t. USA
Jokes aren't phobia.
What do you call a transgender person hanging from a door knob?
A speedrunner
>What do you call a transgender person hanging from a door knob?
>A speedrunner
I don't get it.
Because majority of them kill themselves when they realize they destroyed their bodies irredeemably with surgery and medication.
Oh, and they speedrun videogames
Are they still on Chappelle's ass about his comedy routine?
doesn't make sense
It does. Around 46% have suicide listed as COD.
This is a picture of a recent speedrun event
I know about tranny retardations, but the "joke" still makes no sense.
coulda done better but ill give you a C for effort
i thought everyone is fair game in comedy?
except jews/zionists, trannies and fags.
This sums up all I have to say.
It’s implying that the tranny devil killing itself is a child
Is T.J. Miller our guy?
bill burr himself turned into a cuck after Patrice O'neal died
I heard Dave has been dead for years now and that's his clone walking around
kys, there's a clone meme conspiracy of every celeb.
Dave had to flee hollyjew, got Jow Forums and came back
It's since traps invariably commit suicide since nobody is fooled by the balding woman with a square jaw, man-hands and Adams apple even after SRS conversion, and since many traps also make speedrun videos of beating games really fast on YouTube
Wasted trîps nigger
Trannies are just mentally ill gays.
- Gavin McInnes, founder of Vice
start making fun of them, smash the degeneriarchy
Yeah, he's a bitch, but what he's saying there is true.
>Gavin McInnes
the guy who shoved a dildo up his own ass on camera, and tongue kissed Milo the nigger dick loving homo jewlover
>Trannies are just mentally ill gays.
Gavin the homo implies gays aren't mentally ill
i thought that was a gathering of flat earthers
Retards hang themselves on doorknobs you subhuman
>a degenerate faggot
Honestly, why would somebody like Chappelle even care what vice faggots think?
he doesn't. he gave a big fuck you to hollyjew years ago.
>mentally ill gays.
Post some 'edgy'/non-PC social commentary from Dutch writers/speakers, OP. My guess is you have no links to Dutch comedians and commentators making non-PC jokes.
You have much to learn.
>missing the point
kanker dombo
That's how it used to be until about 8-9 years ago.
you still couldn't mention jews/zionists in a bad way
Just post the dutch faggot stealing shit from port a potties and bathing in it
Try anything from Hans Teeuwen, Theo Maassen or Najib Amhali.
You know I'm a transnigger myself
Eh you could still make some light hearted jokes about Jews i.e. making fun of Yiddish words or whatever
But yeah you definitely were never able to make any jokes about ZOG
Unfortunately the speedrunning ones refuse to speedrun their lives. I enjoy seeing Cosmo descend into madness though.
check your privilege, shitlord.
I'm sorry, but these people need to be mocked at the fullest extent. Just look at them. What gives anyone within the LGBTQ any right to be protected from criticism, when straight people sure as fuck are not?
Most of them barely even look human. They are not special fragile snowflakes that need to be protected at all times. Most are white freaks of natures. They deserve to be shat upon by society.
Fuck this PC bullshit. Stand up comedy is suppose to challenge PC culture, not be part of it.
I'm not going to spend time translating some of their material but after searching those names I can tell you guys do have a thriving comedy scene.
Why do they have to force this shit on us nonstop? Can't they just go to pornhub, bust a nut to a sexy shemale video and then move on with their life?
You know, I mean everyone is down with it. I'm just saying, who isn't? It's doesn't make you gay, right?!
accompanying image.
And tell me why these people do not deserve to be made fun of?
Do a lot of them actually go through with getting their nob chopped off?
Teeuwen's done some stuff in English (had some shows in the UK), but most of that isn't political.
>when in rome
he must be a ruthless troll
Look at these losers and tell me why it is not OK to make fun of them. They're leafs too (yeah I know, so am I) which is double the reason to make fun of people this group.
The LGBTQ is a comedy goldmine. Comedians should cut their teeth on these fuck twits.
