When did it all go wrong?

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when your mother had you

when Serbs sided with the Russians/Soviets and shot Arch Duke Ferdinand, and then defended the assassin.
The world would be better without Serbs. Sorry.

Soon my brothers

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You fell for the self-determination meme and based the Yugoslav economy on US loans and remittances from abroad..

You had a good run until June 11, 1903.

Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay.

~6th century

What happened then???

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nejač skinuta sa JNA aparata

They massacred their king and his pregnant wife in a coup. New dynasty started Balkan wars and WWI, that eventually led to WWII and Yugoslav wars.

She wasn't pregnant. She was actually sterile.

That's some fucked up shit man. I wish Trump would use his time machine to go back and save the King.

>wanting to be a bitch boy to austro-hungary
I suppose its in your genes croat



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Freemasonry/Vajfert and British funded the asssassins and coup.
They murdered the entire dynasty and their political allies, looted the Royal residence and bodies of killed monarchs, cutting their fingers off to obtain rings they wore.
Then they went to London and auctioned it off.

Black Hand was their name. And of course, they were instrumental in creating Yugoslav Nationalist Young Bosnia, ordering them to assassinate Archduke, provoke AH into war, which was preparing for it since regime change replaced pro-German Obrenović with litteral Freemason Petar Karađorđević anti-Germans.

Everything went downhill from there, Serbs died in huge numbers 1 200 000 from pre-war 3 000 000 in Serbia WW1, Yugoslavs ideology and Freemasonry infiltrated and subverted the society, while London called all the shots.
Attempt to get rid off London masters resulted in March 1941 coup after Axis agreement of Yugoslavia.

Churchill's own son was liaison to Yugocommunists, and the British forced King in exile to transfer all power and legitimacy to Tito in 1944.

The rest is history.

When you started WW1 and dragged the rest of the west into the shitter

The English really just ruin everything, don't they.


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Nope, they do everything they can to remain hegemons.

Blocking Berlin-Istanbul-Baghdad railway and Danube was instrumental, just as preventing Germans from having an unbroken chain from Baltic to Bosphorus. Serbia was the puzzle they removed in 1903.

The sent an ultimatum in 1941 January, proclaiming that either Yugoslavia declares war on Axis and stops being neutral, or Allies will declare war on Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia was hopelessly surrounded on all sides, and had absolute economic relations with Germans and Italy since mid-1930s.

Guess what, the same was true for pre-WW1.

Serbs were used as gullible sabots thrown into gears of German continental dominance that was threatening Atlanticist supremacy.


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You're an idiot.

What did Kingdom of Serbia gain from that war?

What actual benefit was in assassination of an heir of a neighbouring superpower, where more Serbs lived than in Serbia, and which was primary Serb economic partner and ally in previous 50 years?
Most of 19th century Serb elite came from Austro-Hungary, attended universities there, or moved from Novi Sad, which was biggest Serb city until late 19th century.

We all do, humans share 99% of DNA with chimps. i.e. Australia, land of criminals and raped women, that exterminated and enslaved Aboriginals...

when you didn't remove all kebab

First they just wanted to ged rid of Turks and Albanians. Later they had disputes with Bulgarians. They also had their eyes on Bosnia and Montenegro. In 1902 they started to openly threat Croatians with genocide.
Ujvar (now Novi Sad) was always Hungarian city until 1918. :)

Yo bro wtf

Since pretty much the moment you gained independance from the turks

Serbia is the poland of the balkans, i.e. you continuously fuck yourself over for no good reason by consistently making the wrong geopolitical decisions

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pretty based opinion desu

>They also had their eyes on Bosnia and Montenegro.

Montenegro voted by itself to join Serbia.
The only dispute was between senior Petrović dynasty or junior Karađorđević one (King Petar himself married a Petrović daughter, and came to Serbia from Montenegro).
More than half of Bosnia and Herzegovina held comitees on joining Kingdom of Serbia in 1918 and 1919.

