Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries. Why would you want them to die or be beaten up? Why don't they deserve to have a good life in your country?
Explain why you want refugees to be deported
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We don't want refugees deported. We want illegal immigrants who use "asylum" as a magic word to be deported.
Within 50 years, Europe will develop a shoot on sight policy for migrants. Its part of the jews long term game to usher in a fascist superstate.
Why don't I deserve to kill one and have his skull as decoration.
Too much fuki fuki and stabby stabby
Because fuck you, you pay for them, the West isn't the babysitter of the inferior. People don't even do that shit with domesticated pet animals. They go to the "shelter" to be controlled. Else we'd be up to our tits in cat shit from lower beings. They have their NiggerLand. If they fuck that up that's their mistake.
Imagine if Europe is actually fucking conquered by Africans because Europeans became to 'nice' to make them stay out of their territory.
they rape little german girls
why do you want little german girls to be raped, op?
they never belonged in the first place. just rectifying the problem really
Have you seen that map of how the continental USA, India , China and all of Europe fit inside Africa?!
But they need Europe too because 'reasons'.
Stop meddling and let nature take it's course. You remove the baboon from it's habitat every time it's threatened or hungry, it'd never going to let natural selection make it better.
>Why don't I deserve to kill one and have his skull as decoration.
Because you aren't Danny Glover.
Our government is not responsible for the happiness of everyone on the fucking planet.
I find it fucking baffling our standards of living are going down the shitter because we "have to" import hundreds of thousands of illiterate sand monkeys that won't be able to enter the job market in any meaningful way this generation.
If people in their country are screwing it up so badly they should be fighting at home to save THEIR home, not coming here with no skills and taking benefits while contributing nothing of value to the western world.
Stand and fight to save whats yours. Don't tuck your tail and run your cowardice to us. We don't want it. Stay out.
Because we're full.
They look ugly, ruins my mood if I see an arab or negro.
>this generation
The majority will never be able to enter the job market in any meaningful way. For that see example a) roaches.
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries
[citation needed]
Facing violence? You mean they are just trying to leave violent counties? If we acknowledge that then every citizen in these shit holes shouldn't be there, right? It's just a terrible premise... They're in a country of their own design and will just bring that shit with them
Because once they pass through a safe country they cease to be a refugee. This is doubly apparent when you have refugees in Australia who go back to their home country for holidays.
>Why don't they deserve to have a good life in their own country?
fuck off were full
because they are niggers
Name a country that doesn't have violence and death.
Nogs of all varieties will always be facing violence and death among their own. I see no good reason to invite the savages to bring this upon my neighbours.
A white family from SA would (and do) get rejected and deported immediately.
>Because once they pass through a safe country they cease to be a refugee.
Is this the case? So what then when they are in their destination country and the safe countries they passed through say that there is no record of these refugees ever passing through. Where do you put them then?
1.Getting rid of friend enemy distinctions means you have no state/get subverted
2. Once they reach a safe country they're not refugees
Also, real refugees (south africans) are not taken in because they're white.
In a compost pile.
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countrie
Because they generate violence and death in my country.
Go away, you silly bait poster.
Nobody deserves shit in my country besides natives
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries
Violence and death is their culture. That's why I don't want them here.
>The study, which was published Tuesday in Brussels, discloses that 53.1 per cent of migrants surveyed reported emigrating for economic reasons, 20.5 per cent for political reasons and just 13.7 per cent said they moved to escape war.
Real refugees who are willing to assimilate can stay. "Refugees" who take advantage of our altruism to get out of their shithole countries built by their ancestors and who come to our country to live off of our welfare state which they subsequently vote to expand to their benefit while promoting hatred against the native population (i.e. me) can burn in hell, and I'd be more than happy to send them there myself.
Stop this hateful rhetoric. Refugees are arriving in Italy as we speak, 2 days ago 454 of them, many are then distributed to France for good reason.
They smell like shit
When my grand-parents saw you germans invade our country, they didn't fly to the USA or to the UK, they hide their weapons in hay bales and gave food to resistance fighters.
Rapefugees don't want to fix the problem, they avoid it. They are fucking cowards that abandon their families to live with our money.
We had no problems with italians, germans, polacks, spaniards, ect ... Yet goatfuckers dont seem to want to assimilate with their host countries.
tl;dr : No thanks, we have enough parasites.
The only EU country that borders with another country that suffers because of war is Poland.
