Why does this place consistently produce the best memes?
Why does this place consistently produce the best memes?
its doesn't
because we understand how funny and stupid normieville is
Because we dont give a fuck about offending anyone
Jow Forums always has because autism. But now normies are coming in, so there's a lot of trash.
Someone tell me about the raccoon treated with cannabis oil
That's some very sad bait.
Because it's decentralized, people can come up with whatever they want, there isn't gay censorship of memes or ideas a la Reddit or other faggy similar sites, and there is a very survival of the fittest social darwinist approach to memes here where only the best are taken up, and forcing memes doesn't really work here since the site isn't really centrally controlled or forced on people so it's hard in that way to socially engineer its users into sticking to generic shitty meme formats like normies do
Exactly, the normans are not original, most people emulate what characters they see in films/television shows in order to function on a day to day basis since those mediums allow people to store the character's actions as something similar to their own memories and personality.
says the guy who probably doesn't contribute shit except cancerous quips
Good memes require truth, Jow Forums is relatively free speech.
Also Jow Forums crowd sourcing.
Check em, you massive faggot!
Free speech and anonymity
>best memes
because of our ironic detachment from reality
liberals believe their own lies
because unabeted racism is always funny despite what libtards say
You have to be self deprecating and have some self awareness to create comedy. Jow Forums and Jow Forums more generally has little issue laughing at itself. Hell most people still think the site is mostly made up of 16 year old virgins like we're in 2007.
Survival of the fittest. Jow Forums works in a very fast cycle so memes evolve fast and only the best remain in use. Not being as controlled environment as other places allows memes to bloom.
We have Russian operatives that are paid to produce easily copied misinformation.
Because this is the place Russia pushes all its propaganda.
despite our reputation, the truth is that the dedicated anons who continuously shitpost here are intelligent people
>Why does this place produce the best memes?
Because we're literally the Zietgeist.
We're a bunch of unemployed losers who sit around and consume the entire culture, along with all of history, and we know all and nothing.
We create anti-context.
Really setting the bar low there.
Well you could say as long as you're in the top 50% you're smart.
Seems need a lot of attention to foster and grow.
>Memes need hate
>Memes need truth
>Memes need sarcasm
>Memes need self deprecation
>Memes need shitposting
A good meme is forged in a crucible. It must have a sense of timing and relevance. A canned meme made by a committee can never truly be dank in the way that they would like. Only after it has been stripped of its original message and mocked into near obscurity can it become dank. A real mimetic is a living breathing thing that must be in harmony with the nature of its habitat. That is why you so oughten find pol memes blue the line with reality.
That or you can just post ay yo when you kill niggers
Bottom text.
this place = The_Donald
Because we are not afraid of the truth. We chose to battle the white races mortal enemies instead of burying our heads in the sand and pretend everything is normal
The thread is about memes nerd, stop larping so hard
hes right though, spanky
no, he's not. it's because we don't give a shit
Nothing is sacred here
>its doesn't
pure pottery
george w ones were the best
Jow Forums is counter-culture, it's against all political correctness. Try making jokes that offend no one and you might as well watch the paint dry. It means you are a bland cuckboy with no opinions of your own. Centrism is for the cucked omegas.
Memes reproduce like bacteria, quickly adapting a new environment and pressures and sharing DNA laterally rather than linearly like sexual reproduction. Memes are the mental DNA of society, were once only controlled by top down, linear media through tv and newspapers, and were for the most part consistent.
The speed at which ideas can form and reform and be influenced and then spread through Jow Forums and social media is highly destabilizing to "reality", which is a social construct. The reaction of normies to this is fear, and hence the hyper polarizaion of society into two camps: those who get what's going on, and those are are scared shitless and react by hallucinating even harder a new reality in order to calm the threat to their old reality. This new hallucination is then memed harder and father, spiralling those who cannot accept the new reality that "new media" is delivering (that reality itself is malleable) further and further into their own paranoia.
It's honestly like a bad acid trip.
>forcing memes doesn't work
>being this new
Jeb is truly outrageous
the ((research)) is inconclusive (low beta)
dude lol, but 2018, imagine~~~