>watching cucker Carlson
>he's talking about the Russian spy that just got arrested
>"I-I just don't understand what her motives are? I mean she didn't steal anything so what did she want?"
>"I have no idea if she's a good person or not, but why did she infiltrate the NRA and other political groups? What could she have gained? What is she even being charged with?"
Is this fucking retard honest to God the best fox news has? Yes, what possible motive could a Russian agent have after she infiltrated multiple poltical organizations with influence in the ums government? I guess she just wanted to start a lemonade stand.
Watching cucker Carlson
Other urls found in this thread:
>Alleged Spy
>Iraq has WMD!
>.01 ruble has been deposited into your shill account
How the fuck could one person influence anything? Not to mention a woman....bitches cant do shit.
Well, when you're a right wing virgin, the proposition of sex in exchange for favors looks pretty good.
...she hot?
None of you have anything worth saying.
>Russian spy defends America's Constitution
>Democrats openly against America's constitution
Even Hannity never went that low
Hot enough for a 40 year old virgin
>EU memeflag
>calling people shills
>calling people virgins
Anyone who replies after this post should neck themselves.
>a literal fucking assmad putinbot
She was working her way up the political chain until she could make ties with a DC big wig to gain intel or influence policy
>A shekel for the good goy
so what did she get out of it then?
Are u fucking retarded? She did what she did to gain influence. How the fuck do u function? u must get taken by every conman out there.
so every jew and every israeli? and 90% of chinese people? how many of them are arrested for this?
>Russian 'spy' likes funs so she joins an organization in Russia similar to the NRA but not as much influence
>They send her to the US to see if the NRA would be interested in promoting gun rights abroad
>In doing so she meets senators and other politicians in the NRA
>This constitutes treason
What are they even accusing her of?
how do we stop these fucking vodkaniggers
>one foreign nation is influencing our government for personal gain? why not just make it two?
u fucking Putin bots are embarrassing
How do you know she was a spy? Why was she arrested? It's not illegal to be from Russia and be in the United States and sleep with people. Also, your obsession with the NRA is hilarious. They don't do anything, other than collect donations and hold conventions.
so you admit jews and chinese do the exact same shit this girl did, but nobody cares
Israel does it openly through AIPAC. They don't need spies because DC already sucks their cock.
Then why are all of your accusations nothing but innuendo and the only charges against her are FARA charges?
FARA violations I think.
So you're telling me Russia is a threat to the United States because they exposed the DNC and their corruption - thus securing a Republican presidency and conservative SCOTUS for decades - and now they are backing US citizen's right to keep and bear arms?
Sounds like Russia cares more about the United States' freedom than most democrats. Seriously just tell me where to send Putin's thank you note.
sure I do, Ivan, but the fact is she's the one going on trial right now. why do u keep deflecting?
>phone poster
>screencapping yourself
You know Tucker's on to something when the Jew kvetches and screeches
>going on trial
For what?
because she didn't do anything, and it's a political smokescreen to try and damage trump. i'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but there was no collusion, facebook ads from russians did not harm our election, and many other countries interfere in our elections to a much greater degree than russia.
for being russian in the wrong place at the wrong time
Those are all really good questions though. Do you happen to have any answers?
you are a brainwashed idiot, can't you see how this is destabilizing the US, as part of Putin's lifetime plan to bring chaos into the west. Do you seriously believe that Putin loves America and its trying to bring down the communist liberals? So Putin must be a double agent traitor to the soviet marxism then.
It's so obvious that they're paid.
I honestly wonder if Tucker has read any of the indictments.
Ever since Cucker spoke about what president Dump did in Syria, he changed.
Almost like he was talked to. Just like Jew Rogberg
Never trust a jew. That's all I have to say. Thought Cucker was the real deal, but hes another snake tounge zog rat
Fox News rots your brain
I was watching that morning show with all the roasties and that niggress said that Germany gets 90% of their energy from Russia (not true its 7%) and some other roastie complained “why not get their energy from North Dakota”
Bunch of mongs, owned by Rupert Murdoch and the saudis
Putin is playing 10D chess.
He is ex KGB, he has been playing this game since he could walk.
Just another filthy red looking to get ahead
>conspiracy and acting as a foreign agent
read the news u shill
Whataboutism isn't an argument
It's funny when incels from /leftypol/ try to act like the natives, especially when it's so painstakingly obvious
Dude everybody knows most of fox is nothing but a less intolerable version of the other (((MSM))) outlets.
Morning Fox News shows are horrible, but so are all morning news shows. Tucker is very good and he double checks everything he says on air.
that fucking retard does absolutely no research or is just paid to be misleading
The best is when Tucker gets confronted by a fellow troll
by all means, explain to me how a Hillary presidency would have done less to destabilize the west. Trump is screaming his nips off about illegal immigration and redpilling people about the deep state and the loss of culture in Europe.
Cultural Marxism is how Russia was trying to undermine the west - through progressive liberalism.
Shoo shooo dirty jew
gee, why would hillary have kept a secret email server in her basement, and destroyed those emails when they were requested as material during a prosecution to judge the possibility of her committing a crime?
I have no idea whether she's a good person or not; maybe she wanted to run a spam cleanup service?
>by all means, explain to me how a Hillary presidency would have done less to destabilize the west.
If "the west" is built on a Hispano-American and cosmopolitan European future then I don't see why it should be stable.
>what about x
u fucking shills are so tiresome. get a new script
>*0.25 USD has been deposited into your account*
when you're a lib, the proposition of sex to distract from your negative human worth "looks" pretty good too.
