Were you ever a lefty faggot?

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Are you kidding me?

Used to be right retard, now ima normal person.

when I was eleven I thought communism wasn't so bad

Used to be a commie, now Im normal

Yup all through high school. We even had folders that only gave left leaning sites like CNN and MSNBC as politcal sources. The price you pay for living in a blue city in a red state.

All of us were exposed to zionvision when we were younger and before the internet got big. No shame in it

Yeah kind of

Still am.

No, never. I had a father who made sure that I was redpilled pretty much from birth.

When I was 13 and started to get into politics and didn't know shit and thought everything everyone told me was the truth

Jow Forums, today I met a black woman named "Malaria". Just wanted to tell you that.

Never even thought about politics until trump ran and the media exploded with propaganda.

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No. Never. Apolitical until I turned far right.

Thinking back to when I didn't really understand politics, I think I had "Liberal" listed on my Facebook profile based on the description it gave.

Fast forward six years and I'm now somewhere between a Ultra-nationalist, National Socialist, Traditionalist and Isolationist.

yes, but then I grew up.

Craziest name I ever saw was Made Tittyporn. It had some Indian spelling, but could not be pronounced any other way

Yes. I was a liberal until my mid20s, now a 30yo fascist.

I used to be a neocon.

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even a boss uniform cant make him look like a man

I was seriously convinced but whenever i associated with leftists they called me a nazi.


>the left is the correct side to be on.

Not joking.

I voted for obongo the first time. I think i was like 19 or 20. I was literally indoctrinated, like most people. I was a lefty because everyone else was and I was completely undeducated on history/politics

I grew up in a left-wing, highly atheistic, multicultural city.

I was never left-leaning nor degenerate. I disliked the way people were from as young as I can remember. I was edgy before it was cool.

yes until I was about 13 and actually met immigrants and saw the impact they had on my neighbourhood and inner city.

Oh fuck yes. I swallowed it all from my early teens to mid 20's. I think it had something to do with being from a family with a strong working class background. I lapped it all up from the media and the education system. I thought I was being clever. Went to Uni, became a professional. Was such a lefty that one of my first jobs was providing professional services to Aboriginal Australians who didn't have the money to pay for these services. 6 weeks into this job, I was completely red pilled. I realised that every single model and explanation I had believed in did not explain the reality I was facing every day.
Now I fucking hate the left for the evil that they do to young people's minds.


>edgy before it was cool

I went from making crude nazi jokes and agreeing with conservative atheistic to appreciating NatSoc ideas and hating 90% of atheism and what it has brought the West down to. I don’t even think much of a my viewpoints changed, I just became less tolerant of things that I was somewhat accepting of or attributed to “that’s their choice”.

No. Because unlike most of you, I grew up around the browns. Naturally red-pilled some time around age 5.

Although there was a nice black in 1st grade named Bo whose dad wore a gold chain and track suit (early 90's were "lit")every time he dropped Bo off. Bo would always talk about all the pitbulls his dad was training to fight. Also taught the entire class basically every single cuss word, and some spicy variations (6 year olds calling people bitch faggot fucks at recess all day long).

But all the rest were niggers and illegals.
>So Cal is a paradise they said

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Yeah, in the 1990's.
Then the overton window shifted past letting gays marry into this hell we are in.
We let the jews get away with too much.

I can understand why.

Pretty much the same here. I knew one basically one nice black guy.

I was socially liberal back when I thought jews died in the holohoax and faggots didn't have an agenda. I've always hated niggers, spics and Saracens though. Now I want to actually gas degenerates.

What was politics in the 90s like?

>1 post by this ID
>Open ended question
>Zero input
This is likely a datamining thread, but fuck it whatever. By my early 20s, college was making more accepting of Pisslam and thinking it was "the religion of peace" after all. Also felt a little bit of white guilt, namely in always lisening to music by people imitating dindus instead of the dindus themselves.

But then again, even before I thought too hard about race, I was COMPLETELY against the idea of hooking up with a nigger, and was also aware enough of how television has a strong anti-father bias even as a child.

The only nice black guy I knew was legit autistic

i was against the war in iraq and so i sided with the democrats back then. my first vote was for kerry, but i abandoned the left by 2006~2007.

Pretty much the same. Although I always was a single issue voter because of 2A, and it was only for presidential elections. Only when Trump ran did I say to myself "Wtf is going on here". The propaganda is so damn blatant and transparent I dont know how the whole country hasnt revolted against the media.

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But seriously no, because I picked up very early on that all my teachers were young single moms that all read the same script/used the same lines.

Being an edgy fag I hated "authority" especially from women I could see had failed to keep a man. It would take quite some time later to learn said "authority" was actually called "the jews".