>Ujvar (now Novi Sad) was always Hungarian city until 1918. :)

Thank God people were literate and census data is a thing.

> In 1902 they started to openly threat Croatians with genocide.

I guess after Starčević tyrades, Frank rhetorics and Stjepan "Srbi su okot zrio za sjekiru" Radić , they might have learned a bit.

But they didn't, the political leader of Serbs in Croatia was Svetozar Pribičević. himself a volunteer in Pučko-ustaška regiment in WW1.

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are some croats or some serbs still thinking
no u wuz threating us first, no it wuz u first
noone knows who the fuck is first since we started slaughtering each other in endless circle of revenge

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Novi Sad literally had more Krauts than Magyars when it was founded lmao.Also pretty sure it was called Ujvidek or something like that,not an retarded way to say Ajvar.

Was it right at some point?

>noone knows who the fuck is first since we started slaughtering each other in endless circle of revenge

This is easily disproven nonsense.
Croat National Ideology is removal of Serb identity from proclaimed Croat lands through extermination, expulsion and assimilation.
And has been such since mid-19th century.

You being an indoctrinated Yugoshit kept oblivious of explicite statements of above doesn't concern me at all.

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yeah sure, come and remove me , i think only thing u can remove is foreskin of your tiny penis

They stated a coup in 1918 and occupied Montenegro.
Census? Petrovaradin and villages that later formed Novi Sad was part of Kingdom of Hungary until 1918.
No, I'm talking about Dositej Obradovic and all memorundums, Kovcezic, Nacertanije and Srbobran they pulled out from 17th century.
They were mostly Walachs until Serbian Orthodox Church "converted" them into "Serbs".

>when did it all go wrong?
Since the beginning, just like with us.
THEY simply cannot stand if a nation is prosperous, and Balkans were always their "problem".

Awh the 13th and 14th century that one time the Balkans fucked each other for a little glory only to get raped by the Turks.

>Croat National Ideology is removal of Serb identity from proclaimed Croat lands through extermination, expulsion and assimilation.And has been such since mid-19th century
You seem to know a lot of shit, I'll give you that. but this is a common baseless delusion. I dunno why are you still pretending to be a Serb

Croats removed practically all Serbs from Croatia. Those that remain will be Croats in one or two generation.

>They stated a coup in 1918 and occupied Montenegro.
But this is total nonsense

>Census? Petrovaradin and villages that later formed Novi Sad was part of Kingdom of Hungary until 1918.

I guess Zagreb, Rijeka and Osijek were Hungarian townss, and Split, Pola and Zadar were Austrian.

>No, I'm talking about Dositej Obradovic and all memorundums, Kovcezic, Nacertanije and Srbobran they pulled out from 17th century.

You've never read through Načertanije, it's like the total meme of Croat meme historiography.
Expressing desire for all Serb majority areas to be included in a Serb national state is evil, while expressing desire to have Croatia encompassing non-Croat areas is patriotism.

>They were mostly Walachs until Serbian Orthodox Church "converted" them into "Serbs".
>the Wallach/Vlach meme
Have you by any chance read the "Vlach statues" granted by Emperor Leopold?

When the western Yugoslav republics were seceding you tried to stop them by force and thus made an already bad situation even worse and also on top of that all you started ethnically cleansing and massacring civilians in
Kosovo which directly led to NATO intervention and your country being bombed
You should've know better

classic mutt, happy that pure christian , helenistic , slavic lands are invaded by paki muslims, kys faggot

It was from 1942 until 1945. Serbian ideology since late XVII century until this day is Greater Serbia, we all are Serbs and extermination of Croats, Albanians and Muslims.

You're actual degenerate
If you think we should focus on removing each other you're brainwashed ape, we share borders for thousands of years and respect each others, only after Ottoman/Jews took control we started to hate each other somehow, great that you contribute to ''divide and conquare ''strat gz

Good old days, it lasted less than 30 years and you never learned to swim.

