The redpill on abortion

Alright faggots listen up, I don't expect you to agree with me and I expect to be called some white genocide shill but heres the rundown on why every single one of you should support abortion if you like living in a US that isn't brown.
>niggers and spics combined have nearly double the amount of abortions that whites do
>niggers and spics commit crime and vote democrat, this is a statistical fact

Think of it this way, if Roe v Wade hadn't happened and abortion was illegal nationwide we'd probably be completely fucked soon if not now with how much the non-white birthrate would've increased.

Now I know what you'll say
>but muh white babies

Do you really think a white mother who has an abortion would've raised her kid right anyways? They likely would've been another democrat voter looking at the government as the father figure as they sucked down your tax dollars

>but its amoral
You know whats worse? Democrats turning the US in an authoritarian hellhole without the first or second amendment but plenty of rights for darkies to abuse whites and get away with it

>make it illegal for whites then
Impossible, you can't base that shit on race, it could never realistically be passed as a law

I'm not some dirty slide thread shill, if you want to debate me on this I'll be here to discuss it, I just want to wake people up on the fact we have what amounts to a eugenics program for subhumans and the fact the right wants to throw it away.

Attached: abortionbyrace.jpg (400x274, 49K)

Self bump, come discuss

Why is abortion a political issue even worth so much time? Why not just let each of the 50 states have supremacy on Abortion and leave it alone?

In terms of the actual act of Abortion I think it should be LEGAL under certain conditions

>In terms of the actual act of Abortion I think it should be LEGAL under certain conditions
It should be legal under all conditions, if someone is gonna vacuum their kid do you think they're going to do a decent job of raising them?

its because of unsafe sex its not like the women want to have kids it was a mistake obviously you make abortion. having a kid come to your life when youre not even ready or didnt expect it will ruin your life. most likely no father in the kids life too so its understandable why make abortion

The baby violates the NAP, the woman can revoke consent to say on/in her property at any time as there was no contract.

Abortion is simply exercising your right to defend your property (body) from foreign entities.

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>ignores effects on sexual behaviour
>ignores the terrible effect of abortion on political culture

It's not amoral, it's evil. Innocent human beings shouldn't be killed. Are you surprised when a society that is this degenerate also engages in all the other lefty degeneracy?

Um, sorry no

>>ignores effects on sexual behaviour
What effects?
With abortion: whore can keep conceiving kids and aborting them

Without abortion: whore continuously conceives and gives birth to kids from different fathers who will grow up to be scumbags, each one of which is hundreds of thousands in tax dollars to raise clothe and feed

>>ignores the terrible effect of abortion on political culture
You mean the effect of Dems getting less votes? God forbid

>It's not amoral, it's evil
Cry me a river, less subhumans milling around is a lot less amoral than the degeneracy they'll propagate on their own

Let me put it this way; you can either have abortion now or get rid of it and have their legalize it later through sheer numbers after they populate the country with garbage tier human beings

Don't be an idiot. If you consent to sex, you are consenting to the natural consequences. If you consent to take care of a kid for a week, you can't revoke your consent on day two and leave the kid to starve.

And that's entirely apart from the fact that this is a human being in its natural state of dependency on its mother - there's no foreign entity at work, just the natural biology of the human race at work.

>Um, sorry no

Yeah, let's just make up shit.

I love any thread that begins with “all right, fsggots, listen up.” This should become the new Jow Forums standard.

Also Imagree with you on all points. 14 million black babies aborted since RvW, more black children aborted than born last year in NYC, why in the hell would I want to stop that? There were 730,000 abortions last year, based on these numbers, if you add the 37% of abortions that were black to the 22% of abortions that are Hispanic you get 59%. 59% of 730,000 is 430,700. 34% of 730,000 is 248,200. The difference between the two is 182,500. That’s a massive victory that whites win every year.

>that fucking terribly graph

congrats on the worst attempt to visually represent quantitative data ever

He's fucking memeing you dumb faggot. You just wandered in from r/thedonald didn't you.

Can't identify memes again. You're 2 for 2, keep it up!

Thanks, glad I'm not the only one blindly repeating the Republican party line here

Sorry I didn't put enough effort into my midnight Jow Forums thread when I got my google images graph

In crusader cross guy’s defense, the libertarians are so damned ridiculous that it can be hard to tell their bullshit from satire.

>Muh ded nigs
Human sacrifice.
Well, maybe not human, but still fucked up.

I'm against womens rights on principle.

legalized abortion primarily increases the number of conceptions, it doesn't mainly reduce the number of births. That means abortion is increasing the amount of sexual activity as a whole, especially where pregnancy is a possibility.

Legalized abortion also reduces the need for men to commit (marriage or otherwise) in order to obtain sex. Increased fornication, reduced marriage rates, paves the way for greater acceptance of other degeneracy.

Obviously a huge change to reproductive options has huge effects on society. There are enormous second-order effects. Reduced marriage rates produce more leftists. Children raised by single parents produce more leftists. Women who've had an abortion are more likely to vote for the party who say that they did nothing wrong.


Attached: ya-CTB9y_400x400.jpg (256x256, 14K)

I don’t accept the idea that abortions don’t reduce births. Black birth rates are pretty low. Stupid people wouldn’t be smarter if you took away abortion< they would just be stupid and have a stupid baby. What makes you say that abortions don’t reduce birth rates?

the best situation would be to let the states decide. red states, mostly white states will ban it. liberal states, mostly shitskin states will embrace it and push it.

there you go, white babies saved and shitskins aborted.

They do, somewhat. But all estimates are that abortion increases conceptions more than it reduces births. Presumably conceptions would increase most among those who either don't have any reluctance to have abortions or have poor self control. That sounds like the negresses to me.


This is my thoughts, is there any way it couldn't? Unless literally every woman who had an abortion went on to have a kid theres no way it isnt reducing births

Go away reddit and take your meme flag with you. If you want to stay turn it off so I can laugh at whatever country you're from

You’re fucking scum OP. You’d murder unborn children to save the sorry ass of you and your progeny?

Abort yourself plz.

How come beaners have less abortions?

>You’d murder unborn children to save the sorry ass of you and your progeny?
Fuck yes I would

>68 million white babies aborted
>14mil black babies aborted
>17mil mexican babies aborted
>come on goys, this is a net positive cause while we're down 70 MILLION extra whites, we stopped 14 million blacks from becoming!
I cannot fucking wait until that shit is overturned.

This! Check'em!

Where the fuck are you getting those numbers from? If thats you trying to interpret the stats in the OP you need to go review your math.

I would like you to explain your math as well please, it sounds like you're pulling numbers out of nowhere

They are catholic