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i was a hardcore sjw back in the day. came to Jow Forums to troll stormfags ...then the facts built up until i became one myself

yes. I was a leader at the local Occupy Wallstreet. I got shouted out of my own section I was organizing because I was oppressing womyn

converts are the strongest believers

ah, the infamous "progressive stack." i always knew that would redpill a lot of lefties

Yes my mom and dad were extreme lefties who made me feel hated for what I am. My entire childhood was one long social experiment where they made me feel ashamed for being a boy and scorned me whenever I acted out mildly. I have a sister and I watched her get preferential treatment over me, my entire life to the extent that I felt like I deserved it because there was something wrong with me. They made me hate white men before I even realized that I’d become one and so when I was 16-18 I was the biggest shitlib you’d ever meet. Most of the people from school thought I was mentally unhinged and I addicted to apologising because I desperately wanted forgiveness from people who I barely knew. Ironically I alienated all my liberal friends and eventually found my way onto here. I couldn’t hate myself anymore or I’d probably have destroyed myself so I briefly got involved in white-nat. Now I’m just a right leaning libertarian who hates his parents.

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Converts are the biggest back stabbers.

Never a lefty, but I was an AnCap in High School, then I grew up. Right-Left wise I'm no different, but I gave up Anarchism when I got a brain.

Boring as fuck....
then the movie Primary Colors came out, Clinton used his jewish secretary as a humidor and things started crumbling - I stopped paying attention when I joined the Navy and Admiral Boorda was "suicided" and they started retiring all of the "Old" Navy guys to replace them with far leftists.

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Of course. The state controlled schooling system makes it almost inevitable.
They're extremely careful about not implanting thoughts like "taxation is violence" in your head

i believe when i was in early middle school i was viciously anti white and worshiped blacks because they were slaves and we were the bad guys. this was during the 90s too

around the age of 15 i found /b/. end of story

Used to be center-left.
Now NatSoc mixed with paleoconservative ideals.

Used to believe in political ideologies, now I realized “isms” are dumb and I just laugh at ideologues.

>i came out of my mom's pussy with a copy of mein kamf in my hand
calm down billy

Of course I was a lefty. I'm from East Germany. When you live in a homogenous world with ~5% foreigners you don't see problems. (2016 my state had 4,2% foreigners but that includes ALL foreigners. not just shitkins. imagine how it was when I grew up in the early 90s. at my grammar school with ~1000 students there were like 50 students with a migratory background) Beef was only with white people. Beef was only with jocks. Beef was only with right wingers. So you automatically tend to go in the other direction. You don't see a problem with foreigners when there are no foreigners around lol. So you can be as open minded as possible as long as the world isn't. That's the thing. If you're still a leftie when you're actually confronted with your ideologiy you're doing it wrong.

Old navy guys replaced with far leftists?

Care to explain more in detail? Just curious.

the worst i ever was was a dude weed lmaobertarian.

Criminally underrated.

Anarcho but not "left" I always hated Niggers and Arabs too god damn much.

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Used to be neocon, then liberal now i'm a nationalist socdem.

Kinda, but not really. Didn't use to be political or know shit about politics, so I kinda just accepted whatever lefty propaganda I read, but I didn't even vote or anything back then. When I became interested in politics and actually started looking into things, I noticed I agree with more right-wing stuff.

Tailhook scandal shook down the Navy ranks even to enlisted;the push to put women onboard Navy ships (bad mistake - and no faggotry wasn't as rampant onboard ship as the jokes during the time would have you believe); don't ask/don't tell. The "Old" Navy guys were people in the navy between 10 - 20 years, and they were generally pushed towards not re-upping their enlistments/ending their commissions - moving to higher ranks was made for difficult "unofficially" if you were old Navy. Lower re-enlistment bonuses for ON - coupled with the economic "boom" happening in the late 90's and it was rather easy to ease out the ON.
By the end of my first enlistment I had to get the fuck out of the Navy and into the civilian world... then the dotcom crash happened . :/

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The most lefty opinion I have is Im cool with gays. Its become alot harder now because of the "give an inch, they take a mile" bullshit that has come about from shit like trannies and other bullshit, but I also tried to support homosexuals. Other than that no, any possible reasonable support I could have ever developed for the left was swiftly washed away by their own close minded faggotry.

No, but I understand people who were. It's easy to be groomed when you're a kid.

i was once positively about gommunism, but Jow Forums thought me the truth, and the Destiny that is my Birthright.

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The Clinton Admin systematically removed ALL old school officers and senior enlisted from ALL branches of service. The New World Order had begun.

I still am a lefty .

There was was a period of maybe a couple years in college when I was an sjw type but I'm not anymore.

No. I have been cuckservative but as an adult I have never been left.

