Lol thanks, they make those rappers who are in gangs, and only make music on youtube with everybody pointing guns at the camera, look like Shakespeare's
Easton Ramirez
Yeah it's a band worth a best of but nothing more.
Anthony Thomas
Bad Religion has produced hundreds of songs over several decades. Most, are critical of Christianity. Not one is critical of Judaism. Why is that?
That actually used to be one of my favourites. It's funny to think that a band I listened to 20 years ago when driving to my shitty high school job thinks it's relevant now though.
Cooper Bennett
they need more baby foreskin to eat their age is showing
Punk rock music is universially absolute hot garbage and an abrasive uncoordinated unpleasant earsore.
The music is terrible sounding on its own but the insufferable dimwit faggot white fan base of it somehow makes it even more unappealing.
The State approved social and political narratives injected into and associated with the genre makes it downright dangerous for stupid impressionable fags who desperately want to be precieved as cool buy into this Jewish created musical subgenre. Ironically the entire alleged themes of being counter culture and fighting "the man" (government) are exactly the type of counter progressive and social poisoning and communist beliefs large corporations and State government want you to have.
I'm convinced no one actually likes listening to punk rock music and only convince themselves they do and only does because they have to feel they have to define themselves by having chosen this specific superficial entertainment industry created brand to identify with out of many and consume.
Despite punk rock music being unironically terrible and the brand and it's fashion and mandatory belief guildlines being exceptionally gay and cringe worthy, I still see pockets of lost cause burn out aging faggot white people who didn't mature mentally past the age of 18 clinging on to this bullshit.
I'll give it 10 more years when it's delusional followers are too caught up in their miserable lives or dying out before it becomes unprofitable for record labels and Chinese music venue owners, who laugh at these retarded white kids behavior and awful music, and there won't be enough people to keep the brand going.
I like Skrewdriver, and that's a punk band. Not really state approved, though.
Liam Jenkins
In their prime they were the best band around. You can listen to albums "Suffer" "No Control" "Against the Grain" from front to back and every song is lit. Since 1996's "Stranger than Fiction" they've been going downhill. And this latest single/album is pandering dogshite
Ayden Brown
this one is awesome and it's the only one i know by them...
>be long fogotten, geriatric band >make video to diss a youth movement >accidentally create anthem
Cool. I'm alt-right now!
Jason Cooper
Punk is dead. Neck yourself.
Blake Ramirez
this goes hard, are they trying to be ironic? boomers have shitty sense of humor
Bentley Lopez
They always sang about stuff like this "ironically" but a lot of people, myself included, enjoyed the music and just took it at face value. They are a bunch of California cucks, so take it how you will.
Logan Thompson
Jason Scott
Only know them from that one Tony Hawk's Pro Skater song
Mason Murphy
>I'm an INDIVIDUAL and a REBEL because I'm part of the establishment jesus christ these washed up rockers are cringe
If they do a concert in your area make sure these go up with thier posters
Alexander Rogers
Bad Religion is the best band of all time, prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.
t. 35 year old boomer
Brody Gomez
I like them, but I'm not going to go ahead and say they are the best band by any stretch of the imagination.
John Flores
Ah, well. I used to think they were ok because I grew up listening to lots of alt and shit. But they're dead to me now, thanks to this... Fuck them. They're dead to me.
I'm aware of that, eucuck. They made great shit though.
Jayden Morgan
>have heart >real men
Lol kill yourself pop punk straight edge faggot, modern hardcore is for incel pussies this can’t be a serious post
William Gonzalez
Huh, I actually like some of their older songs, all the other songs BR wrote are pretty fucking gay though. Well knowing how other artists attempts at riding the 'progressive' river went I think it's safe to assume that album won't do well. I actually heard one of songs, "the kids are altright" and it was fucking cringy and I'm not even a Trumpet.
Lol you think punk was state approved? Is everyone on pol retarded? They were so hated by the state that they couldn’t even play shows, the cops would kick the shit out of everyone just for being there
Christopher Bell
Punk bands worth a shit Fear Tattooed mother fuckers / English rose Superjoint ritual Gallows Anti nowhere league
Pretty much it
Brayden Rogers
I know, NIN was better, but hard to even say what band was best of the 90s, especially when you don't include people dying from heroin. Soundgarden, sublime, jetzons, the singers all died from it.
Josiah Powell
What about Superjoint where Phil calls out sandniggers using the actual word sandnigger and calls out the Jews "Taking no pity on the Jewish elitists who rule over us"
Blake Green
Real punk is illegal in your country because it defies conventions user Honestly, I don't know. I liked all of the little bands like New Found Glory and Eve 6 a lot. Soundgarden was pretty great and A Perfect Circle was good too. Sublime was garbage in my opinion.
Hudson Richardson
Tell me that's govt approved faggot >
Jordan James
You're a faggot, I can tell by the words you use.
Hudson Stewart
Imagine being so dull that you make endorsement song for your enemies.
>New Found Glory and Eve 6 I remember some of those songs. This was one pop punk song from the 90s, just mention it cause everyone thinks it's green day or something, but it's another band.
is this supposed to be pro or anti alt right? also what the fuck is up with these faggots? they sound way different than in dark ages or hills of los angeles and the lyrics are so cringe at times "new shiny tools" and they show iphones go to bed grandad you're obviously tired
Colton Ortiz
Also wtf is with these music videos. At the time music videos were barely a thing, radio was everything.
Joseph Campbell
Any bands to recommend? Like Skrewdriver of course.