Where are these supposed Jews that run everything? These are the 6 richest men in the world, and aside from Zuckerberg, none of them are Jewish. Like, what actual living people can you point to to talk about a Jewish conspiracy? I'm honestly curious.
Where are these supposed Jews that run everything? These are the 6 richest men in the world, and aside from Zuckerberg...
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't claim they rule the world. We claim jews dominate the western press while larping as white. We claim they dominate/dominated the social movements that rotted out the west. We claim jewish supremacists throw their collective weight against any individual that pushes back on their genocidal plan for us. We claim they created and dominate the pornographic industry with the express intent of undermining their hosts. We claim jews exterminated tens of millions of Europeans throughout the 20th century.
.. and we can prove all of it.
Then do it. God, all you fucking fashs do is mince words. It's like your greatest allh is intellectual dishonesty.
As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.
Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana.
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.
Stalin's Jews
"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
South Africa is in the news. Perhaps we should talk about the commie jewish founders and leaders of the ANC and how many tens of thousands of black on white rapes and murders they're responsible for.
Oh I forgot to talk about the press..
Let's look at the New York Times.
Top Leadership. The following leading roles are held by Jews:
>Chairman & Vice Chairman
>Publisher & Deputy Publisher
>Managing Editor & Deputy Managing Editor
>President/CEO (spouse) & Chief Operating Officer
>*At least* 7 out of 13 Board members are Jewish, and *at least* 7 out of 14 Executive Committee members are Jewish.
The Editor-in-chief of the following NYT sub-publications are Jewish:
>NYT Editorial Page, NYT Global Edition, NYT Magazine, NYT Style Magazine, NYT Live Journal, and NYT Biz Day. It appears that the only sub-publication left is the NYT Book Review, whose last editor-in-chief was Jewish (and whose current editor-in-chief may be Jewish, but it’s unclear)
Bureau Chiefs. The Bureau Chiefs for the following offices are Jewish:
>Washington DC, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Central & Eastern Europe (Warsaw), Jerusalem, South Asia, and Australia. In other words, the capital of most of the largest Western countries: the USA, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, and Australia.
Chief Correspondents. The following “Chief” correspondents are Jewish:
>Chief National, Chief International, Chief Political, Chief Domestic Affairs, Chief Diplomatic, Chief European Business Correspondents, Chief Mergers & Acquisitions, Chief White House, and Chief Military Correspondent. Only one of the NYT’s current “Chief” Correspondent positions was held by a non-Jew – the Chief Washington Correspondent.
Let's look at CBS.
CBS’ CEO, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Chairman Emeritus are Jewish. CBS’ main division is CBS News, which is led by its President, David Rhodes, who is Jewish. CBS three other divisions are Television, Sports, and Films. The President of each of those three divisions is also Jewish. Thus, each of its four divisions has a Jewish President, much like the five divisions at NBC, each of which is led by a Jewish president (and Jewish Chairman). Unlike NBC or CNN, CBS does not have a parent company to analyze. CBS does, however, control two television networks: the CW Network and Showtime Networks. The President, CEO, and Chairman of both networks are Jewish (because of course they are). CBS’ Chief National Correspondent is Jewish, as is the case with CNN, NBC, and the NYT. The majority of its general correspondents are also Jewish.
Let's look at CNN.
The President of CNN’s parent company, Turner Broadcasting, is Jewish (David Levy). His immediate predecessor was also Jewish (Phillip Kent). The majority of Turner’s current C-level executives are Jewish. (Doug Shapiro, Lauren Hurvitz, Louise Sims, Howard Shimmel, and several others). CNN’s current President is Jewish (Jeff Zucker). Throughout its life, two-thirds of CNNs’ Presidents have been Jewish (Jeff Zucker, Walter Isaacson, Reese Schonfeld, and Burt Reinhardt). CNN’s current Vice President is also Jewish (Ken Jauntz). CNN’s U.S. Division has had an unbroken stream of Jewish Presidents since at least the mid 1990s. (Ken Jauntz, John Klein, Rick Kaplan, and possibly beyond). The majority of CNN’s current Executive VP’s are also Jewish. (Allison Gollust, Richard Davis, Amy Entalis, Andrew Morse, and others). Each of the EVP’s mentioned in the last sentence were immediately preceded by someone who was also Jewish. (Albie Hecht, Scot Safon, Susan Bunda, and Mark Whitaker, who served as HLN President and CNN EVP, Marketing EVP, Content Development EVP, and Editorial EVP, respectively). Currently, the three highest ranking individuals in CNN’s Washington Bureau are Jewish (Sam Feist, Adam Levine, and Eric Sherling).
CNN’s Lead Political Anchor, Chief Political Correspondent, Chief Political Analyst, Chief Political Director, Chief National Correspondent, and Chief Washington Correspondent are all Jewish. (Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash, Gloria Borger, David Chalain, John King, and Jake Tapper). In other words, CNN’s top six—and only six— “Chief” anchor positions are held by Jews.
Lurk more, faggot.
Money isn't power, network is. Plus it's not their real wealth as it is mostly composed of shares in societies.
Let's look at NBC.
NBC Universal is organized into 5 divisions, each of which is led by a Chairman. The Chairman of all 5 divisions are Jewish. The #2 position for each division is its President. 4 of the 5 divisions have Jewish Presidents. The remaining division, the News Group, instead has 3 Presidents, one for each of the news networks. 2 of those 3 are Jewish, and the remaining one has a Jewish spouse. NBC Universal is owned by Comcast, which is led by its Chairman & CEO, who is Jewish. The #2 at Comcast is the Sr. Executive Vice-President, who is also Jewish. In short, the #1 and #2 at every level and within every wing of NBC Universal is Jewish.