Im not happy at all about it im just pointing out how incompetent the Balkans were. If you all would've just stopped fighting each other you could've prevented hundreds of years of being under Turkish domminion. But no all for a little glory.

when alexander 1st obrenovic got murdered and obrenovic dynasty ceased to exist

Is there ever gonna get better lads
Life is suffering

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you take that back borna

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They ran away before battle started. :) After they killed, raped, pillaged and expelled all Croats non serbs from the territory they occupied.

In 1944.

What happend at that year user?

Commies took over and proceeded with non-stop assrape of our culture son

I love watch Balkan people fight
It's funny, because to the rest of us it seems so pointless

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Again, same thread. Yugoslavia will reunite, Croats Salty, Ablanians demanding Kosovo, other slavs join in

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>but this is a common baseless delusion. I dunno why are you still pretending to be a Serb

Allow me to present my favourite quotes by select Croat people, among them:

>Father of Croat nation, Ante Starčević, and founder of Croat state right principle:

Srbe treba staviti van zakona. Tu je sudija i overšitelj svaki koji je i besno paščeta

Srbi remetilački opstruktivni faktor, oni uopće nisu Slaveni nego potiču od varvarskog plemena Tribala
Slavo-Serbi su smeće naroda, oni su Hervatsku izdali i, ako ustreba, opet će je izdati, makar bez svoje koristi, samo da nju izdaju. Oni su po svojoj naravi bez uma i poštenja, proti slobodi i proti svakom dobru

Srbi su niža pasmina, ta pasmina treba da bude iz naroda istrebljena

>Stjepan Radić, moderate Croat politician

Srbi u Hrvatskoj su Cigani, Vlasi i bog zna što, koji su s turskog koca utekli nama. Srbi su dakle Vlaški nakot zrio za sjekiru. Oni su smet i srbež na tijelu hrvatskog naroda.

>Ivo Pilar, Ustashe ideologue
Istina je pak, da je Srbija taj maleni vlastohlepni susjed, u svojoj grandomaniji sustavno napadala i uznemiravala Monarhiju i da se Monarhija htjela samo braniti od nevidljivog rovarenja kome se nije moglo stati na kraj

The social science Institute carries his name

Hey Tito was kinda badass to bad all his work went to shit as soon as he died.

Who would know. They surrendered to Germans in 1941, killed all Jews in 1942 and got title as honorary Aryans from Hitler in 1945. Serbs...

Tito was a filthy locksmith and Austro-Hungarian corporal who kept assimilating all of the locals, and not only Serbs, into cultureless western Communists.

Actually the Commies took Belgrade in 1944 loles

I used to get involved in these fights since i'm a serb and it all turns out the same way, I get attacked by croats and albanians

>It was from 1942 until 1945.
I have just disproven your nonsense

>Serbian ideology since late XVII century until this day is Greater Serbia

So Serbs desiring to unite all Serb majority and historical areas is evil.
Sounds a lot like self-determination and Wilson.
But what do I know.
I am only debating an imbecile who believes Baranja, Istria, Grenze, Ragusan Republic are historical Croatian areas.

We don't have to focus, Croats eliminated all Serbs they could already.

Jews never did any D&C in Balkans, you are some heterogenic Yugomutt blaming the Jews for Catholic Church and Croat atrocities.

True that

English please, you're not in Serbia. :)

>Blaming the Jews for the Catholic and Croat atrocities
One of Ustasa main ideologue: Josip Frank
Pavelic's wife: Marija Lovrencevic
Including hundreds of their officers and military members.
The only reason they decimated the Juden was because of receiving German race laws.

Every empire around it sorta raped it. Unfair desu.

I really don't understand why us Serbs and Croats hate each other, is it because of the 90s? The Usaste? Or nationalism?

Ustaše fixed

Religon? Technically you never were united before 1918 both had separate medical kingdoms.

serbian and hungarian
under german and italian control for biggest part of history, populated with Croats since 7th century
>Ragusan Republic
croatian, populated with Croats and old roman dalmatians. They had various overlords, from byzantines to hungarians, croats, serbs and even french
wtf is that? What is croatian name for it

My family joined the partisans and survived this way. So i have an appreciation towards serbia.