You are a refugee if you run from war to a bordering safe country, not when you are a sub saharan nigger who pays smugglers for a boatride to italy for gibs, or if you are a middle eastern nigger who roams the autobahns of 20 different safe countries to go to germany for gibs.
It's one thing when you hop a border to work harvesting oranges or some shit like some mexicans do in usa, and another thing is to hop a border to steal, rape and getting free money and housing for existing.
Refugees go to the nearest peaceful country... they don't travel half way around the world to get into a rich one. Just like if there was a war in France people would go to Spain or Belgium or Germany not Nigeria you idiot.
These people are illegal immigrants.
How can liberals be so blind?
>they hide their weapons in hay bales and gave food to resistance fighters.
In reality your grand-dad cooperated with us and your grand-ma spread her legs for Herr Leutenant.
No, no. That was us.
There is no God. Fuck 'em.
1) they are NOT refugees, they are economic migrants
2) they are culturally dissimilar, uneducated, expensive, unwilling to assimilate, and crime rises wherever they go
3) they are legion
4) they will be given the right to vote and they will, for the most part, vote together in a block for their self-interests at the expense of their hosts. demographics tend to vote together, this is a fact.
Neudeutschland makes my heart cry.
Both were deported in 1942, i doubt they had time to cooperate.
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries.
And soon they will face the same in Europe.
We dont want regugees deported. We want them to be safe in the country they are fleeing. In otherwords we want to remove the reasons they are refugees so they can return home safely.
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries
There is a reason for that you know...
No they don't. Fuck those savages.
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries.
quite unfortunate
>Why don't they deserve to have a good life in your country?
Because not a single country neighboring us is at war. Nor we are guilty for their strife, but most importantly WE DO NOT WANT THEM HERE WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS GYPSIES LEACHING THE SYSTEM ALREADY, WE DON'T NEED EVEN MORE USELESS GARBAGE, FUCK !
is that response suitable to you OP ?
Why do you criticize traditional marriage ceremonies in other countries? Are you intolerant?
>Where do you put them then?
The country through which they illegally entered, and in jail. They could have applied for asylum and refugee status but instead chose to become professional thieves.
If there are too many, and it is unfair the natives support the lives of millions of criminals in jail, they should be given the choice between being deported back into the third world or thrown into the sea. These refugees exist because the US and UK governments won't stop bombing sandniggers for oil, they should be footing the entire bill for all of Israels misdeeds. Its not fair to force normal civil people to slave away their entire lives to give Heaven on Earth to a group of violent rapists and murderers.
The solution is removal of corrupted government from the 1st world, systematic dismantling of extremist jihadi organisations and finally legal migration only.
Don't speak for all of us. Unlike you, we want all undesirables deported. Including traitors like you.
>Why don't they deserve to have a good life in your country?
Because their presence will ruin the goodness of my country.
Why should "refugees" be entitled to my people's achievements, yet they refuse to fix their own damned country? Seeking refuge also doesn't mean "move to another country permanently", but I'm wholly against the concept of asylum and refuge, because any sort of emigration, whether temporary or permanent, acts as a political pressure release valve for the country being emigrated from, thus preventing it from ever being fixed on its own.
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries.
real refugees are meant to apply for asylum in the closest safe country. not country-shop until they find the place with the best benefits. i actually have no problem with non-muslim refugees if the number taken in is reasonable. i just find it ridiculous that western countries are letting people flood in that hate us and see us as infidels to be exploited.
oh, i c.
it's no fun when you break character, user.
> face violence in their home countries
> once on European soil, they are causing violence against Europeans
Truely makes you think, doesn't it?
> why don't they deserve
> deserve
Why DO they deserve it in the first place?
They are abandoning their home and don't contribute to its improvement
Darn it, I forgot. Will manage better next time.
Are you saying because refugees don't respect our marriage laws they are also intolerant? Because they don't respect our culture, they're bigots? That because they hate me for my white skin, they are racists?
Because they're not white.
>This is doubly apparent when you have refugees in Australia who go back to their home country for holidays.
"refugees" in america and europe are doing this too. i wounder if any have ever been sent back for it or had their benefit cut.
>Why would you want them to die or be beaten up?
Because i don't want them in Europe. Their only give us sufferings and problems. I have nothing against migrants from East Europe. They do their jobs. African nogs can't do any jobs properly. Muslim want to take over Europe and spread their religion and rape non muslims. Why the hell we should welcome these people? If they get killed in their homelands, i don't care. They don't care about us neither.