The Clintons are truly a vile human form of the plague itself.

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I was a bit of a lefty in the early 2000s before I turned 15. Only in somuch as I drank the kool aid on man-made global warming.
Then I read State of Fear by Michael Crichton and I discovered that most of the alarmism around global warming is just that, alarmism. I'm still an environmentalist, but now I see the biggest threats to the environment are plastic and chemical pollution from shitholes like China and India.
Gas the polluters, Earth war now.

if you have more than me, then you have to give some of your shit until we both have the same.
Otherwise, you no lefty.

Struck me hardest as this guy really gave a shit about the enlisted and officers.Then he committed "suicide" over a ribbon device? It stunk to high heaven then and I still haven't forgotten.

>Boorda, a Vietnam War veteran, died in May 1996, at the age of 56, when he committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest. The reason for his suicide was reportedly that he was upset about a media investigation into the legitimacy of his having worn on his uniform two service ribbons with bronze "V" devices which indicate the awards were for service in a combat zone.

>Boorda reportedly left two typed and unsigned suicide notes in his home, neither of which was released publicly, but were said to have been addressed to his wife and to his public information officer.[14]

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I don't think of leftism that way but if you do then I'm not a leftist by your standard.

then you're just a virtue signaller

No, even as a kid me and another guy bullied the only nigger at school until he changed

How does that follow?

yep, i remember coming here to gloat about obama defeating romney. i wish i wouldn't have stayed.

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you just want to feel like you care but you still want all the material trappings and will accept inequality to get them.

I heard something long ago. I lived it...

If you're not a liberal when you're 20, you have no heart.
If you're not conservative by the time you're 40, you have no brain!

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nazbol until I actually opened a book

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This quote changes the ages a lot. I've seen 30 instead of 40 and 25 instead of 20. Hm. Almonds activated a little.

Californian so unfortunately I went through my phase. Thank fuck I found this place and straightened out

I am still lefty.

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Nice morality spook there nerd

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>want to feel like you care
Probably true to some extent.
>you still want all the material trappings and will accept inequality to get them.
Even if this were true, it wouldn't rule out leftism. Being on the left doesn't mean you think everyone should have the same exact things. Some leftists might have a silly view like that but certainly not all, or even most, do. "Left," just like "right," encompasses a lot of different views.

Yes because my parents were and I just accepted what they said because I was too young to be interested in politics
I would consider myself a centrist now

No. Even as a child I hated left-wingers.

Then I went pro-white when Rotherham rape scandal made the news. Now I'm centrist because some Rightards irk me with their autism.

Nah I'm still a traditionalist right winger

(rightwing version of classical liberal)

used to be

I think I was probably left wing in your classic george carlin way. The Problem now is that even george carlin would prob be considered right wing.

I'm not sure what's going on any more.

when i was 10 years old, i decided racism was wrong. i guess i was sort of a lefty faggot then.

i'm not sure the early 20s libertarian phase counts as lefty. i was maybe a socially-tolerant type, but still didn't want to actually be around faggots and didn't support open borders.

about as close as i get today is that i think evolution is God's Hand, and faggots probably are born that way. it's a birth defect like anything else.

Yes, if I met me just a few years ago I'd in all likelihood string me up on a tree.

Yes 30 years ago.
What a shame.

Look, I can appreciate this. I was young too, I felt just like you. Hated authority, hated all my bosses, thought they were full of shit. Look, it's like they say, if you're not a rebel by the age of 20, you got no heart, but if you haven't turned establishment by 30, you've got no brains. Because there are no story-book romances, no fairy-tale endings. So before you run out and change the world, ask yourself, "What do you really want?"
also featured here

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Same as me really. I believed very much in the idea of treating a person as an individual not as part of a race.

Unfortunately identity politics have everyone screeching about what % victim they are. The world feels more tribal rather than less.

I've also come to realise that genetics and culture are important. blacks score lower on the IQ table and higher on the aggression table so it's not wrong to put away your phone when you see a group of them.

Also culture is very important the Muslim culture unfortunately teaches them not to respect non Muslims so they are normally best avoided.

i was raised by non political parents, and when i started getting into politics i found my leanings at herbet spencer, william grahman sumner, milton friedman, stefan molyneux, at the age of 18

we all float down here

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Drop some dad redpills.

No, thanks to my commie killer grandfather’s influence on the family and my father who didn’t beat me

Pretty much the same, though I existed in the leftest of left social groups, was never a political person, except to the degree you have to to survive in those groups. As soon as I started looking into shit for myself, honestly, hard to the right I went. The food pyramid was my first redpill, 2006.

How old are you desu? You have strong spirit to survive that. Did your parents ever find out about your white nat phase?