I am ashamed of my leftist past

Before 2017, I was a complete leftist Bernie supporter. I cannot look back at my past without disgust. How do I get over the fact that I was once a basedboy?

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Who cares
Find things in yourself to develop and be proud of
Don’t fall for memes

You are still a loser.

you have to be over 18 to post here boy

No one cares fag. No one popped out of the womb a white nationalist. We were all leftists or libertarians before.

it's alright OP, just remember you'll never really be one of us and you can't go back now. You have nowhere to go and you're alone.

Don't be ashamed. I was a leftist too once. Many of us were.

Shit, Andrew-fuckin-Breitbart himself was a liberal for a long while.

The entire media and education system is designed to make you liberal and keep you there, because they know once you've taken the red pill there's no going back.

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You won't, you'll become a leftist again when you realize how dumb everyone here is, though you probably will continue to hate trannies.

I know from experience.

Oh look the faggot communist showed up

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>Doesn't know what irony is
Don't pretend like most people here aren't either self-hating jews, JIDF, larping redditors or former leftists that have been forced out because they were the wrong race.

No you thought you were a Bernie supporter
But the only support the DNC gave was to Hillary

I knocked on doors for Bernie in Reno one afternoon. Went to his rally.

The way to get over your digust is just watching more trump videos. You were on the right track user, you kept going and you got here. You did good. Tbh you have overcome far more than some who were raised conservative or what have you. Yours is a story of triumph over groupthink. Do not be ashamed. And any little people shaming you here have a 4/10 sense of humor and probably no girlfriend. That's the truth.

You're a jewish female late-teen posting from Tel Aviv in your parents basement procrastinating your hebrew school homework.

You do something amazing for the White Nationalist cause.

Mussolini was a socialist before he was a fascist, Hitler at one point was against antisemitism. Nearly all of us were something different in our past lives before we became WN

I was born to be legendary and never voted in these puppet shows until Trump ran because, like a true American, I patriotically hated my spoiled, oversized, corrupt government.

Fuck you pussy

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I wouldn't be so far on the right now if I hadn't been a little bit on the left before

the fact they think right is a toxic group is all the proof you need that they're not being honest with themselves

By existing as you are.



Bro everyone has done embarrassing things in the past.

We all have things we regret, the great thing about life is that we can get better and now you are on a much better path. Think of how much better you are than you used to be.

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I too voted Bernie then Trump.
A Socialist then a Nationalist.
No shame in that.


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We all were once. Once upon a time.

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Bernie and Trump are way more similar than most people are willing to admit. It's a much more natural progression than Bernie to Hillary.

No need to dwell on your past faggotry.
Learn from the past and move on.

(((Breitbart))) also co-founder of HuffPost. Controlled Op is written all over him.

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>was adopted
>not ethnically jewish
Redpilled on cultural marxism but cucked on Israel, apparently.

If that's the worst cringe you can remember you have a blessed life

I was one too. Then I realized hwow few gingers exist in the world, and how much racemixing is being pushed. Yes, the catalyst for me falling down the rabbit hole (long before Jow Forums) was my Savior Complex coupled with a Ginger Fetish. I generally have a "thing" for Red. Don't be ashamed, is what I'm trying to say; we've all been there.

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>tfw voted for the greens back in 2016
i am sorry lads

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You are looking at it all wrong user. As former shitlibs, we know what it takes to redpill people.

Analyse what flipped you, and employ it to redpill others.

I've been throwing videos of the msm being exposed as fake news to irl frens for well over a year now and they still think it's just a big conspiracy theory on my part. They still watch John Oliver and take the corporate media as gospel, while continuing to shitpost facebook-tier drumpf memes to the Whatsapp group.

wtf am I doing wrong?

Everyone starts there.

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I was a solid sold on Global Warming until I took a math to the face. I was stunned for months...
Success is the best revenge, brah. Now go make six kids before the Caucasian American is but a chapter on the American History textbook.

I was a libtard in 2015

Who cares



the past is a social construct. only the present matters.

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your mistake is in identifying yourself with your mind (and therefore with the past/future). you are not your mind.

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And if you aren't a centrist, you have at best a slightly above-average brain.

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Used to think I was a leftist, but I was just anti-war. I was never a rabid environmentalist, but I cared about preserving the forests because I hunt, and enjoy the outdoor life. Pro gun, anti-abortion. Didn't really care about niggers and faggots until they started shilling anti-white shit. Don't hate capitalism, just hate greedy kikes. What am I Jow Forums?

This. OP shifted from one extreme to another.

What does it mean to be a leftist in your country. I honestly don't know anymore. I Poland so called rightwingers are just economically on the way on the left side but they are just uber religious.. and they call liberals "leftist"

Kike alert!

you're doing nothing wrong, my son. you've done everything you could and more. they're on their own when the race war starts.

user is woke af

>wtf am I doing wrong?
Failing to catch on that the new ideology you've embraced is, in fact, bullshit that most of your friends can see through.

Eh, Bernie fans weren't usually that extremist - while by American POLITICAL standards he's far left, by the standards of what Americans actually WANT he's center-left. The American Overton window has been significantly right of the popular opinion for a while.


Ignore this small dick Euro whose mom hovered over him and didn't let him emotionally develop. Little guy wears loose, yellowed, underwear while he sleeps, like you saw in that one weird Euro movie they made you watch in 10th grade.

what did kek mean by this?

Overcompensate and burnout off the movement just like every other faggot with no spine.

Before 2016 I considered myself a full blown leftist too. Hilariously enough, it was the leftist media that turned me against them.

What have conservatives ever conserved? Nothing. They are just liberals of years gone by who want the world to stay at their approved level of degeneracy.
Either you are a reactionary or you are nothing at all. The whole of modernity must be torn down.

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The thing is I actually like the Hebrew language, it really is beautiful. Such a shame.

Kek even made it green.

What's not to like about Stephen "same jokes every night" Colbert.

Or John "my accent belies my intelligence" Oliver?

You're just being uncompassionate to the oppressed comedians user.

>I was a solid sold on Global Warming until I took a math to the face. I was stunned for months...

What are you talking about? There's mathematical evidence against global warming?

By killing yourself

Lurk moar. You’re not allowed to post your first two years

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Start with erasing your tattoos and piercings. Go to the hairdresser and cut your hair short. Clean your room.

Oh there is a rabbit hole in your near future. It's all over. They literally changed temperatures retroactively to fit the models.

Ur kids are still gonna be left wing and fabulous.
Convert before it's too late

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>They literally changed temperatures retroactively to fit the models.
science really has become nothing more then the religion of the day. Do you have any citations. I have some people I need to gloat over.

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Eh I don't have it well organized user, sorry. You can start with this to give you/them the moral framework. Dude is great.


all time most jewish thing on Jow Forums award goes to you.

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If that’s all that you regret in your life then you haven’t really been through much. Either way, just continue having an open mind and think outside the box about. Ask yourself the questions that are taboo

Agree that global warming is best leftist redpill - was bigger than holohoax!

Brainwashing sucks, but it's not necessarily your fault that someone else made you retarded. At least if you came out of it there's hope for you.

user took the Nasim pill

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People aren't born natsoc.

When you're young and impressionable, you base your world views on your immediate surroundings, and are far more likely to swallow the libshit propaganda taught to you by feminist teachers.

The only people who weren't libshits when they were young, either lived around enough niggers and freaks to realize their societal impact; or they had right-wing parents who were able to make sure that their word came before the word of the feminist teachers.

There is a way out of hell.