OP's mind = obliterated
Jews work in the shadows, not in bright light.
The Jewish Problem - Dr. Joseph Goebbels
It's not just America by the way. For example of the seven largest Swedish dailies five are owned by jews and the remaining two by American investment banks, one being Goldman Sachs. The jewish Bonnier family in Sweden have the largest monopoly owning four of the biggest papers 96 book publishers, 42 business and trade press newspapers, 105 digital news platforms, 9 film companies, 176 magazines, 23 major papers, 33 TV stations, and 33 “other” media outlets.
.. in fact the open borders campaign in Sweden started in 1964 when David Schwarz penned "The Immigration Problem in Sweden" in the Bonnier owned Dagens Nyheter. This started a fierce debate led by Schwarz & his jewish co-thinkers. All jewish contributors favoured multiculturalism and this campaign resulted in an immigration bill in '75. The Conservative rightest party which first embraced multiculturalism was led by Gunnar Heckscher, of jewish descent.
Israel even pays migrants $3,500 to "relocate" to Sweden.
>Rothchilds are purposely excluded.
Look at who setup/run the reserve banks of every nation. Then look at the last couple of nations without reserve banking systems. Then kys
>Jewish conspiracy
Not necessarily a conspiracy, just jews acting according to their cultural upbringing and natural instincts.
>12 million population globally
>1/6 of the world's super billionaires
>this is proof that jews DON'T run the show and aren't disproportionate represented in the upper echelons of power
why are libcucks always so dumb?
Did your know your commerce secretary Wilbur Ross and Jacob Rees-Mogg in the UK were both Rothschild bankers? If only people knew how bad it truly is..
Aren't the Rothschilds in a 10 way tie for #1
Those are the richest people with public finance. Forbes estimates their wealth based off of stock holdings and other publicly verifiable ownings. You think everything say the Rothschilds own is publicly disclosed? Naive inbred faggot.
Jeff Bezos - half Norwegian/ half Irish American
Bill Gates - Scottish American
Warren Buffett - French Huguenot American
Bernard Arnault - Jewish French
Mark Zuckerberg - Jewish American
Jews don't "run everything." Irish Catholics run the big Wall Street Banks and the US Government. Asians dominate in Silicon Valley.
But where Jews do dominate is owning the buildings/land (landlords) and running the media.
Also if anyone on this so called redpilled site believes for a second that Jeff bezos is the richest man in the world then do us a favour and fuck off
>They are only rich within the jewish banking systems.
These jewish bankers have funded everything subversive. People assume it's impossible for jewish bankers to be the largest supporters of jewish bolshevism for example.
Meanwhile in the real world the first head of the Red Army Lev Bronstein (aka Trotsky Lenin's chosen successor) was chiefly funded by NYC banker jew Schiff.
fuck off memeflag
.. and the not-so-German Revolution was funded chiefly by the Warburg clan.
There is a reason why you don't see the actual richest people like Rotschild, user. There are people out there much, mure more rich of which you never even heard of.
.. one of which was quoted as saying:
Dude... are you stupid?
It's the OWNERS you have to be concerned about, not the CEO's, they are just the front face.
oh sweetie. so adorable he thinks those lists of rich people that leave out people like the Rothschilds and shareholders of the federal reserve and world bank are real lists of who has the most money. Adorable
Richest NON NOBILITY men in the world, fucktard.
I think OP left. I was just getting warmed up.
35% of billionaires are Jewish. So fuck off.
And then he fucking abandons
later memeflag
sage and report, as usual.
saved,thanks for the drop leaf
It's by net worth which is an estimate. Not hands-on cash, not political influence. There are families whose combined income dwarfs that of Bezos and Gates. Some are Jewish, but most aren't. This kikery bs in here is just a troll that belongs to the subculture of Jow Forums. Most people in here just shitpost.
someone please post the infographic showing rothschild's wealth not listed in forbes
Hahaha no sweetie, the richest royalty is excludes from the list. These are simply the best bankers goys.
>and we can prove all of it.
Ok, do it.
Explain this, fellow flaggot.
Nah kikes want the world to do the work for 'em
Which is fair enough but hypocrisy and subversion is too low for my tastes
They've judged you as their cattle
dem jews still need dem whites to make them money don't they
Do you think the truly wealthy individuals in the world have reported all of their income, assets, holdings, etc. and that there are no illicit gains via political/financial/legal corruption and black markets?
that list is a lie
the black nobility is far richer than them
those are the public one they are called the little bourgeoisie
>Do you think the truly wealthy individuals in the world have reported all of their income, assets, holdings, etc. and that there are no illicit gains via political/financial/legal corruption and black markets?
this, people in the trillionaire club dont need your adoration.
e gas
Correlation does not equal causation, kids. Now I need to go pull cow tits because I have to pay the wages of incels and maoriniggers
>implying the richest people in the world will let you know who they are
Any idea who this rabbi is? I want to get a copy of this interview, looks great.
Imagine never reading "the creature from Jekyll island". I mean you can literally pirate it but fuck that gotta play vidya and circlejerk on plebbit
We claim jews have significantly disproportionate power and that they're significantly more liberal on average than whites and move countries towards liberalism as a product of their own self-interest. Easy to prove. We also say they're more ethnocentric, easy to prove, and that ethnocentrism is a great strategy, also easy to prove. Knowing about Jewish power should be a tool that raises your ability to analyse shit, the people who talk about jews as if they have ultimate unimpeachable power are mind-cucking themselves and being easy strawmen for people like you to knock down.
Nice try
The Rothschild family has 400 billion
That’s almost quadruple what Jeff Bezos has