomon Adler, and Israel Epstein. So you know they still have some influence
>military mind-controlled Alex Jones special powers to get trump to be prez so he can usher in a military police state
>must stop drumpf from becoming a zionist Xi Jinping in 2019
I think you're on to something. Keep digging