>cucker carlson
>falseflagging this hard
Back to leftypol
comes through with the best content i've seen in a huwhile
She was literally a 2nd amendment advocate in Russia who is trying to get Americans to help her spread the gun rights to Russia. Her """"""crime""""" was not registering as a "foreign agent" when literally none of the Israel shills like AIPAC have to register to push their agenda in the media or in congress.
This is so fucking retarded. This lady was trying to get Americans to help her spread American freedoms to Russia and she got fucking arrested.
>"I-I just don't understand what her motives are? I mean she didn't steal anything so what did she want?"
>"I have no idea if she's a good person or not, but why did she infiltrate the NRA and other political groups? What could she have gained? What is she even being charged with?"
He's not a retard. He's just a shill making excuses for Trump. It's a shame, because he did a good job calling out Trump's strike on the SAA. Even someone with a nigger IQ could understand what the fuck the Russian spy was after.
>Even someone with a nigger IQ could understand what the fuck the Russian spy was after
What was it? Explain it to me like I'm a nigger.
>calling people shills
>while telling them to read the news
It doesn't matter what any of us do or say at this point, we've already won.
If the left does anything but stand-down at this point, they lose.
>she a good girl she dindu nuffin she just trying to spread the gospel of gun rights she was in contact with Russian intelligence agents cause she wanted religious guidance
Only subhumans slavic shills believe this
Russian millennials are all spies who will try to sex you. To the dungeons with them.
(((They))) charged her with the same crime 1,000's of other non US citizens engage in daily in Washington DC and who, as a matter of fact, don't get charged. Basically the Government overlooks everyone else who advocates illegally for their country but suddenly this chick is singled out? That is literally the only charge right now. It should be questioned.
>reverse whataboutism
let's talk about what happened first steinberg
Careful there Moshe, you're talking about your grandpa
She was literally trying to get Americans to help her spread gun rights to RUssia. That's it. And according to our anti-AMerican FBI spreading the 2nd amendment to RUssia is "unamerican".
Spreading the 2nd amendment to other countries is not a crime. If it was up to me every country would have the 2nd amendment, especially Eurocuck land.
Oh, I thought you meant she was engaging in some kind of criminal activity in the US.
I just don't get why liberals are so xenophobic.
America is a mindfuck.
To think your criminal politicians have your best interests in mind is asinine.
Trump is just another talking head for isreal. He is just in office to please the Republican amerisharts. Next election will probably be another isreal stooge and it will go on until 2025 (america will die by then).
It's been like this since Kennedy got jewed.
The last time the people had choice was when Rockefeller and the gang ruled this country. Even then the choice was a lie, all it took was a bribe and the politicians became the two faced niggers that they are.
America has always been corrupt and controlled. Hell, the founding fathers were freemasons. Were talking about government here. Social structure is a separate issue I will not get into here.
America was a country born in deceit, and it will drown it it.
>falseflasefalgging this herd
>she was in contact with Russian intelligence agents
Okay let me try to explain this
>Cut out parts of Richard Spencer’s interview (Spencer still won)
>Lies about Trump calling Mexicans “animals” (Trump was talking about MS13)
>Says that Charlottesville violence was caused by the Alt-Right
>3 strikes
>CNN does other shady stuff
>CNN is fake news
>no digits
>can't spell
yep, leftypol alright
this. it's amazing how quickly everyone lost their shit at trump not trusting US intelligence when they have been so wrong before that it lead to a pointless war and hundreds of thousands if not millions dead. you have to consider if intelligence officials are lying in order to advance (((someone else's))) goals.
>Explain it to me like I'm a nigger.
She tryna get some op niggaz to help out her crew on the east(Europe) side. Get some sympathizers high up in the ops n shiet. Bitch got snitched on by some nigga so now she in the pen. She got ass for days though.
I wish, sadly the French Revolution gave a right of citizen to bear arm , but anyway
Read post
Use of the word Whataboutism is a sign of a progressively painful and deadly mental retardation, you should helium bag yourself to save yourself the pain.
So it's pure coincidence they picked some somebody who could connect the NRA to Russia, since those kinds of people are everywhere. I see.
Let me explain this
To believe anything the mockingbird media said is retarded. To even pay attention to them, that's another thing.
u should slit your wrists vertically and drown yourself in the blood you braindead retard
nice. wish this could be spread far and wide. the cognitive dissonance when they figure it out would be spectacular.
According to your own laws, acting as an agent of a foreign country is illegal if you do not disclose that you have such a relationship with that foreign government. That's why they arrested her. She still gets due process, and we'll see in court what the rest of the details are.
The lemonade stand comment made me kek but you're still a fag.
she dindu nuffin though. the russian shills said so. might as well just let her go
How does it feel knowing that all your virtue signaling still won't get an Intel like yourself laid?
why don't you bring that shit over to >>/b/
I'm sure they'd love to hear more about your secret fetish
like I really want you to do me a favor and clog my asshole with your fat chode already unnnnfffff
Our government is run by dual citizens and citizens of foreign governments that don't register as foreign agents, namely Saudis and Israelis.
Her "connections" to the Russian government come from the fact she is trying to lobby the Russian government to adopt a 2nd amendment law.
This is the equivalent of a Chinese national free speech advocate in America getting arrested in America for trying to get the Chinese government to adopt a 1st amendment style law. This is total insanity.
Meanhwile we have actual Israelis and Saudis in this country advocating and lobbying for congressmen to support their genocidal wars in Palestine and Yemen and no one says a word.
Sorry sweetie, I don't pump and dump pathetic faggots ;^)
Only one of you EU Bolsheviks would consider lobbying for a 2nd amendment to be a crime.
stop watching the jewish msm
>meme flag
Oh, you are shilling
>Tucker starts openly naming (((neocons)))
>Suddenly Tucker hate threads on Jow Forums
Hello jidf