Israel adopts controversial Jewish 'nation state' law

But if goys do the same thing, then they are racists, nazis, white supremacists...

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It's so cute how Israel is by every means and definition fascist.

good now can we move all the diaspora there, they have a home state now to go home to

then we nuke

Good for them

Meanwhile Christians and muslims are stuck in ghettos. Fuck israel, fucking jews are worse than nazis because they’re hypocritical about being nazis

If we call them racist are we still antisemitic?


The problem is, they don't wanna leave

Where were you when the jews became nazis?

You made the Jews do this, you Nazi racist ignorant hateful shit people did this, for the Jews this is survival

i have a solution for that...

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>Netanyahu has defended the law. “We will keep ensuring civil rights in Israel’s democracy but the majority also has rights and the majority decides,” he said last week. “An absolute majority WANTS TO ENSURE OUR STATES JEWISH CHARACTER FOR GENERATIONS TO COME.“

good lord they believe of the same things hitler believed in.

and you don't think a majority of the posters here do too?

I don't mind that. Only if they weren't so hypocritical

Reminder Hitler had jews in his cabinet and was funded by Red Shields.
It was literally jews A vs. jews B

Kek i recently had a discussion with a socialist friend of mine and i made an argument about Israel.
He said: “Yea, you don't have to tell me that Israel is basically the nation of Satan“
>if only you knew how bad things really are

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I mean, I don't give a fuck about arabs and I wouldn't care a bit about this shit, if all the kikes gtfo to their desert and stop subverting other countries.

> having socialist friends

Nope sorry goy Israel has to stay an ethnostate while they simultaneously parasitize and muttify all our countries

Jews twist themselves into pretzels arguing that they aren't *technically* an ethnostate. I see no reason why that would change because of this.

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>kikes and shills want to use literal genocide to make fake kike nation Israhell pure kikery
>kikes and shills want to flood pure huwhite Europe with lazy niggers and muslet shitskins
>kikes and shills call huwhites 'racist' and themselves 'tolerant'

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

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are they even semitic?

Not a hard piece of legislation to pass when every other nation around you wants you dead.

Nothing worth doing is easy, exposing Israel and denying them US aid will not be easy. But it will be worth it all.

If it were easy the kikes and their shills would have long been defeated. Literally everyone seems to hate them, I say based on concrete, objective, factual examples, and with good reason, in my subjective opinion.

The aim, in my subjective opinion, should be to break the D&C tactics of the kikes and their shills, to ignore and understand the subjective, emotional manipulation they practice and to expose the kikes and their shills with concrete, objective, factual information and subsequently call for REVOLUTION.

Why are the kikes so based?