Where were you when hillary's secret porn tape dropped?

where were you when hillary's secret porn tape dropped?

Attached: hillary-1.webm (100x180, 1.76M)


Attached: 1528164873752.jpg (1024x752, 93K)

I thought Obamas cock would be smaller


I thought it was Tara Strong.

Attached: Markipliers True Dream.jpg (342x104, 26K)

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who be that?
gake and fay or real?

She can't suck dick at all.

I know it's fake and I still ain't clicking that shit nigga

Oy Vey!


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Probably fake.
>people call HRC out on the deepfake video
>"it's a deepfake guise...."
>analysts: "it's a deepfake guise...."
>REAL, damning videos of her come out doing way worse things
>"it's a deepfake guise...."

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Trump is a Russian stooge and his supporters are braindead retards.

fake and gay

i'd let hillary slob the mizzen mast tbhfam. grannies give the best dome

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I'm voting for Hilary now damn.

At least they have a president fagit. You just have "it was huuurrrr turn" kek

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you cant vote, we havent annexed you yet


San Francisco's letting illegals vote now too, I guess that includes Canada

If she sucked like that bill wouldnt have messed with monica.

smarter than you, muhammed

That doesn't even look anything like her.

You thought this would be 'le epic prank' but it has only made me more AROUSED.

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Any scientific info on why most of Jow Forums is faceblind?

Jesus Christ, they even make videos that tiny. I feel like I'm watching porn through a telescope backwards.

Not even a decent lookalike.

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That's Michelle

Attached: CL0jfBQWoAIWg4R.png (1200x627, 914K)


Wtf I'm with her now


this. milfs are the pediatrician fetish.

It's so all the pizza gate kids can watch it through the peephole in the basement with their tiny beady eyes

god I wish that was me, shes so lucky

t-tits or gtfo?

this is retarded. nobody leaks directly on Jow Forums unless they know that they are done with. (pic related)

tor generally works, vpn helps, and "anonymous services" aka encryption strengthens the fold.

Jow Forums usually wont let you post using ANY of those methods. you have to be pretty much naked, so you know you are being caught.

this has to be the worst shill meme I have ever seen.

Attached: injailforlife.jpg (370x463, 21K)

pay border wall denbts

Australia 2.0 bringing the bants

does this mean bill was a cuck?

in the land of other things that never happened
wew boy lots going on in here


Attached: slaythenig.png (1778x636, 499K)

that nigga needs to wash his penis

I'll take a real name or video source if any of you cunts want to stop LARPing for a second and help me jack off.

>jacking off to another man getting his cock sucked
Get a load of this faggot.

It's not bad if I pretend it's me :')

Thats the worst kind, the self-inserting self-cucking kind of masturbation.