WTF now I hate nazis

WTF now I hate nazis

Attached: download (1).jpg (208x243, 6K)

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Just shows how educated you're about national socialism in the 1930-1940's Germany.

Non white allies are viable when we're united in struggle. Every color has it's place, an ethnic home for every race.

You're about 70 years late to the party, user.

They actually were the most multicultural fighting force the world has ever seen.

Everything you know is false.

Attached: 345364789.jpg (900x652, 148K)


Does not mean they loved them just that they would use them for the time being, The German Army especially the SS kept recruiting any one they could from conquered areas trying to pit one dissatisfied minority against another. The Indians and some of the blacks were probably recruited from captured British colonial troops

Attached: 1525165270715.jpg (450x379, 63K)

Mandatory Diversity bump

Attached: 1522827802991.jpg (1600x1200, 544K)

Safety Bump

Don't forget the gay ones

Attached: 1528534756432.jpg (500x321, 38K)

Posting links with images not sure time enough for me to save the images and re upload as i read the pages and listen to you tubes about guns

Fun fact: that black Olympian claimed that hitler treated him better than FDR did.

Two Sikh Wehrmacht volunteers, World War II.

Attached: Two Sikh Wehrmacht volunteers, World War II..jpg (865x555, 287K)

>Every color has it's place, an ethnic home for every race.

NatSoc is all about racial cooperation and racial seperation

>WTF now I hate nazis
oh and you're probablöy a larpagan faggot too

guess what: Nazi Germany and 90% of leaders and party was Chrsitian not Pagan dumbshit

And don't forget about jews in Wehrmacht and SS

Pictures (((they))) don't want you to see?

Attached: Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943.jpg (1200x816, 103K)

It's respecting every race. You respect your neighbors, but you wouldn't want them living in your home.

>You respect your neighbors, but you wouldn't want them living in your home.

And i dont shit on their front porch bc i want mine clean as well

Exactly. It's a mutual respect while understanding each race differs from each other

Found the rabbi

>Checks flag
It's okay if you don't know about history mutt but shut up

>Found the rabbi
>muh satan
>muh kike on a stick
I swear to god you fucking siegefags and nazi-mutts will be the first to get burned on the stakes

>It's okay if you don't know about history mutt but shut up
Burger education...EVERY FUCKING TIME

I think this is more of a picture Jow Forums doesn't want to see.

True that, also the plan was not to exterminate the jews but to relocate them (madagaska / israel).
But the Nazis also wanted some Lebensraum for the germans in eastern Europe.