Because Catholicism is cancer and the Catholic chauvinist scum killed thousands of our people because of their devotion to Orthodoxy.

When the French scored first

Nothing is funnier that modern Croat historiography going the full, extra distance and proclaiming works explicitly written in Srbska slova as "Croatian Cyrillic", or claiming 1512 Prayer Book from Ragusa that explicitly states in Introduction it was written in Serb language and Script as "first Croatian printed Cyrillic book".

Futhermore, despite the modern standard Croat being based on East Herzegovina Serb dialect, and even admitted as such by its creator, Ludwig Guy, Croats will go around and proclaim Shtokavian Ijekavica as their language.

No amount of Medieval Charters and works, preserved for example in Ragusa or Istanbul, which are explicitly written in Shtokavian jekavica/ijekavica and referred to as Serb language, can disprove them.

Several Croats paid and instructed by Congregation for Propaganda of Faith and Jesuits to travel to Serb lands and compile dictionaries and grammar, learn the language and write manuals for future missionaries "among neighbouring non-Catholic Christian people in Balkans" means for modern Croats that they wrote Croatian grammar and Croatian dictionary, even though people writing them say that people in question, Serbs, spoke that language.

It is a parallel reality, a Matrix of a sort.
The diffrences are irreconcillable, there is only war.

Not even after reducing Serbs to 3% from their near-parity in 19th century, according to Austrian and Hungarian demographers and ethnologists, do the Croats posses even a tiny bit of introspection: the Serbs are aggresors and evil.

After all the Partizans were the most successful resistance movement in WWII

1371, alternatively 1355

Ottomans roached some of the population into islam - divide and conquer which leaves hate of those the roaches put on top.

You should have an appreciation towards Croatia where that hog Tito originated, buddy.

Ustaše were not very good

is serbia basically a mini russia? the flag is the same just upside down

Tito was a great leader, even the worlds most respected leader

Serbian Aussie
Your an Ausbian

No Ukraine is Serbia is it's own thing.

Your wish to "unite" started 8 wars in last 100 years and you managed to loose all of them. You killed, raped, burned and pillaged almost all neighbouring countries. Your clerical fascist ideology is pure evil. Even the Montenegrins gave flipped you the bird and they supposed to be "your brothers". :D

I wasn't born in Australia, I just live here

Tito's lads removed the nazis by themselves and gave the finger to stalon.

Attached: stalin-tried-to-kill-yugoslavian-leader-tito-22-times-tito-24912640.png (500x554, 153K)

What happened to "Brotherhood and Unity?"

Oh wow I'm surprised.
Being respected by (((them))) does not make you a good leader.

You wouldn't have if they lived in Judenfrei Serbia.

Serbia is the death of empires

>Ottoman empire
>Nazi Germany

Any empire that attacked Serbia was destroyed eventually, USA won’t be the first

And most of all Cringeworthy.

Josip Frank was a Christian Croat. So is today's Reiner.
On the other hand, there were actual Serb jews, like Albala, Davičo, Vinaver.

Why don't you name Serbs serving NDH and Ustashe, then?

Grenze is Military Frontier, Krajina.
All of its inhabitants were originally Serbs.

And I can defend that claim with primary sources, non-Serb ones.

>After all the Partizans were the most successful resistance movement in WWII
This meme again.

Holy shit.

Total German casualties for entire Balkan theathre were miniscule. Greece, April war against Yugoslavia and all that Yugo jazz (serb uprising of 1941 included) until 1945 was less than 30 000 KIA.

Tito and Yugocommunists had written orders to prioritise Yugoroyalists and Serb nationalists, followed by Croat nationalists.
Germans were to be avoided, and only in self-defence.
They also had instructions explaining that only desparate people escaping death from Germans and Ustashe are their recruits, so they should provoke reprisals and spread devastation to swell their ranks.

ukraine is russia lite

USA is already destroyed by hordes of Mexifornians and niggers