Is Melania pregnant?

there hasn't been a baby born to a first lady in over 100 years

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itd be funny if trump had his 19th child when he was the 72yo president hahah

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No that's her penis

Donald's heart belongs to Mike!

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>Beats criminal empire in rigged election
>Weathers storm of fifth column shill media
>Resolves NK situation
>Invigorates economy
>Finds time to impregnate mail order bride
Sincerely amazing and inspiring.

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it was an immaculate conkektion, so shall the birth of our Lord be brought into this world. praise him

That would be crazy.

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No, that's just fat

I hope so.

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I wonder if God is allowed to be elected president.

He is the President.

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She's 48, it's not possible.

not that crazy
also explains her hospital stay
pregnant women often have kidney issues

both of my grandmothers had babies at 48

>both of my grandmothers adopted babies at 48

My bad. My frame of reference is all fucked up since there was a fag and a tranny in the White House.

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Is possible. Brigitte Nielsen just had her fifth baby at the age of 54. Seems to be doing well, too.

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one had a downy
the other had a normal baby
my aunt just had twins via IVF at 49
women in their 40s have babies all the time

no wonder you're autistic

That's a man

It is twins

Are your parents total spergs?

nope, they were both middle children
big, giant, catholic families

Thanks for the reply

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Holy shit, it's barron

That cover is amazing
Just imagine how obviously corrupt western media must seem to outside observers

that would be #6 and #7 for Trump

well, she was just in the hospital
could be IVF

So you're dad fucked a downy?

She looks a bit like Dr. Melfi there

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and that would make him a double downy


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Melania being pregnant means Hope has a dick and i'm not sure how I feel about this.

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her sweater is too tight and her skirt is too tight as well
her clothes usually fit perfectly
except for just recently
now her tops are too tight and her belly is starting to bulge
you can even make out her spanx in some pics
the weight gain all looks like pregnancy weight gain
and some of her outfit choices deliberately hide her figure


She just is bloated.

They are all men.

Her womb carries the chosen one.

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Thats means trump is a cuck, cuz i doubt he could get his tiny prick to get up with all that cholesterol and weight

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Not Spanx. She's wearing a Bulletproof vest.

it doesn't go all the way up to her bra line
it's some sort of girdle

I would like to know how the Japanese feel about Trump. I get the feeling that our Asian allies like him but to want to know what the citizens are thinking.

Roll for white house baby
Tripps white baby
Quintss cucked black baby

Sure it is. So long as she is still droping eggs every month.

The seed is strong.

Men have viagra and cialis. Women don't have anything to prevent autism babies.

lord, send me some quints.

Its at propaganda levels that would make commies blush.

dude, you can see her bra lines
she's not wearing that, it wouldn't fit under her top (without showing) and it would hide her bra lines, if she did

I have it on good authority that she is.

What will the name be?

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so when is she due?

>plopping out autistos

7 kids.

Eva and Anna

Yeah, she was impregnated by her black bull.



she can only give birth to males, that's why this tranny was elected in a last ditch effort

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And his ass belongs to putin


Let me guess they’re also you’re aunties and by the same father?

This is an interesting theory

momy milkies me wan



5 kids is a lot to lefties, so they hyperbolize his number of kids as a joke

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>girl I think we need to talk
>you know this was never going to be a long term thing...

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The memes will make it so.

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nope, not a kike

Disgusting but true

Only with the truth.

>flava flave is a Huskies fan


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The W stands for "Women"



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everyone knows he likes dogs

Trump is big in Asia. They are all politically incorrect over there.

>They are all politically incorrect over there.
true and yeah we mostly love Trump except for the kike shills/"liberals" but they have zero power

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the baby will be born on the 2 year anniversary of Trump's inauguration

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> Solomon

Uh guys, Dr here, it is not unheard of for a 48 year old woman to get pregnant. Most likely through IVF. She certainly looks gestating.

Jow Forums


Last name wouldn't happen to be Mengele, eh?

Srs question are there people who unironically think they have a real marriage and that they even sleep in the same bed? She would not touch a 72 yr old obese orange man

Horus Lupercal

>true in my mind

is this the power of good genes?


Someone missed biology class.

fat doesn't stick out like that

it's not possible if you've never had a kid

but having a kid pushes up the age you can carry

That would be cool. Maybe the baby trump balloon was a sign