How the fuck do you nerds think Hitler was even vaguely Right Wing? You know Right Wing is pro free market, pro small government whereas Hitler was a wage fixing, price setting advocate of total governmental control, I. E. Left wing?
I'm a fucking Bush Maori and even I know this shit. Kys boot licking white bois
How the fuck do you nerds think Hitler was even vaguely Right Wing? You know Right Wing is pro free market...
Because they think fascism is right wing when it goes both ways. Jow Forums is not enlightened at all.
He was right wing socially, left wing fiscally, hence National Socialism
>Right Wing is pro free market
Internationalism is left wing policy
Yes, he was somewhat left wing on economics, definitely not social matters though, where he leaned further to the right and that is why people call him right wing, because he actually was
I'm maori too cunt. Keep sucking leftist dick and let chinks take our country
only the retards here think that. educated people know hitler was a socialist commie
>mug left wing fascism
there is a difference between authoritarianism and fascism you absolute mongoloid
Hortler was a socialist
Prove me wrong
The opposite of using the government to help niggers is using the government to harm niggers. The opposite of leftist authoritarianism is rightwing authoritarianism. What you think is right -- classical liberalism -- is actually centrist.
> right wing socially
You mean a Christian?
What tribe?
Think of Nazi politics and economies as the opposite of Libertarianism. Very deeply conservative ideas when it comes to religion, relationships, how to dress etc. But, state controlled money and jobs.
Youre a so right my friendo
I am with the train of Trump now
I remember years ago there was a ww2 rts game where you could either choose the allies or the axis. It also had all the normal political options as well including an arrow indicating which way a country swung, I.e. right wing/left wing. When I was playing as Australia I clicked on Germany's political button (hoping to get an alliance, as I'd been kicked out of the Allies for invading New Zealand) and it showed the arrow for National Socialists as directly down the middle as in Centrist.
the left/right dichotomy is fucking vague bullshit
at least specify if you're referring to big/small government or social issues or whatever
Friendly reminder that Hitler was an authoritarian centrist, further left than Obummer
He was left wing right up until 22nd of June, 1941. Then he was suddenly right wing and had always been right wing.
No he wasn't
>hence National Socialism
Well, not exactly, That description could easily fit Fascism too. National Socialism was a very german ideology with racial components and what the americans would call a "manifest destiny" that was conquering Eastern Europe.
But you are not wrong in claiming it's centrist
>obama was a right wing authoritarian
Let's see..
-imprisoned journalists
-sent the IRS after his political opponents
-got cozy with fascistic islamic dictators
-sent a dronestrike on a US citizen
-deported millions of illegals
-wanted Assange in jail
Just because he had a D after his name, doesn't make him left-wing.
but muh social lgbt and raycism issues
Hitler was right
right wing is not about free market .Definition of those wings aper in french revolution were right wing were to support nobility and king were left was pro republic
state companies privatized
socialism is not when government make stuff
almost forgot right wing was about hierarchy to
>ID: oZZeyZbp
Ozzy! And the flag to boot
Left and right is some shitty construct precocious skivvy wearing faggots come up with. It died decades ago.
It's all smoke and mirrors these days and the agenda is simply to take power and keep it at all costs.
So, is left vs right basically egalitarianism vs hierarchy?
>a fucking red star
>How the fuck do you nerds think Hitler was even vaguely Right Wing?
never said that, all I care about is survival
yes he was you fucktard
That doesn't make any fucking sense
>National Socialist
>Socialism is left wing
hitler was based
which has nothing to do with US politics
>Not being able to distinguish the difference between economic views and views on authoritarianism
>Grouping all "right wing" as libertarians or ancaps and "left wing" as totalitarian communist.
>being this retarded
The political spectrum has multiple axes.
I would say it's capitalist/socialist, individual rights/govt jackboots, tribalist/universalist, traditionalist/modernist, and maybe more.
Modern socialists are often universalists but this is not always true. Hitler was tribalist.
I think the left tends to ignore these extra dimensions as a way memeing their enemies (and because it's kind of hard to draw the political hypercube or whatever the fuck this spectrum would look like).
Also, Europe is almost entirely Socialist. Their baseline is socialism. In the US we would consider that far left. So a Nazi is to the right side of the socialist spectrum. Dude was to the left of Bernie Sanders.
When the time comes, will Maoris ally with whites and eat globalists and their pets?
You're a Nigger.