What a sorrowful existence I can't even be mad I just feel really sorry for them. Girl brain in a man body, what do you do? Kill yourself or try to make the best of it.
I'll just leave this here.
This definitely doesnt look normal. Even a non ((((((doctor)))))) can tell.
>They deserve to be shat upon by society.
For what?
It is a joke about Hermaphroditus, son of Hermès and Aphrodite. It was racing Apollo and was beating him (great speed from Hermès) butas he was passing by the house of Hephaestus it hid in a closet to fuck itself. Hephaestus came home and found it hanging from the doorway, as it had died of autoeroticaesphyxiation. The Greeks have called trannies “ταχύτητα δρομέας“ or speedrunner.
i was in that thread, it was a brit who made the made the joke and then took the screenshot himself of his own joke and posted it here
Trannies are mentally ill & deserve to be hung
>For what?
Mental disorder. Just look at this group! Pride Parades are a concentration of every mental disorder imaginable all coming together to celebrate degeneracy. There is comedy in those hills.
the funny part is how snowflakes react
they still fuckthemselves and speedrun, what a timeless message !
Trans-women will take power from women. That's good. Women have too much power in todays society. I support them for that reason alone.
I am going to singlehanded murder anyone who isn't TRANS1111! Trans make up 600 Goyrillion people in every country.
Lol Fagtrans
trans people should be loved and respected respond to me if you agree
They should be thrown from rooftops
Truly, the ancients were wise beyond measure.
no way that thing sitting second on the left is real..
why we not like this as West, we need recapture the spirit
The bald one? Because I have to inform you that all of these people are real and that barring us throwing them from the roofs ourselves their existence, assuming they don't kill themselves, is going to continue being an affront to our civilization
>becuase they speed run video games
you made me laugh so this joke shall pass
Good, the more they demonize comedy, the funnier it will get. My dad tells me how Joan Rivers would make jokes in the 60's about her hairdresser named Phillip, and how the audience would be shocked.
"Phillip? Do you mean... a homosexual? Oh my how uncanny" Literally nothing has changed. People will always freak out over comedy, but it will never stop being funny.
>Hans Teeuwen
talks shit about pussy, is a homosexual
I think the thing with a lot of current day Tran faggots is that for years they've longed for women. They've yearned for some type of female companionship for so long some way and have received none. They break, and turn themselves into women. It's perversion
Anyone agree?
Agreed for most cases
Absolutely, I think that’s what a lot of us are trying to do, reconnect and revive that spirit of wisdom, courage and triumph.
fucking finnish autists I swear
>make me famous because I'm an unfunny comedian who virtue signals against actual comedians
10/10 Perfect for entertaining simple hellots like us.
O Neil
Di Paolo
Should I add or remove and why.
Rivers (;_;)
Wonder how much was his joke loicense and sharia pass to get on the net
99% of trannies are mentally ill/fucked in the head. i gotta tranny friend and even she thinks this. what more proof do u need?
Who Joan?
Joan Rivers died after saying on camera that Obama is a gay man and Michelle is a man
She's been making homo jokes since the 60s, a legend indeed.
perhaps he should get acquainted with it
man, they had it better , I don't know why those times were so fruitful but today everything is garbage, we need fix schooling, perhaps , and make people feel it's worth it . Especially triumph.
helot has 1 L
>Joan Rivers died after saying on camera that Obama is a gay man and Michelle is a man
She was killed for saying this...
God damn, he exercises like the biggest fag in the West. Incredible.
Because we got lazy, we stopped striving for something greater and have become content with what we have. It’s only now that things are turning sour in so many places that we have woken up a little bit, and hopefully the example of our ancestors and the spirit they passed down to us awakens the virtues within to return us to our natural state.
They should be put in catapults and shot at walls.
>trans people should be loved and respected respond to me if you agree
Serious question: why?
Why should we just automatically respect and love someone based on the gender they want to be? That logic is idiotic.
Not just any helot. Helots living in Hell. But really, it's because helots can't fucking spell.
I concur. This needs to stop. Time to chop off your dicks, lads. And your tits too, ladies.