Look who's racist now

Look who's racist now

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Using Dailystormer talking points to own the conservatards

Trevor Noah is certainly a cumswilling knobgobbler, but he's also a nigger.
And EVERYONE knows that niggers can't be racist.

The kikes done told me so. Over, and over, and over, and over...

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I'm gonna move to China and be just as Chinese as everyone else there : )))

he's right, it's what we have been saying too. It's not a joke though

>cortavion, jaquarius, elexus, marshawn, deztanee
god damn now that's what i call a miracle


I feel sorry for the car. Imagine making that sacrifice.

French have a weird sense of civic nationalism and identity unlike the USA or Turkey or Russia (all multicultural and multiracial).

French seem to think you are no longer anything but French and cease to be African (Black) if you are French.

Putin was right! Bill Browder is lying about Sergei Magnitsky to cover up massive fraud.

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> Cortavian

The lack of self awareness is truly remarkable

good on them.too bad the africans don't feel the same way

And leftist love that shit and they always insist that "all these people are French as much as you and me" whenever someone says something mildly racist.
But since Sunday they decided that all these players are African again

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Anyone on the daily show is a sellout
Daily show has always been shit

But this is good, we've reached the points where shows cant use racial jokes even if their anchor is black

does any of it even have a meaning?

it was palatable when Stewart at least pretended to mock the left

They're going to have a rude wake-up call.

Maybe not Asia, but the West is a melting pot of cultures.
t. open minded guy

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Sounds like a Marvel character.

It's funny that people still don't realize that late night comedians are just reading from a teleprompter.

Trevor Noah didn't make those comments. His writers did. It's a fucking script.

American history began with English settlers from Europe. Mass immigration from other non-white cultures didn't begin until the 1960s.

no fucking way, I know nigger names are dumb but this can't be real

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