You fucking retard, if they come over WE ARE FACING DEATH AND BEING BEATEN UP. You being Germ should know this best. Oh wait, you wont, because your totalitarian commie country have information blockade on this.
And in very best glcase degradation of condtitions of living and using up public funds.
>? Why don't they deserve to have a good life in your country?
The real question is, why are they incapable of making a society that is worth living in ? We don't have magic soil here.
If there is a fascist revival to once again counter communism, it's center will be anti-semetic again.
History repeats itself.
I don't want them here.
I don't want my culture compromised for when they erventually start demanding shit.
Also these people are needed to build their own continent and countries.
I don't want them here is the most important thing however.
Just a feeling in my gut.
1. They bring bothing of value
2. They are for the most part breeding like rabbits once they arrive in their desired country
3. They fucked their own countries up, so they should fix it. Spreading like a tumor isn't going to fix their problems.
4. They are basically violent cavemen unwilling to abandon their absolute cancer ideology and religion
Rent an apartment near any major train station in Italy
That would turn anyone into a Hitler 2.0 in a matter of minutes
Op: “your country isn’t perfect”
Me “what’s your fucking point”
Op “you should import thousands of nogs and shitskins”
Me “what’s that going to solve?”
Op “diversity?”
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries. Why would you want them to die or be beaten up?
So they are criminals then? Or are the fleeing from "war and persecution"? Because in the latter case they are cowards and traitors to their own people and ideals, even the French stood and fought against their enemies instead of collectively running to another country.
Lastly, why would I care about violence being done upon violent subhumans that, if I were to take them in, would perpetuate further violence unto the native people, cause civil unrest and deteriorate local culture?
they need to go back and make their countries great again.
are you honestly asking this after 2 terms under merkel? jesus christ don't know if you are trolling or if you are actually mentally deficient in some way or another
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries.
Germans actually believe this.
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries.
And instead of quenching it at its source, they bring it to us. That's not a solution at all.
>Why would you want them to die or be beaten up?
Who said I do? Turn off the money valve to Israel and see how the migrant problem dissapears as quickly as it appeared.
>Why don't they deserve to have a good life in your country?
Because we have nothing to do with them nor owe them anything? How entitled does one have to be to expect to DESERVE anything in a country he comes to?
>facing violence and death in their home countries
I thought they were doctors and engineers?
shit, now I really want these niggers gone
Has it been who caused their problems in their home countries?
No. Then why do I have to save them and relieve them on their plight?
It's their fucking problems and they shouldn't become mine.
They come here and have 89 iq, coming from 70 avg. iq countries (because they needed money in the first place to be able to come here). next generation will regress to the mean. the next generration will be even worse then the currant, regarding the economic integration.
They don't look like Syrian refugees to me.
Brown countries are shit because brown people are awful. I don’t want them shitting up mine so they can fuck off. They’re also ugly and they fucking stink.
"Refugees" is God's way of punishing all the countries who danced around and cheered around the corpse of Apartheid all those years ago. Oh man, are those fucking chicken come home to roost.
Because it causes societal cohesion to fracture and economic growth to falter
Diversity leads to racism. Kikes know this and that's why they promote it. It causes division
Because too much ppl on the planet and germany is full.
Fuck off
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries.
No they aren't. 80% of them are from safe places where there is no war.
>Why don't they deserve to have a good life in your country?
Why don't **I** deserve a good life in MY country?
You are not only hurting the poorest classes in Germany who have no political power to fight back, you are also poisoning the meaning of the word "refugee" to let asylum-shoppers and welfare tourists literally rape the system. Why?
>Refugees are facing violence and death in their home countries. Why would you want them to die or be beaten up? Why don't they deserve to have a good life in your country?
So I wont have to face violence and death in my country.
It is that simple, Hans.
Only a minority of them are refugees, most are nothing more than illegal immigrants who come here for the gibs. I don't think even the actual refugees deserve help here, they pass through plenty of war-free countries on the way here. I don't want them to die, but I don't them to live like parasites of our money, we have enough of those already. Hang yourself krautshit.
Refuge is not forever
They are meant to go back when the danger is gone or they are able to seek something else
Otherwise they are immigrants
Get fucked hans
Do you see old men and ladies, women and children among them?
Why nearly all those "refugees" are males of age between 18 and 40? (except for the couple of pregnant women in every ship to make the travel worth rercuing for humanitarian reasons)
If they flee from war, why do they leave women, children and old people behind?
But you fags all cheered and danced around the corpse of Apartheid, I thought you guys would be happy about this, what's wrong?