im going to die in 6 months
I have aids
Other urls found in this thread:
should've worn a condom
good for you.
china has some weird power outlets damn
Get right
Try to make it 5...
Kidding. God Bless.
Then live it up.
God speed user with your trials and strifes.
Also seek out Jow Forums
They could help you.
Don't brag.
What's your plan now, OP?
good for you bro
That's what u get for having gay sex. Sorry bro.
There is a time to live and a time to die. Why worry about what is inevitable? BTW, we are all scared of it--billions of us.
womp womp
what's this got to do with politics op you faggot
Oh yeah? Take as many other fags as you can with you. Pump n dump
I haven't watched Dallas Buyers Club.
Thats what you get for swallowing another mans load.
Slay as many Leftists as you can. Then live out the rest of your days in a peaceful prison cell.
No you don't, AIDS doesn't exist
Likely live to be 100 if he goes to prison.
Go out blazing, bro. It would be a shame if anything happened to RGB. Ahem
Thanks for putting my problems into perspective. Faggot.
I can't believe it! I thought I'd never live to see the day when op finally admits that he is a faggot
Take out as many freemasons as possible. Burn down their lodges. Start a revolution!
Catch ya faggot
That's what you get for having a penis up your ass.
make america grate again!
Did you a gay?
Hurry up and die. Stop being lazy.
I thought we developed medicine that basically prevented aids from killing people? I'd make the most of the next 6 months if I were you.
bye fag
Enjoy yourself as much as you can
yes you will die
1 post by op. Literally this is the laziest shill I have ever witnessed
>i have aids
this is middle school tier bait and all you nitwits fell for it
OP is actually a faggot
What’s the full story with the masons anyway user???
i wish it was 6 minutes
Some big queer pozzed your neg hole huh?
why waiting
I have auto immune diseases attacking my pancreas and thyroid
Spread it around senpai
>1 post by this id
Don't respond to shill threads.
Today Op admitts he's a faggot
>breaking a single safe trip
Cool, break this one
Kill gays.
Kill as many as you can.
Don't use sloppy means like bombs.
Stick to guns and ammo and the best targets of opportunity.
It is basically impossible to get AIDS unless you simultaneously being degenerate and going against behavior norms (being homo, fucking widely used whores/being one, shoot heroin) AND being retard who refuses any safety such as condoms or clean syringes while at it.
AIDS is so good at culling human trash like that one may suspect it was artificially created by someone benevolent for that purpose. Let us hope it will never be cured.